Chapter 898 Status

After listening to Zhang Haoran’s description of identity tokens, everyone has paid more attention to identity tokens than ever before.

Although it is not a Divine Item, it is infinitely more valuable than the Divine Item!

It can save lives, transmit, and prove your identity, no matter where you go, its value is inestimable!

Everyone holds the identity token in their hands and is extremely satisfied, as if holding a baby.

“Okay, the tokens have been issued to you. Next, Yuer will record your Cultivation Base in person to confirm the growth of your Cultivation Base every month. To record once, if there is no record, it is considered to give up the ranking reward automatically. “Zhang Haoran said:” You line up, Tutor come first. “

Chen Gu, Ou Shenfeng, Ao Kun Step forward and get tested.

At the same time, a silhouette of Dean Avatar appeared in front of everyone.

“Dean!” Everyone respected saluted.

Dean Avatar looks exactly the same as Zhang Yu, even in the same clothes. Outsiders cannot distinguish the two at all.

Of course, no matter whether it is Dean Avatar or Zhang Yu himself, in the eyes of everyone, there is no difference, anyway, it is Dean’s Avatar, which Avatar does not seem to need to delve into it.

Dean Avatar is slightly nodded, and then turned over the palm, a thick booklet appears on the palm.

Looking over Ou Shenfeng, Dean Avatar recorded the former Culture Base, and then said lightly: “Next.”

After a while, the Human Race Department, Monster Race Department, Everyone at Dragon Race has been tested, and their respective Culture Bases are also on file.

After closing the booklet and handing it to Zhang Haoran, Dean Avatar calmly said, “Remember it.”

Immediately, his silhouette dispersed slowly like ripples, without a slight stay , Disappeared in no time.

When Dean Avatar departs, Zhang Haoran closes the booklet and says to everyone: “Last remind you, in the future, Academy will release missions from time to time. The specific mission content can be viewed in the Atrium Plaza. In addition, every time a new task is released, your identity token will receive a reminder. If you are interested in the task, you can go to the atrium square to view the specific task content, or if you are not interested, you can ignore it. “

After explaining it in detail, Zhang Haoran asked, “Do you have any questions?”

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads.

“Okay, nothing else, let’s just break up.” Zhang Haoran turned around and walked into the office building.

Outside the building, the crowd did not leave in a hurry, but slowly digested the content of the words spoken by Zhang Haoran.

Some people continue to experiment with identity tokens, get familiar with its various functions, and try to understand it in depth.

“I just tried it, you can take it into dantian, everyone try it soon.” A Human Race student seemed to have discovered the new continent, excited.

Everyone is a little surprised, this thing can still be included within the body?

Ou Shenfeng, Chen Gu and the others have tried one after another, and as the Human Race students said, they can really eat dantian!

“This way, it will be more convenient.” Many people are secretly nodded, and their hearts are also sighed in relief, “Don’t worry about losing it anymore.”

Xiao Yan is a heart-moving, saying: “Can be ingested within the body, is it possible that, this identity token can be used as a weapon?”

Ou Shenfeng is also startled: “可Dripping blood recognizes the Master, which can be taken into the body. So it seems that this identity token has the characteristics of some weapons. Could it be that Dean refined it by means of Refiner? “

“I try!” A Monster Race student immediately took out the identity token that had just been taken into Dantian, and then infused a spin, and saw that the identity token instantly burst into a dazzling rays of light. Rays of light contain powerful power, “really strong!”

Everyone is looking sideways.

A student in the Parting Revolving realm, inspired the power of the token, and a power wave that was comparable to the powerhouse in the Evading Revolving realm broke out!

Xiao Yan is unbelievable: “It is comparable to the Grade 6 weapon!”

This identity token, the increase in the rotation force, and its own power, compared to Grade 6 Weapons are only strong and not weak!

“Not only that!” Ou Shenfeng dignified: “This token also has its own defense function! Look at the rays of light, like a mask, I just tried it, Evading Revolving environment The power of the mask cannot be broken at all. Only the power of the Transcendent Realm can break the mask … “

The most terrifying thing is that the energy of the mask seems to be endless, even at all times. In consumption, there is still a continuously supplement, and I don’t know where that energy comes from.

Everyone is surprised. This identity token even comes with such a powerful defense function, and the attack is also not worse than the Grade 6 weapon of top grade!

It is indeed Dean’s handwriting!

“Hey, everyone ’s identity tokens look different in color!” Someone said with a doubt when he saw the identity token in the hands of Ou Shenfeng.

For a while, everyone took out their own identity tokens. By comparison, it was found that the identity tokens of the dean, tutor, and students were really different in color. The identity token of the dean was purple. The color of Tutor is blue, the color of the students is silver, and the color of the teaching assistant is also silver, which is the same as the color of the students.

Ou Shenfeng speculated: “The color should be representative, the head of the department is a color, Tutor is a color, and the student is a color.”

“Mine is also purple.” Bai Ling hesitated, and revealed his identity token. “I just noticed that the identity token of Old Ancestor and the identity tokens of the super Divine Beast Senior are all purple.”

Wu Mo also revealed his identity token: “My mine is blue.”

Long Yi glanced around, and then said: “My mine is also blue.”

Ou Shenfeng froze for a moment, carefully looked at the person whose identity token was purple, and then looked at the person whose identity token was blue, and he gradually got the answer: “It seems that identity is only one of the factors that determine the color. Cultivation Base and strength, or special career level, are also factors that determine color! “

The people holding the purple token have three chiefs, Bai Ling, and all Super Divine Beast.

The people holding blue tokens are the official Tutor, Wu Mo, and Long Yan.

The remaining people, whether they are teaching assistants or students, are all silver tokens.

There is no doubt that different colors represent different statuses, as well as Cultivation Base strength and special career levels!

The purple token is undoubtedly the most honorable token, followed by the blue token, and finally the silver token.

In a sense, the holder of the purple token is higher than the holder of the blue token, and the holder of the blue token is higher than the silver token. Holder. However, the color of the token should not be fixed. If the holder of the silver token, the Cultivation Base achieves a significant breakthrough, or if the special occupation level reaches a certain standard, or becomes a formal tutor of the Sky Academy, then the color of the token Will also turn blue. Similarly, the holder of the blue token also has the opportunity to upgrade the color of the token to purple.

Neither Zhang Yu nor Zhang Haoran have emphasized this point, but as long as they are not fools, they can guess the meaning of the token color.

“I don’t know if my Culture Base can reach the Transcendent lower realm, can I upgrade the token color to blue?” Long Yao looked at the side Long Yao. Among the many students, only Wu Mo and Long Yan’s identity order The card is blue, Bai Ling’s identity token is purple, and the rest of the identity tokens are silver, which is naturally particularly noticeable.

Wu Mo is a seven-star Pill Refining Master, Longyan is a Transcendent lower realm powerhouse, and Bai Ling is an eight-star Illusion Technique teacher. This means that the special occupation level reaches seven stars, or the Culture Base. Reaching the Transcendent lower realm will most likely upgrade the identity token to blue, while the special occupation level reaching eight stars is likely to be upgraded to purple.

Everyone looked at Wu Mo and Bai Ling with envy!

I am also a student. Why is there such a big gap?

The color of this identity token vaguely proves that Wu Mo’s status is no less than that of any formal tutor, and Bai Ling’s status can be related to the three major heads, and many Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse shoulder to shoulder!

As for Long Yan, no one envys him. After all, he is an old-fashioned powerhouse, the first group of people to become top powerhouse, and later the first group of Transcendent powerhouse. He holds the blue identity token, as it should be by rights.

Facing the envious eyes of everyone, Wu Mo and Bai Ling both felt a little ashamed.

“Our achievements are bestowed by Dean … We are nothing better than others.” In the face of such detached treatment, both felt ashamed, especially Bai Ling, who she received The treatment is comparable to the three chiefs, as well as the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, the purple token is also extremely dazzling, giving her the feeling of being grilled on the fire.

Both of them are very self-aware, knowing that they are not worthy of the purple token and the blue token.

Maybe I can see the anxiety between Wu Mo and Bai Ling, Ou Shenfeng laughed: “One of you is the Seven-Star Pill Refining Master, and the other is the Eight-Star Illusion Technique Master, who is fully worthy of your identity token. It doesn’t have to be this way. “

” But … I, the Pill Refining Technique, are given by Dean. Without Dean, I am nothing. “Wu Mo said with a bitter smile.

Bai Ling nodded, the glory represented by the purple token, she felt unworthy.

Ou Shenfeng shook his head and said, “It’s not important how you got it. What’s important is that you do have this ability. Besides, Dean chose to train you because of your value and advantages. Being cultivated by Dean is itself a glory of Supreme! Therefore, you do n’t need to worry about it. No matter what color of the identity token, since it is issued to you, you can rest assured. I think Dean and Deputy Dean are also well thought out, That’s the way to decide. “

Everyone’s identity token is engraved with their own name, as is Bai Ling and Wu Mo.

Since Dean engraved Bai Ling’s name on the purple token and Wu Mo’s name on the blue token, it proves that Dean recognized them. After all, Dean couldn’t be wrong about this kind of thing.

I can see that Ou Shenfeng has moved Dean’s name out. The students who were jealous of the two had calmed down, but only envy was left.

Wu Mo and Bai Ling are also much calmer.

“People who get the silver token don’t have to be frustrated. As long as you work hard, raise the Culture Base to Transcendent Realm, maybe you can upgrade the color of the identity token to blue! Dragon桓 is the best example! “Ou Shenfeng encouraged the remaining students:” Special occupation students, as long as they raise the special occupation level to seven stars, they should be able to upgrade the color of the identity token to blue! “

Although Ou Shenfeng only speculates, this speculation convinces everyone.

“Special vocational levels reach seven stars …” Students in the major special vocational classes shook their heads secretly. “Forget it, if you have the time, you might as well hurry up to practice and raise the Cultivation Base to Transcendent Realm is a bit more reliable … “

The difficulty of increasing the special occupation level is far higher than the difficulty of their Cultivation Base, and it is a hundred times and a thousand times harder!

Take a deep look at Wu Mo and Bai Ling, everyone seemed to be stimulated, secretly vowed, must upgrade the token as soon as possible, blue, even purple, what a desirable color!

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