Chapter 899 Divine Tablet Heaven Drop

“hong long long!”

While everyone was immersed in the token, suddenly a deafening sound came from their ears, and they immediately attracted everyone’s attention Attracted the past.

As soon as they looked up, a bright rays of light bloomed suddenly, just like gorgeous flowers.

Everyone immediately put away their identity tokens, and then moved towards the Atrium Square.

The bright rays of light come from the atrium square.

Ao Kun, Chen Gu and the others are teleported directly to the atrium square. Looking at the amazing picture in the atrium square, everyone is calmed down.

I saw a huge Divine Tablet that looked like a giant pillar, descending from the sky and slowly inserting it into the ground of the square.

The Divine Tablet, which came without warning, made the entire Desolate Mountain tremble gently.

“What’s that?” Everyone looked at the Divine Tablet in amazement, afraid to act blindly without thinking.

After a while, when Divine Tablet rays of light gradually dissipated, revealing its true colors.

The entire Divine Tablet is tall hundred zhang and wide several ten zhang. It is dark and exudes a thick, simple atmosphere. It seems to have been buried underground for thousands of years. The surface of the Divine Tablet is smooth, as if passing In general, there are no edges and corners. When the rays of light are restrained and completely dissipated, they are quietly inserted on the ground without seeing a little difference.

The people in the three major departments are all staring at Divine Tablet with suspicion.

After a few breaths, the Divine Tablet changed without warning.

I just saw the top of the Divine Tablet, slowly blooming a brilliance, countless points of light converge, forming each and everyone’s eye-catching light words.

Missions to Heaven!

The five characters stand on the top of the Divine Tablet, like a lighthouse in the night, firmly attracting everyone’s attention.

“Stone missions.” Ou Shenfeng read it subconsciously, “This is the Divine Tablet released by the Academy!”

The rest of the people did not speak, but their eyes were dead. Staring at the mission tablets of the heavens, the name already showed everything, and they didn’t need to guess at all.

Everyone has no doubt that this “skeleton mission monument” is undoubtedly made by Dean. Although Dean’s silhouette cannot be seen, they are sure that Dean must be in the vicinity at this time.

However, before they had time to think about it, the mission monument of the heavens changed again.

I can see that the celestial mission monument is on the front, more and more light spots begin to condense, forming each and everyone’s magnificent characters.

“Raiders missions”

Mission objectives: Journey to the West World (top 7th grade Great World)

Mission requirements: Establish Journey to the West branch, solicit Students, radiate the influence of the branch to the entire Journey to the West World (can carry up to three facilitators, and the Cultivation Base is not limited)

Task time: 30 days

Mission rewards: one hundred Spirit Stones, three Grade 7 Divine Pills, ten Grade 7 medicinal herbs, ten Grade 7 ore

Failure Penalty: You ca n’t receive the missions in one year, Deduct resources that should be enjoyed that month

Conditions for receiving: purple identity token (General Hospital), Transcendent Upper Realm strength (branch). “

” Raiders missions

Mission objectives: Journey to the West Backward World (top 7th grade Great World)

Mission requirements: establish Journey to the West Backhaul Branch, recruit students, radiate the influence of the branch to the entire Journey to the West Backcross World (can carry up to three facilitators, and the Cultivation Base does not limit)

Task time: 40 days

Mission rewards: one hundred Spirit Stones, three Grade 7 Divine Pills, ten Grade 7 medicinal herbs, ten Grade 7 ore

Failure Penalty: No more than one year Missions of the heavens, deducting resources that should be enjoyed that month

Conditions for receiving: purple identity token (General Hospital), Transcendent Upper Realm strength (branch hospital). “

Looking at the content that gradually appears on the mission tablets of the heavens, everyone’s eyes seem to be attracted by the magnet, and they can no longer be removed.

The task reward It made everyone stunned. Even Wu Mo, the seven-star Pill Refining Master, couldn’t help but swallow a spit.

The reward is too generous!

One hundred Spirit Stone, three Grade 7 Divine Pills, ten Grade 7 medicinal herbs, ten Grade 7 ore!

Apart from that, just one hundred Spirit Stones is enough for everyone Crazy!

During this time, after the science popularization of Baijie by Illusion Domain Divine Fox, the people of Sky Academy have a deeper understanding and understanding of the value of Spirit Stone, so they understand more, one hundred What value does Spirit Stone have, so many Spirit Stones, it is estimated that even the eighth-order True God Realm powerhouse will be crazy for it.

Also Grade 7 Divine Pill!

I have taken Grade 7 Divine Pill, knows Grade 7 Divine Pill How amazing the effect is, many people are clamoring to please Wu Mo, in order not to ask Wu Mo to make Grade 7 Divine Pill in the future? Now, three ready-made Grade 7 Divine Pills are in front of us. No one can Indifferent.

Ten Grade 7 medicinal herbs are also coveted by everyone.

Even Wu Mo can’t help but clenched his fists.

Although he is a seven-star Pill Refining Master, but there are too few Grade 7 medicinal herbs that he can contact, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. His seven-star Pill Refining Master is also difficult to reflect himself without materials. Value, and now, the appearance of ten Grade 7 medicinal herb made him see hope.

As for the Grade 7 ore, it is the material for refining the Grade 7 Divine Item, and the value is no less than Grade 7. medicinal herb!

Even if there is no Seven-Star Refiner teacher in Sky Academy, everyone believes that sooner or later, Sky Academy will be able to give birth to the Seven-Star Refiner teacher. If the materials can be gathered first, when the time comes, Get the Grade 7 Divine Item in one step!

If you do n’t see the punishment for the task, it will be very severe. I’m afraid Ou Shenfeng and the others can’t help getting the task immediately.

“The punishment is also very severe!” Chen Gu, Ao Kun and the others looked at each other and calmed down a little. “You can no longer receive the missions within one year, and the deduction for the current month is also deducted. Resources, this punishment is not harsh. ”

If only the resources of the month are deducted, it will be nothing, but if you ca n’t receive the heavenly figures within one year, it will be troublesome!

Because the punishment is very severe, so even if the task reward is very enthusiastic, no one is eager to receive it.

Before they are not ready, and before they are completely sure, no one dares to pick up the task at will, because the penalty for failure is unbearable for them!

Restraint of their emotions, everyone continued to look down, and when they saw the conditions for receiving, many people laughed bitterly.

“I know that these two tasks must have high receiving conditions, and they are not.” Wu Mo, Xiao Yan and the others, and many tutors were helplessly sighed, “purple identity token holding Someone, or the powerhouse with Transcendent Upper Realm’s strength, can receive these two tasks … “

The strict acceptance conditions have kept most of the Sky Academy away.

After all, only those who possess the strength of Transcendent Upper Realm, or who hold the purple identity token, have very few people.

Looking at the generous reward, everyone was stunned and helpless.

Watching the receiving conditions carefully, Wu Mo suddenly frowned: “Can the people in the branch also receive the missions of heaven?”

Hearing this, everyone took a closer look at the receiving conditions. Seeing the word “branch” specially marked behind Transcendent Upper Realm’s strength, they couldn’t help it.

“In other words, the purple identity token is aimed at the strength of the General Hospital, Transcendent Upper Realm, and the Courtyard …” The mood of the people could not help but be heavy.

The branch can also receive tasks, which means that the advantages of the general hospital will be further reduced, and the competition will be more intense.

Everyone looked at each other, all of them looked dignified.

With the addition of the branch, the general hospital can undoubtedly have fewer tasks. The gap between the major branches and the general hospital will be quickly closed, even one day surpassing the general hospital.

“Look again, there’s nothing missing.” Ou Shenfeng looked dignified, his gaze returned to the top of the task, and he looked at it again in detail.

The rest of the people also watched them carefully. These two tasks are important, so they can’t pay attention.

“Task time, one 30 days, one 40 days.” Ao Kun frowned slightly, “In such a short time, the task is difficult to raise quite high.”

Whether it is Journey to the West World or Journey to the West post-World, it is a top 7th grade Great World with a native Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse. It is extremely difficult to complete the task within 30 or 40 days. Because the native Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse will not turn a blind eye.

Especially Journey to the West post-biography World, that the skyless Buddha, and Tathagata Buddha, are suspected of Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse!

Even if Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie is out, I’m afraid I won’t be able to complete the task within 40 days!

“No, you can bring a facilitator!” Ou Shenfeng was refreshed. “Look at that, it says that there can be up to three facilitators, that is, in addition to the person receiving the task, You can also invite three helpers … this way, the task will be a lot less difficult. “

Of course, inviting helpers will certainly have to pay some price, and the final reward will naturally not be alone.

However, with the helper, the chances of completing the task will be much higher.

At this time, everyone was staring at Divine Tablet and lost in thought.

No one is eager to pick up the task. Although Ou Shenfeng, Chen Gu, and Ao Kun all hold a purple identity token to meet the conditions for receiving the task, they have wisely chose to give up, at least, Before they are fully prepared, they ca n’t receive tasks at will, because they do not have the strength of Transcendent Upper Realm. If they receive the task, but they ca n’t find a helper, it will be a tragedy.

Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie and Bai Ling, although have a bit of confidence in their hearts, have not acted blindly without thinking.

Seeing that the three chiefs did not move with Bai Jie and Bai Ling, everyone could not help but look at Super Divine Beast, such as the magical foal.

However, the super Divine Beasts such as Mo Yanju and others look like a lazily, without even looking at the Divine Tablet, it seems that they are not interested in the tasks shown by the Divine Tablet at all.

“Seniors, don’t you plan to pick up the task?” Ou Shenfeng asked tentatively.

Ao Kun and Chen Gu glanced down on Super Divine Beast and other Super Divine Beasts. They were considering whether they could cooperate with a group of Super Demons, for example, by Super Demons and the Others deal with the Tathagata Buddha, and let them handle other things. After the things are done, everyone will share the task rewards.

Ou Shenfeng A few people can think of it, and the rest of them can naturally think of it. For a time, everyone’s eyes are gathered on Super Divine Beast, such as the magical foal, and they are about to move.

Bai Jie and Bai Ling also set their sights on Super Divine Beast, such as the magical horse, and the attitude of the latter is very important to them.

The eyelids of the magic magpie gently opened a slit, and then drrowsily stretched a lazy waist, not thinking: “We only want to spend a leisurely day, tasks or whatever, you look at it yourself “

As soon as the words come out, Ou Shenfeng, Ao Kun and the others are disappointed, Bai Jie and Bai Ling are sighed in relief.

Without the participation of Super Divine Beast, such as Mo Yanju, Bai Jie and Bai Ling became the only people able to complete the task. If they do not speak, no one will dare to receive the task …

“very good! It seems to be our family’s Fox Race!” Bai Ling is very happy. As long as she gets these rewards, she can better train the dozen fox cubs.

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