Martial Mythology

Chapter 896: witty doppelgangers

   Chapter 896 Witty clones

   Just when Zhang Yu was thinking about when to release the task, he suddenly received a voice transmission from Jiujianxian: "This deity."

   "I'm in the realm of the sky, you come." Zhang Yu stopped thinking and said to Jiujianxian.

   The next moment, Jiujianxian's figure appeared beside Zhang Yu with an excited smile on his face.

  I saw him sneaking around and looking around, and after confirming that Zhang Yu was the only one, there was a bright smile on his face: "My deity, my cultivation has broken through!"

   He came here for only one purpose, that is, to inform Zhang Yu that his cultivation had broken through. Since the dean's avatar, he became the second avatar whose cultivation has reached the detached state.

   "Aren't you very reluctant to cultivate?" Zhang Yu smiled, "Why did you break through so quickly?"

  Jiujianxian's smile stiffened, and then he smiled shyly: "This deity is joking, I have never rejected cultivation, and I hope this deity can see it!"

   Zhang Yu looked at Jiujianxian with a smile on his face, but did not speak.

Zhang Yu stared at his heart, and after a long while, Jiu Jianxian lowered his head, shrugged his head, and said, "Okay, I admit, I do reject cultivation, but in order to cover the sky, it is not enough to not cultivate. !"

   In order to cover the sky?

  No, he was afraid of being poked in the spine!

   "Anyway, your cultivation base has broken through, which is always a good thing." Zhang Yu smiled lightly, "From next month, the resources of your Zhetian Branch will be distributed according to the level of detachment."

   Hearing this, Jiujianxian was refreshed and smiled: "Thank you for the deity."

   With more resources, Zhetian Branch will definitely be able to develop better, and he no longer has to worry about people in Zhetian Branch criticizing him behind his back.

   Wine Sword Immortal secretly breathed a sigh of relief, this time, it was finally relieved.

   "By the way, deity, please keep secret about my breakthrough in cultivation." Jiujianxian suddenly remembered something and hurriedly said, "I don't want others to know about this."

   Zhang Yu raised his eyebrows: "Why, are you worried about the old man Tianji and they know?"

   Jiujianxian laughed dryly, neither admitting nor denying it, but the meaning was quite obvious.

   "Okay, I can keep it a secret for you." Zhang Yu smiled lightly, "However, they are not fools. Even if I don't say it, they can guess when they find out that the situation of Zhetian Branch has changed."

  Jiujianxian didn't care, and said: "Let them guess what they want. Anyway, as long as I kill me and don't admit it, they can't help me."

   Just as Zhang Yu was about to speak, he suddenly received another voice transmission, this time from the old man Tianji.

   "Old Man Tianji just sent a voice transmission to me, and is coming over soon, do you want to stay and have a look?" Zhang Yu looked at Jiujianxian.

  Jiujianxian asked suspiciously: "What did the old man from Tianji suddenly contact you for?"

   Before he could think about it, Jiujianxian quickly shook his head and said, "No, this deity, I will leave first. I also ask this deity to remember, don't let them know that my cultivation has broken through."

   Without waiting for Zhang Yu to nod, Jiujianxian left in a hurry, for fear of being caught by the old man Tianji.

   When Jiujianxian left, Zhang Yucai said to the old man Tianji: "You can come directly to the sky world."

   Receiving Zhang Yu's voice transmission, the old man Tianji rushed over immediately.

   "What's the matter?" Zhang Yu asked lightly, playing with a piece of precious ore.

"My deity, my cultivation has broken through!" The old man Tianji looked around like a thief, and after confirming that there were no outsiders, he couldn't wait to say: "According to the rules you set, from next month, Doupo Branch should be Get more resources. Please enlighten me!"

   Zhang Yu raised his eyebrows, looked up and down the old man Tianji, and looked surprised: "Your cultivation has also broken through?"

   I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional.

  The old man Tianji was startled: "Also?"

   "It's nothing." Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "Okay, just as you said, starting from next month, the resources of the Doupo Branch will be distributed according to the level of detachment. Is there anything else?"

   "That..." The old man Tianji hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice, "About my breakthrough in cultivation, please keep it a secret for me."

   As expected of Zhang Yu's avatar, Jiujianxian and Tianji Old Man's thoughts are so similar.

   Zhang Yuqiang held back a smile and nodded seriously: "Okay, no problem. Keep it secret, don't worry, I will definitely not tell anyone."

   "Thank you deity!" The old man Tianji breathed a sigh of relief and nodded gratefully.

   Soon, the old man Tianji left in a hurry and left in a hurry, as if he was afraid that others would find out that he had been to the realm of the sky.

On the other side, Jiujianxian, who had just returned to the Zhetian Branch, was thinking secretly: "Strange, what did the old man Tianji find the deity for inexplicably?" They all know the temperament of the deity, so if there is no major event, they will not be casual. Going to disturb the deity, since the old man of Tianji is looking for the deity, it means that there must be something important. It is related to the old man of Tianji, and it is a major event. Jiujianxian can guess the reason by thinking with his toes.

   "Nine times out of ten, it's because of breaking through the cultivation base!" Jiujianxian's face changed, and then he was very angry, "Hey, this old man with a secret, actually cultivated secretly, and broke through the cultivation base behind everyone's back, so shameless!"

   His face was extremely ugly: "I knew that these guys are unreliable, and you can't believe a word of their words!"

   He was a little fortunate, but fortunately, he was witty enough to not listen to the nonsense of those guys. He cultivated extremely hard these days, otherwise, he might have really fallen for those guys.

"It's agreed that everyone doesn't practice cultivation, but some people are working hard behind their backs." Jiujianxian is very disdainful, "It can be seen that these guys are too bad! I, Jiujianxian, are ashamed. To be in the company of them!" He didn't mention his secret cultivation at all, in his opinion, he was forced to be helpless, and it was because he saw through the tricks of those guys that he didn't fall for them, not only was he not wrong , but should be commended.

   After knowing that the old man Tianji's cultivation had also broken through, Jiujianxian's slightly relaxed mood became tense again.

"No, I can't relax now!" Jiujianxian thought: "Old man Tianji's cultivation has broken through, and the wolf dog and swallowing beast are probably not far behind. In this way, even if my cultivation has reached the detachment I don’t have any leading edge either. I have to achieve detachment as soon as possible before I can really establish an advantage!”

  Cultivation, you must practice hard, practice hard, and you can't be compared by those guys.

   At the same time, the old man Tianji also returned to Doupa Branch.

   He recalled Zhang Yu's sentence "Your cultivation has also broken through", and he couldn't help gnashing his teeth: "These guys are not keeping their promises!"

  Although Zhang Yu did not disclose any specific information at the time, the word "also" was used too delicately and had a profound meaning.

  Old Man Tianji doesn't know who is the one who has broken through the cultivation realm, is it a wine sword fairy, a wolf-greedy dog, or a heaven-devouring beast?

   Or, the cultivation of those three guys has all broken through?

"Damn! I agreed not to cultivate, but in the end, everyone didn't keep their promises, and they all regarded me as a fool?" The old man Tianji sneered, "It's a pity, I'm still too wise after all, I have seen their conspiracy long ago, and see through it. I didn't get fooled by their tricks!" He was both angry and proud, but fortunately he didn't listen to the nonsense of those guys, otherwise, those guys wouldn't know how to laugh at him.

"No, we have to hurry up and practice." The old man Tianji had a sense of urgency, "They have made breakthroughs in their cultivation base, and I don't know how much ahead of me. This time, I was lucky and barely caught up within a month. Next, Never fall behind!"

   Having made a decision, the old man Tianji hurriedly returned to the small courtyard where he lived, sat cross-legged, and concentrated on practicing.

Whether it is Jiujianxian or Tianji old man, they will never admit their double standards. They all insist that they are forced to see through other people's conspiracy, so they will secretly hide and cultivate, and others are not trustworthy. Character doesn't work.

A day later, the greedy wolf dog sneaked in, and Zhang Yu's sentence "Your cultivation has also broken through" made him brooding. From this simple sentence, he learned a lot of information. The originally excited mood suddenly disappeared without a trace, replaced by the anger of being betrayed, and a strong will to fight.

   "Compared to cultivation, my greedy wolf dog won't be cowardly!" The greedy wolf **** dog swore in his heart that he must become the first, no, the second avatar to break through to the upper realm of detachment.

   With the avatar of the dean in front of him, even if the greedy wolf **** dog tried his best to cultivate, he might not be able to catch up with the former, but he never thought that he would lose to Jiujianxian and the others.

   After another day, the swallowing beast also found Zhang Yu.

   And the result, naturally as Zhang Yu expected, the swallowing beast who came full of joy, but his face was ashen when he left.

   He felt that he had been betrayed. The Wine Sword Immortal, the Old Man of Heavenly Secrets, and the Greedy Wolf God Dog were all traitors!

  Although Zhang Yu didn't reveal anyone's secrets, didn't reveal who had broken through the cultivation base, and didn't even mention a single word, but that simple sentence made people think about it, and even a fool could hear it.

"Okay, very good!" When the swallowing beast was about to leave, his teeth were rattling, "I knew that the nonsense of these guys can't be trusted! They secretly cultivated without me, so quickly broke through to the detachment state. It's a pity that their wishful thinking was wrong! I swallowed the beast, but I still didn't fall for it!"

   After all, I was the one who carried it all!

"Cultivation, hurry up and practice!" After returning to the Westward Journey to Conquer the Demons Branch, Tian Tian Beast did not say a word, and began to cultivate as if in a daze. There was only one thought in his mind, that is, he must be the first to achieve the goal before Jiujian Xian and the others. Transcend the upper bounds, and take a good breath at that time.

   At this moment, whether it is the wine sword fairy, or the old man of heaven, the greedy wolf dog, and the swallowing beast, they are all suffocating and practicing desperately.

   Everyone felt that they had been betrayed by the other three, and at the same time, they were proud of their wit, and they were glad that they were not deceived and deceived.

  In the realm of the sky, the corners of Zhang Yu's mouth raised slightly: "Being honest, you have to be trustworthy. If you say you keep it a secret, then keep it for you. I haven't disclosed anyone's name..."

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