Chapter 900 Interrogation

Although the difficulty of the two tasks is not small, if Bai Ling and Bai Jie join forces, the task difficulty will be reduced a lot.

Journey to the West Back Story World Let alone, Journey to the West World, they have a lot of confidence to complete the task!

Ou Shenfeng, Ao Kun and the others opened their mouths and wanted to participate. But when they thought of their strength, they couldn’t help laughing and gave up.

Although both missions can carry three facilitators, they have little strength in the first place and no specialties in the second place. Why should they take a share?

Seeing Ou Shenfeng and the others silent, Bai Jie and Bai Ling are sighed in relief instead.

After all, Ou Shenfeng is an old man of Sky Academy, with high qualifications and trusted by Dean. If he speaks, Bai Ling would not know how to refuse …

In the task Although it is mentioned that three facilitators can be carried, in fact, Bai Ling and Bai Jie are enough to complete the task, and no one needs to join in at all.

“Journey to the West’s Raiders of World Strategy can be put on first, first get the Journey to the West World’s tasks, then talk!” Bai Jie groaned slightly, then said to Bai Ling: “Girl, do you pick it up or do I pick it up?” Although it is the top 7th grade Great World, the overall strength of Journey to the West World is slightly weaker than that of Journey to the West.

After all, Journey to the West has passed the World, with two powerhouses suspected of Transcendent Upper Realm, a Tathagata Buddha, and a skyless Buddha. Bai Jie and Bai Ling alone may not be the answer.

Bai Ling said, “Old Ancestor, you pick it up, when the time comes, you take me to Journey to the West World.”

Baijie is lightly nodded, and then left and right Looking at it, frowns saying: “But … How do I get it?”

“Trigger Divine Tablet with divide sense, and then meditate on which task to pick up.” In the distance, Zhang Haoran stood on the top of a tower , Sound transmission said.

Hearing this, Bai Jie immediately released the sense of divide, contacted the Divine Tablet, and meditated in his heart: “Receive the Journey to the West World Raiders.” After a while, the Journey to the West World’s Raiders task suddenly became dim, and the font gradually faded. In the center of the task, it seemed to be stamped with three large characters: ” Already received. “

The Journey to the West post-World Raiders mission still emits a faint rays of light without being affected in the slightest.

After receiving the Journey to the West World’s Raiders mission, Bai Jie sighed in relief, and then gave a gift to Zhang Haoran, who stands proudly on the top of the building in the distance: “Thank you Dean for your advice!” p>

Zhang Haoran is slightly nodded, and the silhouette dissipates like dust, as if it never appeared.

Ou Shenfeng, Chen Gu and the others all looked at Bai Jie and Bai Ling with envy, and the generous reward was really eye-catching.

At the same time, the same scene appeared in Shrouding the Heavens Branch, Doupo Branch, Xianjian Branch, and Xiyou Jiangmen Branch.

In the atrium squares of the four branches, there is a huge Divine Tablet, and on each monument, there are five large characters: the mission missions of the heavens.

The Tutor and the students who were reminded by Dean in advance, were not panic when they saw this amazing scene.

They all looked at Divine Tablet with curiosity and the task information listed. However, after reading the task information, each and everyone were helpless bitterly laughed. The conditions for receiving these two tasks were too Gao is too harsh. Except for the Dean of the four major branches, no one can meet this condition. Even if they are extremely jealous of the task reward, they can only watch it and do nothing.

After a long time of sorrow, someone suddenly responded: “Yes, you can ask Dean to go ahead!”

The reward of the task is extremely generous, even the eighth order True God Realm powerhouse is extremely eye-catching, once it gets the task reward, it can play a huge role in promoting the development of any World!

For a while, the people in the major branches all called for their own Dean.

The Wine Sword Immortal, who was retreating and suffering, was awakened by the students, and they were all dissatisfied, but after listening to their stories, each and everyone became serious and immediately rushed to the branches. Atrium Square.

“Dean!” Shrouding the Heavens, when Wine Sword Immortal appeared, the Empress, Wu Shi, Azure Emperor and the others, including many students, saluted respectfully.

Wine Sword Immortal slightly nodded, and then his eyes fell on the mission monument.

After reading the mission information, Wine Sword Immortal turned his eyes to the crowd and asked, “Do you want me to receive these two missions?”

Heavenly Emperor nodded, said: “If Dean can complete the task and get that generous reward, it will be a huge help for our Shrouding the Heavens branch!”

“It makes a little sense.” Wine Sword Immortal looked back, “This reward is indeed generous. If Shrouding the Heavens Branch is obtained, it will certainly be able to pass the Xianjian Branch, Doupo Branch, and the Journey to the West and Demon Branch in a short period of time.” Obviously, it is clear that task rewards are inevitable.

“Wait first, I will take the task.”

While speaking, Wine Sword Immortal releases divide sense.

However, he has just released the sense of divide. The first task, that is, the strategy task of Journey to the West World, has become dark in an instant. The task information is slowly condensed with three big characters: Received .

“I was caught by the early bird catches the worm!” Wine Sword Immortal raised an eyebrow.

There is no beginning and the others are also complexion slightly changed: “Should it be picked up by the rest of the Dean?”

Wine Sword Immortal Close your eyes, and after a few breaths , Shook his head and said, “It’s not them. It is a Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse of the General Hospital, super Divine Beast Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie.” Find a bunch of people who are qualified to receive the task and have the ability to complete the task. This is very clear to Wine Sword Immortal, Old Man Tian Ji, and the greedy wolf god dog. The only surprise is that the person who received the task was not the Capricorn. Foal them, but Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie.

“It’s not just them.” Wu Shi and the others breathed a little sigh of relief, as long as it wasn’t Dean who took the task, it would not have much impact on Shrouding the Heavens.

Of course, the people in Doupo Branch, Xianjian Branch, and the Journey to the West and Demon Branch also have the same idea.

Wine Sword Immortal has no time to say anything to Ye Fan, immediately release divine sense, contact the stele, and get the second task.

No surprise, Journey to the West’s Raiders World mission was picked up by Wine Sword Immortal.

It was also at the moment when Wine Sword Immortal received the mission. The mission monuments of all parties in the World were changed, and the original mission information was faintly white light. Like a task, the three big characters cover the task information surface like a stamp: already received.

“I’ve been picked up again!” Old Man Tian Ji, Greed Wolf Dog, and Swallowing Heaven Beast, who are just about to start, are all complexion changed.

At this time, the response they got was that the person receiving it was not the person in the main hospital, but … Wine Sword Immortal!

Good you Wine Sword Immortal!

Old Man Tian Ji immediately became angry, and passed through the wormhole directly to the Shrouding the Heavens branch. The men and horses of the three branches also converged to the Shrouding the Heavens branch through the wormhole.

“Wine Sword Immortal, you are not in the Shrouding the Heavens World, to be honest, what is the task?” the greedy wolf god dog asked.

Old Man Tian Ji and Swallowing Heaven Beast are also aggressive, staring poorly at Wine Sword Immortal.

Wine Sword Immortal twitched his lips, said: “Get a task that’s all, you guys come all the way to Xingshi to ask for sin, why is it?”

The greedy wolf dog stared: “Answer us Question! “

” Is idle and bore a task to do, what’s the problem? “Wine Sword Immortal shrugged and looked indifferent,” If you are idle and bored, You can also get a task to do! No one is stopping you! “

” Don’t forget the agreement between us, are you sure you want to break the agreement yourself? “Old Man Tian Ji’s eyes were not good.

“cough cough … don’t be so serious, get a task that’s all, and it’s not a major event.” Wine Sword Immortal somewhat guilty, but thinking of Old Man Tian Ji these days most likely in the dark He practiced in abandonment and sleeplessness, and his heart was filled with anger, and his mouth was a little tougher, saying: “Not to mention that I don’t want to receive the task alone, aren’t you the same? If you don’t want to receive the task, how about you Can I know immediately that I have received the task, how can I come to Immortal to ask the sins in Immediately? “

I was dug by Wine Sword Immortal, Old Man Tian Ji, Greedy Wolf Dog and Swallowing Heaven Beast. Speechless.

Wine Sword Immortal said lightly: “To put it bluntly, you just fly into a rage out of humiliation because you are not as fast as I am, and you haven’t grabbed me, right?”

“Nonsense!” The greedy wolf god dog pretended to be calm and calm, “Am I that kind of person?”

The faces of Old Man Tian Ji and Swallowing Heaven Beast are also a bit unnatural, but they ca n’t say anything Admit your thoughts.

“I have already received the task anyway, you can’t let me not do it, right?” Wine Sword Immortal spread his hand, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and said: “Tell you, this task I definitely have to do it. This hasn’t violated the agreement between us. The best I can do is don’t cultivate …… Don’t ask me anything. On the contrary, I want to ask you these days. Are you really not cultivating? “

Hearing this, Old Man Tian Ji, Greedy Wolf Dog, Swallowing Heaven Beast all have desserts.

“Do you still need to ask?” The greedy wolf dog straightened his chest immediately, as if to prove his confidence, and his words were very loud, “Of course I did not practice!”

Wine Sword Immortal Doubtful: “Is that right?”

Then he turned his eyes to Old Man Tian Ji and Swallowing Heaven Beast: “What about you?”

“I’ve been here all these days Dou Po Branch is waiting, enjoying the flowers and the moon, very leisurely. “Old Man Tian Ji lightly coughed, always feels that the eyes of Wine Sword Immortal do not seem meaningful,” If you do not believe, you can ask the students of Dou Po Branch …… “

Wine Sword Immortal twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth, and asked the students of Doupo Branch to know what kind of answer he would get with his toes.

“Same for me.” Swallowing Heaven Beast said solemnly: “If you do n’t cultivate when you say good, you definitely don’t cultivate. Seeing my sincere eyes? I promise, I say It ’s truer than real gold! ”

“ Okay, you do n’t have to rush to prove yourself. ”Wine Sword Immortal waved his hand and said,“ I believe in you, after all, we have an agreement. Everyone. They are all trustworthy people. If they do n’t cultivate, presumably, they wo n’t hide and practice secretly? ”

“ That ’s for sure! ”

“ Good! ”

Old Man Tian Ji, Greedy Wolf Dog and Swallowing Heaven Beast are solemnly vowed nodded.

However, they are more and more alert to each other in their hearts, each and everyone speaks so beautifully, but how many people are truly keeping promises?

Don’t look at what they say beautifully, but in fact, they don’t believe anyone.

“Well, it’s okay, let’s go back first.” Swallowing Heaven Beast, afraid of being spotted and seeing the weak spot, left a word in a hurry, and then took the person from the Westward Journey to the Magic Branch to return. No chance was given to the Wine Sword Immortal.

When Swallowing Heaven Beast is gone, Old Man Tian Ji and the greedy wolf god dog quickly find a reason and leave in a hurry.

In a short while, Shrouding the Heavens Branch was deserted a lot, and the people in the three branches went through Thoroughly, and none were left.

Wine Sword Immortal raised his lips slightly: “hmph, sample, fight with me, you are still a little tender!”

However, the slightly guilty conscience of the three also allowed Wine Sword Immortal to further confirm their guess. These three guys, I am really secretly practicing in private, otherwise, why mention it This matter, these three guys are so guilty?

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