Chapter 896 The Smart Avatars

Just as Zhang Yu was thinking about when to post the mission, he suddenly received the sound transmission from Wine Sword Immortal: “My deity.”

“I’m in Sky World, you Come on, “Zhang Yu stopped thinking, and said to Wine Sword Immortal sound transmission.

Next moment, a silhouette of Wine Sword Immortal appears next to Zhang Yu, with an excited smile on his face.

I saw him sneaking around and looked at all around. It was determined that only Zhang Yu was alone, and then his face was filled with a bright smile: “My dear, I ’m Cultivation Base breakthrough!”

He came here for one purpose only, and that was to inform Zhang Yu that his Cultivation Base broke through. After Dean Avatar, he became the second Cultivation Base to reach Avatar at Transcendent Middle Realm.

“Aren’t you very reluctant to cultivate?” Zhang Yu faint smile, “Why did you break through so quickly?”

Wine Sword Immortal smiled stiffly, and then smiled: ” My dear laughed, I have never rejected cultivation, I hope that my deeds are clear! “

Zhang Yu looked at Wine Sword Immortal, with a smile on his face, but did not speak.

I was stared at Zhang Yu with a bit of hair, for a long while, Wine Sword Immortal lowered his head, shook his head, and said, “Well, I admit, I really reject cultivation, but for the sake of shrouding the Heavens branch, doesn’t cultivate wouldn’t work! “

For Shrouding the Heavens branch?

No, he is afraid of being poked at his spine!

“Anyway, your Cultivation Base breakthrough has been a good thing.” Zhang Yu faintly smiled, “From next month, the resources of your Shrouding the Heavens branch will be distributed according to the grade of Transcendent Middle Realm. “

Hearing this, Wine Sword Immortal refreshed and laughed:” Thank you. “

With more resources, Shrouding the Heavens will definitely get better. Development, he no longer has to worry about everyone in Shrouding the Heavens Branch criticizing him behind.

Wine Sword Immortal secretly relieved, this time, finally relaxed.

“Well, dear, about my Cultivation Base breakthrough, please keep it secret for me.” Wine Sword Immortal suddenly remembered something and said hurriedly, “I don’t want others to know about this.”

Zhang Yu’s eyebrows are raised: “Why, you worry about Old Man Tian Ji, they know?”

Wine Sword Immortal forced a smile, neither admits nor denies it, but it means It is already quite obvious.

“Okay, I can keep it secret for you.” Zhang Yu faintly smiled, “But they are not stupid, even if I don’t say, they can guess when the situation of Shrouding the Heavens branch changes. Come. “

Wine Sword Immortal didn’t care, and said,” As they guess, anyway, as long as I bite and don’t admit it, they can’t help me. “

Zhang Yu was about to speak Suddenly I received another sound transmission, this time sound transmission, from Old Man Tian Ji.

“Old Man Tian Ji just followed me for sound transmission and is coming soon. Would you like to stay and check it out?” Zhang Yu looked towards Wine Sword Immortal.

Wine Sword Immortal wondered: “The old man suddenly contacted you for what to do?”

Wine Sword Immortal quickly shook his head and said, “No, my dear, I will first Farewell. Please also remember this dear, don’t let them know that I am Cultivation Base breakthrough. “

Before waiting for Zhang Yu nodded, Wine Sword Immortal hurried away, for fear of being hit by Old Man Tian Ji. .

After Wine Sword Immortal’s departure, Zhang Yu said to Old Man Tian Ji sound transmission: “Please come directly to Sky World.”

After receiving Zhang Yu’s sound transmission, Old Man Tian Ji immediately Just rushed over.

“Is there anything wrong?” Zhang Yu played with a precious ore indifferently asked.

“My dear, I ’m Cultivation Base breakthrough!” Old Man Tian Ji looked at all around like a thief, and after confirming that there are no outsiders, he ca n’t wait to say: “According to the rules you set, Beginning next month, Dou Po Branch deserves more resources. Please respect this book! “

Zhang Yu raised an eyebrow and looked up and down the Old Man Tian Ji’s eyes, looking surprised. “Is your Cultivation Base also broken through?”

I do n’t know if this was intentional or unintentional.

Old Man Tian Ji startled: “Also?”

“Nothing.” Zhang Yu shook his head and said, “Okay, just as you say, from next month, The resources of Doupo Branch will be distributed according to the grade of Transcendent Middle Realm. Is there anything else? “

” That … “Old Man Tian Ji hesitated and whispered:” About me Cultivation Base breakthrough, please dear to me. ”

It is worthy of Zhangtar’s Avatar. The ideas of Wine Sword Immortal and Old Man Tian Ji are so similar.

Zhang Yu forced to smile, seriously nodded: “Okay, no problem. Keep it secret, you can rest assured, I won’t tell anyone.”

“Thank you! Old Man Tian Ji breathed a sigh of relief, grappled gratefully.

Soon, Old Man Tian Ji hurriedly left and hurried away, seemingly afraid that someone would find himself in Sky World.

On the other side, Wine Sword Immortal, who has just returned to the Shrouding the Heavens, is secretly thinking: “Strange, what is the old man unfathomable mystery looking for?” They all know the nature of the deity, so If there is no major event, you will not disturb the deity at will. Since Old Man Tian Ji is looking for the deity, it means that there must be some major event. It is related to Old Man Tian Ji. It is also a major event. Wine Sword Immortal thought with his toes, Can guess the reason.

“There are eight-nine because of breaking through the Cultivation Base!” Wine Sword Immortal complexion changed, and then very angry, “Well, this old man is secretly practicing, carrying everyone through the Breakthrough Base. Good to have no shame! “

His face is very unsightly:” I know, these guys can’t be trusted, and they can’t believe a word! “

He has some Fortunately, I’m fortunate enough that I haven’t listened to the funny words of those guys. These days, I practice very hard, otherwise I’m afraid I’ve really been taken by those guys.

“Everyone says that everyone doesn’t cultivate, but some people are working hard on their backs.” Wine Sword Immortal is very disdainful. “It can be seen that these guys are too moral Bad! I’m Wine Sword Immortal, ashamed to work with him! “He didn’t mention anything about his secret cultivation. In his opinion, he was forced to do nothing because he saw the tricks of those guys. Not only were they wrong, they deserved praise.

After the Cultivation Base of understood Old Man Tian Ji also broke through, Wine Sword Immortal’s originally slightly relaxed mood was tense again.

“No, you can’t relax now!” Wine Sword Immortal thought: “The Cultivation Base breakthrough of the heavenly old man, the greedy wolf dog and Swallowing Heaven Beast, it is estimated that they are not far behind, so, Even if my Cultivation Base reaches Transcendent Middle Realm, I do n’t have any leading advantage. I must reach Transcendent Upper Realm as soon as possible to really establish the advantage! ” Nothing can be compared with those guys.

At the same time, Old Man Tian Ji also returned to Doupo Branch.

He recalled Zhang Yu ’s phrase, “Your Cultivation Base has also broken through”, and could n’t help gnashing teeth: “This group of guys, keep their promises!” Disclose any specific information, but the word “Ye” is too subtle and meaningful.

Old Man Tian Ji I do n’t know who is the person who breaks through the Cultivation Base, is it Wine Sword Immortal, greedy wolf dog, or Swallowing Heaven Beast?

Or, did the three Cultivation Bases break through?

“Abominable! Say yes doesn’t cultivate, and as a result each and everyone is not trustworthy, do they treat me as a fool?” Old Man Tian Ji sneered, “Unfortunately, I am still too Wise, I have clearly understood their conspiracy, see through their tricks, and did not get fooled! “He was angry and proud, but fortunately he did not listen to the gossip of those guys, otherwise, those guys would not know How to joke yourself.

“No, I have to hurry up.” Old Man Tian Ji has a sense of urgency. “They have a Cultivation Base breakthrough ahead of them, but I do n’t know how much they are ahead of me. This time, I am lucky, in a month The inside reluctantly caught up, and then, you must not be left behind! “

After having decided, Old Man Tian Ji hurriedly returned to the small courtyard where he lived, sat cross-legged, and practiced intently.

Whether it is Wine Sword Immortal or Old Man Tian Ji, they will never admit their double standards. They insist that they are forced to helplessly, seeing the conspiracy of others, and then secretly hide and practice. , While others do not talk about credit, moral character does not work.

A day later, the greedy wolf dog sneaked around, and Zhang Yu ’s sentence, “Your Cultivation Base has also broken through”, made him grieved, from this simple single sentence Clearly understood a lot of information, the original excitement, disappeared in no time, replaced by the anger of betrayal, and a strong fighting intent.

“Thanks to cultivation, my greedy wolf dog will not counsel!” The greedy wolf dog vowed in his heart that must become the first, no, the second breaks through to Avatar of Transcendent Upper Realm.

With Dean Avatar in front, even if the greedy wolf dogs practice hard, they may not be able to catch up with the former, but he never thinks he will lose to the Wine Sword Immortal.

After another day, Swallowing Heaven Beast also found Zhang Yu.

As a result, of course, Zhang Yu expected Swallowing Heaven Beast, full of joy and joy, when she left, her face turned blue.

He felt betrayed. Wine Sword Immortal, Old Man Tian Ji, and the greedy wolf dog were all traitors!

Although Zhang Yu did not reveal anyone ’s secrets, did not disclose who broke through the Cultivation Base, or even did not mention a single word, but the simple single sentence is imaginative and silly. Can hear the sound outside its strings.

“Okay, it’s very good!” Swallowing Heaven Beast was about to bite his teeth when he left, “I know, these guys can’t believe the gossip! They kept practicing secretly from me, so Soon to break through to the Transcendent Middle Realm, but unfortunately, their wishful thinking was wrong! I Swallowing Heaven Beast, after all, I still haven’t been fooled! “

After all, I carried everything alone!

“Cultivation, pay close attention to cultivation!” After returning to the Journey to the West and descending magic branch, Swallowing Heaven Beast said nothing, so the magic owl was generally assisted in cultivation, he had only a single thought in his head, that is, Must in Wine Sword Immortal was the first to reach Transcendent Upper Realm before a few people, and when the time comes, take a good breath.

At this moment, whether it’s Wine Sword Immortal, or Old Man Tian Ji, Greedy Wolf Dog, Swallowing Heaven Beast, all hold their breath and practice with their lives.

Everyone feels betrayed by the other three, and at the same time is proud of his wit, thankfully he has not been blinded or fooled.

At Sky World, Zhang Yu’s mouth slightly raised: “Being a man should be creditworthy. When I say it’s confidential for you, I’ll keep it confidential for you. I didn’t disclose anyone’s name …”

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