887 Chapter 887-Self-binding

Ye Fan frowned.

Wine Sword Immortal asked, “Why, you don’t want to?”

“Dean, you know, I’m not good at doing these things …” Ye Fan brace oneself said.

Wine Sword Immortal said lightly: “Not good at it, so you need to learn! Otherwise, how can Dean rest assured that you should give Dean a place in the future?”

Paused, Wine Sword Immortal also said, “Alternatively, can you solve the problem of resources?”

Ye Fan corner of the mouth twitched: “That’s all right.”

With a helpless grin, Ye Fan said, “Okay, I’m in charge of other things and resources, and I’ll leave it to Dean to solve it.”

After a while, everyone went away, each busy with their own affairs.

Until everyone left, Wine Sword Immortal covered his forehead: “Headache!”

Shrouding the Heavens World ’s resources are almost controlled by all major forces, and most of them have a master. Even if there is no master, they are all searched by Sky Academy people during their training. Therefore, Wine Sword Immortal simply I never thought of relying on the resources of Shrouding the Heavens World to supply the needs of Shrouding the Heavens. Moreover, this resource is far from meeting the needs of Shrouding the Heavens.

Wine Sword Immortal knows very well that there is only one place that can meet the needs of the Shrouding the Heavens branch, and that is … Sky World!

However, the entire Sky World is the deity, and the resources in it are also the deities. He has no right to use these resources to supply the demand of the Shrouding the Heavens branch.

Besides, if he does, other Avatars can do the same?

In this way, what advantages can Shrouding the Heavens have?

Wine Sword Immortal was not in a hurry to meet Zhang Yu. He knew that Zhang Yu was now concentrating on setting up a wormhole. If Zhang Yu was disturbed at this time, the problem of resources would be even worse.

As time passes slowly, everyone at Shrouding the Heavens Branch is methodical, formulates various rules and regulations, and continues to improve.

In the atrium square, Zhang Yu has finally set up six teleportation wormholes!

He didn’t set up a wormhole to and from the Wild World and Sky World, because he didn’t want to let Shrouding the Heavens World and other Worlds be exposed to the outside world so early. In addition, Sky World hid too many secrets. It is also a treasure World, accumulating the infinite wealth of the System Old Master, and it is impossible for outsiders to enter and exit at will.

“My deity.” After Zhang Yu set up the teleport wormhole, Wine Sword Immortal immediately appeared next to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu glanced at Wine Sword Immortal, without having to wait for Wine Sword Immortal to say, he understood Wine Sword Immortal’s intent.

He said lightly: “Want resources?”

Wine Sword Immortal laughed awkwardly, rubbing his hands and saying, “Well, please fulfill this deity!”

“If it is given to you, will Old Man Tian Ji, Greedy Wolf Dog, Swallowing Heaven Beast and the others come to ask for it?” Zhang Yu asked, “You said, I would give or not give ? “

Of course, no!

However, in this case, Wine Sword Immortal is finally speaking out.

Before waiting for Wine Sword Immortal to speak, Zhang Yu immediately made a sound transmission to Old Man Tian Ji, Greedy Wolf Dog, and Swallowing Heaven Beast, summoning the three of them.

After a few breaths, the three appeared beside Zhang Yu and Wine Sword Immortal.

“The deity.” Old Man Tian Ji respectfully said.

Zhang Yu waved his hand and said, “Did you see these teleportation wormholes? Next, I will set up teleportation wormholes in each World, and open up many channels between 7th grade Great World. In the future, I will even open eight The channel of the True God world, allowing all living beings to freely travel to and from the world.

Old Man Tian Ji, Greedy Wolf Dog and Swallowing Heaven Beast are all somewhat surprised.

In fact, before they came, they discovered that two unfathomable mystery wormholes (connecting to the entrance and exit of Shrouding the Heavens World) appeared in their respective World branches, like the wormhole created by Zhang Yu However, before they were sure what the mysterious wormhole was, they received Zhang Yu’s sound transmission and hurried over.

Now suddenly I heard Zhang Yu’s words, they couldn’t bear to be surprised.

The news came so suddenly that they were not prepared at all.

“I will hand over these wormholes to the management of each branch. The only requirement is that they cannot affect the normal operation of each World because of the wormhole and cannot cause confusion.” Zhang Yu said to several people: “Just now Wine Sword Immortal has agreed with me, what about you guys? “

Old Man Tian Ji looked at each other three times, then respectfully said, “I have no objection.”

There are no objections, and they dare not object, unless they have a long history of suspicion.

“You don’t have to be too anxious. At this moment, only the Shrouding the Heavens World and the Worlds are connected to each other. However, you need to set up separate teleportation wormholes between other Worlds, such as DooWorld and Sword.” The wormhole between Worlds, the wormhole between Xian Sword World and Journey to the West. After I’m busy here, I will go to another World to set up a wormhole. “Zhang Yu said,” while taking this time , Go back and discuss how to manage the wormhole. “

Everyone is solemnly nodded.

It is very important to transmit wormholes, and they dare not despise them!

“In addition, let you come, there is one more thing to ask for your opinion.” Zhang Yu glanced at Wine Sword Immortal, and then said to the three Old Man Tian Ji: “Wine Sword Immortal wants me to give him alone Some resources, you say, should I give them? “

Old Man Tian Ji, Greedy Wolf Dog, and Swallowing Heaven Beast all looked at Wine Sword Immortal in doubt.

Give him some resources alone?

As Avatar of the deity, when do they need resources and go directly to Sky World to get it, why not ask for the opinion of the deity? Also, what does the word ‘alone’ mean?

“He meant, probably to use resources for others.” Zhang Yu saw Old Man Tian Ji A few people did not respond for a while, and could not help reminding: “In other words, use resources to develop Shrouding the Heavens Branch, and the entire Shrouding the Heavens World! “

At this time, Old Man Tian Ji reacted instantly.

“Okay, Wine Sword Immortal, you are so treacherous!” The greedy wolf dog stared at the eyes and said, “You can only devour resources, such a thing, you can’t figure it out! Don’t forget, in the eyes of outsiders You are from Sword World! Are you afraid that others will poke your spine? “

Swallowing Heaven Beast is also indignant: “Absolutely not! Everyone is Avatar. Why do you alone devour resources to develop your Shrouding the Heavens branch and Shrouding the Heavens World? Want me to say that the Journey to the West is more than you. More resources are needed, after all, our Westward Journey to the Demon Magic was established the latest, and our comprehensive strength is also the weakest! “

Old Man Tian Ji faintly said: “Wine Sword Immortal, this time, you have done a little bit of work …”

Wine Sword Immortal was embarrassed by the trio of greedy wolf god dogs and smirked, “Isn’t this not promised by your dear? What are you anxious …”

“That’s because the deity is wise and has nothing to do with you!” The greedy wolf dog glared at Wine Sword Immortal and said dissatisfied.

Zhang Yu waved his hand and stopped several people from arguing, and then said, “It’s almost enough to quarrel. I asked you to come here to solve this problem and make a fair plan.”

Hearing this, a few greedy wolf god dogs calmed down.

“If I say, don’t even give one!” Swallowing Heaven Beast in a low, muffled voice said, “This is the most fair!”

The proposal of Swallowing Heaven Beast was immediately endorsed by Old Man Tian Ji and the greedy wolf god dog. Even Wine Sword Immortal, although somewhat unwilling, had to admit that this is indeed the fairest way to deal with it. It can be imagined that no matter who Zhang Yu favors and gives more resources to the favor, the remaining three will not accept.

“If there is no other way, it will have to be this way.” Wine Sword Immortal gave up the original plan, he can not take advantage of himself, but never allow others to take advantage.

Zhang Yu looked at the people who were dying, shook his head and said, “There are ways, naturally!”

Listening to this statement, the Wine Sword Immortal are all looking towards Zhang Yu, both curious and expectant, but also nervous and shy.

Everyone wants more resources, but if the results are not good for themselves, then it is better to maintain the status quo!

In particular, Wine Sword Immortal, he first proposed that if he got the least resources, it would be tantamount to lifting himself to the ground.

“It’s easy!” Zhang Yu said with a smile: “From now on, the resources obtained by each branch will be determined according to your Cultivation Base! The higher the Cultivation Base, the more resources you will receive, and the more the Cultivation Base will be. The lower the natural resources you get! Now your actual Cultivation Base is only Transcendent lower realm. Therefore, Shrouding the Heavens Branch, Doupo Branch, Xianjian Branch, and Xiyou Jiangmen Branch can all get Transcendent lower realm resources. Whoever breaks through to Transcendent Middle Realm can get the resources of Transcendent Middle Realm, and so on. “

Zhang Yu has a hunter-like smile on his face: “If you can reach the eighth-order True God Realm, I don’t mind giving you the resources of the eighth-order True God Realm!”

At the end, Zhang Yu also added: “Remember, this reward is settled once a month! Therefore, the sooner the Cultivation Base breaks through, the greater the benefits will be, and the more it will be able to open up with others Gap! “

Wine Sword Immortal All of them stopped.

They never dreamed that Zhang Yu would come up with such a method.

Indeed, this method is very fair. Whoever cultivates diligently, the higher the Cultivation Base, the greater the benefits. The branch and World they are in will benefit from this, but the problem is that they are lazy! They tried everything to get freedom, just to experience a leisurely life, not bound by various rules and regulations, but now, in the end, they seem to have gone back to the old way.

Instead, they would prefer no resources and maintain the status quo.

Wine Sword Immortal said with a bitter smile: “My dear, I think so, that’s fine now, that resource, I don’t want it.”

Several greedy wolf god dogs also said, “Yes, it’s good now, there is no need to change it anymore.”

“I’m telling you, not talking to you.” Zhang Yu said lightly: “In the future, follow this rule!”

Hearing this, everyone is bitter.

The greedy wolf god dog, Swallowing Heaven Beast and Old Man Tian Ji all looked towards Wine Sword Immortal with resentful glances.

Wine Sword Immortal is also having unspeakable bitter suffering: “Isn’t this a stone to hit your own foot?”

Self-binding as a cocoon!

Wine Sword Immortal is so depressed that I want to cry.

It’s okay, why mention exclusive resources!

Now that everyone is fine, no one can be lazy!

What are you afraid of? At worst, a few of us have a good discussion, and no one will break through to Transcendent Middle Realm! In this way, everyone is the same, and the reward is no different … “Wine Sword Immortal was stared at by the eyes of several people He felt furry and then gritted his teeth, sound transmission said.

However, this method is ultimately unrealistic. After all, they are not Zhang Yu and cannot see each other’s heart. What if one of them secretly works hard?

Zhang Yu seems to feel the idea of ​​Wine Sword Immortal. Faint smile said, “Want to be a salted fish? Yes! It does n’t matter if you do n’t cultivate, but I will inform all the people in the branch about this. The Cultivation Base is also about the resources they will enjoy in the future. If you are not afraid of the words of the people in the branch, then I have no problem. Anyway, you take care of it yourself. “

He opened the transmission wormhole, which is to cause competition and exchanges between the major branches. How can they separate themselves from Dean?

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