Chapter 901: Pit

Listening to the conversation between Wine Sword Immortal and the three Dean, Shrouding the Heavens Branch looked a little weird.

Until Old Man Tian Ji, the greedy wolf dog, and Swallowing Heaven Beast left, they looked at Wine Sword Immortal with weird eyes.

“What to see.” Wine Sword Immortal rolled the eyes, “If it weren’t for you little ones, would I be able to lie to them?”

Pombo, Pang Long, golden -winged little Peng King and the others narrowed his neck and forced a smile.

Without the beginning, it is a topic transfer: “Sub-Dean, then the Journey to the West posthumous World is suspected to have two Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouses. Will you be a little … dangerous?” /p>

The rest of the people also reacted, and they were still a little excited. It seemed as if they were poured with cold water.

“Yeah, then the Tathagata Buddha and the Godless Buddha may be Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse. Can you do it by Dean?”

“I almost forgot this What a trouble! This time is troublesome! “

” Although Dean also has the strength of Transcendent Upper Realm, but one against two, it is a bit difficult! “

Everyone is worried.

Wine Sword Immortal raised his lips slightly: “Are you so unconfident in me?”

Everyone lowered their heads and did not speak.

“Forget it, don’t tease you.” Wine Sword Immortal shook his head and said, “Not long ago, my Culture Base was broken through, let alone two Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouses, even if there were ten more, I have no fear at all. “

In fact, Wine Sword Immortal is still too modest, and his true strength may only be able to barely compete with the True God lower realm powerhouse, but do n’t forget, this is Zhang The World created by Yu, as Zhang Yu’s Avatar, is also able to mobilize some Heavenly Dao authority, which is really going to fight, that is, the True God Upper Realm powerhouse, and even the Legendary hero may not be his opponent.

It can be said that within these worlds, no one except Zhang Yu can defeat him.

Hearing this, everyone is refreshed and excited: “Dean Cultivation Base breakthrough?”

The news of Wine Sword Immortal breakthrough Cultivation Base has been under pressure, no Preach, so they didn’t know it until now.

“very good!”

“In this way, our Shrouding the Heavens branch, we can get more resources, overwhelming the other three branches!”


“In this way, even if we compete with the eighth-order True God world in the future, we will not be without hope of victory.” Breakthrough, with your toes, should know how terrifying its strength has become.

The news cheered everyone up.

But Wine Sword Immortal said, “Do n’t be too happy, if I guess well, Old Man Tian Ji, the greedy wolf dog, Swallowing Heaven Beast ’s Cultivation Base. Breakthrough, even if there is no breakthrough, I’m afraid it’s not far behind. “He solemnly said:” I’m quite sure that the Cultivation Base of Old Man Tian Ji is probably already broken through. The situation of the greedy wolf dog and Swallowing Heaven Beast It’s not clear for the time being, but it’s almost the same … ”

Finally, Wine Sword Immortal said,“ So, compared with other branches, Shrouding the Heavens does not occupy any advantage. ”

Although there is no conclusive evidence, Wine Sword Immortal believes in his own judgment.

After hearing Wine Sword Immortal’s words, the smiles of everyone at Shrouding the Heavens faded, and then they were disappointed.

“In a short period of time, it will be difficult for me to open the gap with the Culture Base with them. Now the only way is to do more tasks!” Wine Sword Immortal looked around and said to everyone: “Do tasks, Get the reward, this is the biggest way out of Shrouding the Heavens branch! “

” I also received a message when I just received the task, and each person can only receive a maximum of one task, only completed After the previous task, you can pick up the next task. ”Wine Sword Immortal reminded:“ So, it ’s up to you, must look at the task information, be sure, and have a generous reward, and then do it cleanly, do n’t take it blindly Mission! “

The crowd calmed down and turned their eyes to the mission monument of heavens, and their expressions were gradually condensed.

At the same time, the Dopo Branch, Xianjian Branch, and the Journey to the West and the Demon Branch also stared at the stele of the heavens, and paid more attention to the missions of the heavens!

Journey to the West World ’s Raiders were picked up by the People ’s Court, and Journey to the West ’s Raiders ’World ’s Raiders were picked up by the people at Shrouding the Heavens. They have missed consecutively. The two top-level 7th grade Great World strategy tasks passed away with the rich rewards, and my heart was naturally suffocated. In any case, the third task cannot be snatched away!

No one knows when the third task will be released, but it doesn’t matter, as long as they are here, they will be able to receive the third task sooner or later!

At the moment when the four branches were rubbing their shoulders, with swords drawn and bows bent, the side of the General Court, when Bai Jie and the others found Journey to the West, the strategy mission was accepted. , Also stunned.

“Old Ancestor, how did you get the mission of Journey to the West back to World?” Bai Ling asked in confusion.

She thought it was Bai Jie who accidentally received the second task.

Bai Jie shook her head: “It’s not me! I want to pick it up, but I just received the message from Divine Tablet. People who have already received the task can’t get the first one until they finish the task. Two tasks … “

” Not you, who is that? “Bai Ling wondered.

She took a deep breath, her eyes narrowed slightly: “It’s Dean of Shrouding the Heavens, Wine Sword Immortal!”

“How do you know it’s her?” Bai Ling startled.

“You may wish to release your mind to sense it.” Bai Jie said: “Release your mind, you can sense all the information of the person receiving the task.”

Hearing this, the general hospital Everyone immediately tried what Bai Jie said.

After a short time, the Shrouding the Heavens mission monument returned a message: “Identity of the recipient, Shrouding the Heavens divided Dean, Wine Sword Immortal.”

I received the heavens. After the feedback from the mission monument, everyone was surprised: “It turned out to be him!”

“Strange, isn’t he only the strength of Transcendent Upper Realm? How can he have the courage to receive the strategy missions passed by Journey to the West?” Ou Shenfeng wondered: “Did Dean of the four major branches join forces?”

“Do not rule out this possibility.” Chen Gu groaned slightly, saying, “However, the competition between the branches Extremely fierce, the possibility of joining together is relatively small. Compared to the joining together, I think he is more likely to break through the Cultivation Base! “

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the field was short of breath. a bit.

Wine Sword Immortal, which originally had the strength of Transcendent Upper Realm, wouldn’t it be if Cultivation Base breakthrough …

“True God Realm?” Xiao Yan swallowed and spit with everyone Glancing at each other, then stuttered, “Wine Sword Immortal Senior’s strength reached True God Realm?” As of now, Sky Academy has not appeared True God Realm powerhouse except Dean. If Wine Sword Immortal really breaks through With Cultivation Base, it is likely to be Sky Academy’s first True God Realm powerhouse other than Dean.

This is not good news for the people in the General Hospital.

After all, besides Dean, there is no True God Realm powerhouse born besides Dean!

Currently the highest Cultivation Base, the one closest to True God Realm is Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie!

She is currently recognized as the Number One Powerhouse, except for Dean.

After seeing everyone turning their eyes to themselves, Bai Jie mixed feelings in his heart, and finally sighed with a grin: “You do n’t have to look at me like this, my Culture Base is close to True God Realm, but it is just Approaching that’s all, there is a difficult gap between Transcendent Upper Realm and True God Realm. For people like me, such as Cultivation Base, there are many and many immortal realms, but those who can really cross this gap can be counted on one’s fingers … “

” At least, I don’t currently touch all at the barrier between Transcendent Upper Realm and True God Realm. “Bai Jie shook her head and said,” To break through to True God Realm, First, you need to touch that barrier. ”

Although she has practiced Extreme Martial Arts, she feels that the speed of Cultivation Base and the speed of Space Law have been significantly improved. Compared with the past, More than a hundred times stronger, but the more she does, the more she can clearly feel that she and True God Realm are still no small From that he is far from the limit Transcendent Upper Realm of arrival.

After hearing this, everyone couldn’t help worrying.

The rapid development of the branch has made them feel tremendous pressure and threat!

“True God Realm?” Super Divine Beasts and other super Divine Beasts are dismissive.

Outsiders may be scared if they do n’t know the truth, but they know the truth and naturally understand that Wine Sword Immortal is definitely not a breakthrough to True God Realm.

Strictly speaking, Wine Sword Immortal only has the strength of True God lower realm, not the Cultivation Base to reach True God lower realm.

The true Cultivation Base is Transcendent Middle Realm, which is very certain.

“What’s more, if the Wine Sword Immortal guy broke through to the Transcendent Middle Realm, it’s not necessarily.” The magical horse and the others thought to himself: “Even if there is no breakthrough, in the world created by our deity, we They are all invincible. What tasks can’t be obtained? “Even if Wine Sword Immortal only has the Cultivation Base in the Evading Revolving and Parting Revolving realms, he dare to receive the top 7th grade Great World and even the eighth-order True God realm.

Therefore, receiving a task does not prove anything.

At this time, the voice of the old student Lin Ming suddenly sounded: “Look, there are new tasks released!”

As soon as this word came out, everyone’s eyes were attracted In the past, everyone looked at the mission monument to the heavens.

Although everyone is anxious, they are not at all eager to receive it. After all, they have learned from Bai Jie’s mouth that everyone can only receive one task.

However, they haven’t seen the mission information clearly, the glowing font quickly dimmed, and the mission content was stamped with a chapter: already received.

“Holding the grass!” A Monster Race student couldn’t help but swear, and his eyes glared round, “Which turtle grandson started so fast!”

The task information is not yet available. It was time to show it completely, and it was received by others. It shows that it has great confidence, fast movement, and strong determination.

Ou Shenfeng, Ao Kun and the others, and Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others are all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although these heavenly figures are rich in rewards and rare, they are not so crazy to compete?

Take a closer look at the mission information. Unlike Journey to the West World and Journey to the West post-World, the Raiders mission at this time is a Tiny World—Sculpture World.

“Raiders missions

Mission goals: Shooting Eagle World (second-order Tiny World)

Mission requirements: training five third-order Core Revolving Realm powerhouse, will Sky Academy’s influence radiates to the entire World of Shooting Eagles (up to three facilitators can be carried, and the Cultivation Base is not restricted)

Mission time: thirty days

Mission reward: Ten Spirit Stones

Failure Penalty: No more missions for one day can be received within one year, deducting resources that should be enjoyed that month


Receiving conditions: blue identity token (Headquarters), fourth-order Spirit Revolving Realm strength (branch). “

The difficulty is not high, but it takes a bit of effort. The reward is compared to the top 7th grade Great World’s strategy task reward. It can’t be considered anything, but it is enough to make people excited.

The receiving conditions are very low. As long as you have the blue identity token or the fourth-order Spirit Revolving Realm strength, you can receive it!

Whether it is the main hospital or the branch hospital, most people are satisfied The conditions for receiving the task, then, who is the person receiving the task?

With curiosity, everyone releases the sense of divinity, the idea, and the information of the person receiving the task.

Soon, everyone got feedback: “Receiving people’s identity, fighting points Dean, Old Man Tian Ji. “

For a moment, everyone was silent. The Monster Race student who had just foul-mouthed, twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth, then closed his mouth silently, and began to sweat behind his back. Inexplicable feeling of coldness.

“hahaha … ha!” After all, the old man won! Old Man Tian Ji watched as he successfully received the mission, his face could not help showing an excited and mad laugh, but a message from the mission monument came one after another. After learning that one person can only receive one mission, Old Man Tian Ji ’s smile gradually freezes.

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