Chapter 916 Threat

Looking at the queen mother full of killing intent eyes, Yang Jian is silent.

What the mother said was the worry in his heart.

He was weak at that time, in order to not hurt the younger sister, he had to compromise with Celestial Court and accept the Celestial Court. Now, the throne of Celestial Court has become his bond, as long as there is a god In his position, he is under the control of Celestial Court. It is impossible to defeat Celestial Court. However, if he cuts himself, he will inevitably fall into a period of weakness and he is completely unsure of victory over Celestial Court.

More importantly, he dare not gamble, because once the bet is lost, his younger sister Yang Yan will also be implicated.

He deliberately arranged the plan, covering people’s eyes, just because he was worried that the emperor jade emperor found his true intentions, but now his plan is exposed, he and his younger sister Yang Yan, and even Chen Xiang and the others, Will be threatened.

Yang Jian bowed his head and hesitated.

“You better think about it, your decision has a bearing on the life and death of your younger sister.” The mother’s eyes narrowed slightly, threatening.

Many fairy houses around, including Supreme Taoist, Nezha and the others, frowned.

The actions of the Queen Mother made them quite dissatisfied. The Queen Mother Celestial Court, the transcendent existence of the mother instrument, even threatened Yang Jian with the younger sister of Yang Jian, which was undoubtedly greatly defiled. The majesty of Celestial Court.

The relationship between Nezha and Yang Jian has always been very good. At this moment, I can’t help hearing the words of the mother of the mother, regardless of the resistance of the side Pagoda Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing, stand up and speak out in righteousness: “Does n’t Empress Wang think it hurts the image of Celestial Court? Not to mention that second brother is not at fault. Even if second brother is really wrong, Empress Wang should not threaten the second brother with Yang Ye!”

“impudent!” Queen Mother scolded: “I’m talking to Yang Jian, would it be your turn to interject?”

“I’m not convinced, opened the mouth and said:” Please Empress Empress, don’t take it lightly! ” I think the second brother is right. The wrong one is Tianzhu. All of you, including Jade Emperor and Empress Empress, are born Divine Immortal? Which one did not come step by step from mortals? Tianzhu separated Xianfan. This is a ridiculous joke! “

Pagoda Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing was startled, and quickly hurled Nezha back, scolded: unfilial son, shut up! “

Immediately afterwards, he said to the Jade Emperor,” Please ask the Jade Emperor to forgive the child. He is not sensible at all, but he deliberately collided with the majesty of the Jade Emperor. “

” Who said that I was young and ignorant? ” “Nan Zhe said,” Justice is right, right and wrong, everyone understands, I just speak frankly that ’s all. “

Looking at Nezha directly against the Jade Emperor Mother for her own sake, Yang Jian was very touched. With so many people at Celestial Court, she dared to stand up to speak for herself, but Yang Jian was the only one. It ’s deeply touched.

The rest of the people are either a matter of suspending themselves or fearing the majesty of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, even the Taoist leader, Supreme Taoist, is also He was silent and ignored his disciple, as if he didn’t care about his life and death.

Just when Yang Jian was a little disappointed, Supreme Taoist finally spoke.

I saw that he stroked his long white beard and said to the Jade Emperor: “Yade Emperor, Yang Jian, of course, there is something wrong, but your punishment is a little too much. “

” Is the old gentleman also going to speak for Yang Jian? ” “The Jade Emperor was frowned, and my heart could not help but sink.

Although the Supreme Taoist is in the Xian class, he is also one of the founders of Taoism. Most of the people in the Celestial Court are disciples, and they are intimate with Supreme Taoist. For this reason, its appeal is extremely horrible. More importantly, Supreme Taoist possesses great magical power, which is hardly affected by the divine power. If he is iron-hearted, he must protect Yang Jian, and the Jade Emperor cannot take Yang Jian.

It can be said that the entire Celestial Court can influence the attitude of the Jade Emperor, only Supreme Taoist.

If you enlarge the entire Lotus Lotus World, you may have to add a Tathagata Buddha.

Even the Guanyin Bodhisattva is a bit meaningless, far less important than Supreme Taoist and Tathagata Buddha.

“How the Jade Emperor is going to dispose of Yang Yang, Old Daoist can’t control it However, Yang Jian is a disciple after all. He also hopes that the Emperor Jade gave the Old Daoist a thin face and let it go lightly. “Supreme Taoist calm and composed, said slowly.

Although I didn’t explicitly say that I want to protect Yang Jian, but once this is said, wouldn’t the Jade Emperor understand the meaning of Supreme Taoist?

To put it plainly, you can move Yang Yang, Yang Yang, absolutely not!

“If you remember right, Laojun also joined that Sky Academy, right?” Jade Emperor was silent for a while, and then asked, “Is it called Baolian Lantern Branch, right?”

Supreme Taoist said frankly: “Yes.”

Jade Emperor looked away and looked towards Nezha: “You also joined the Baolian Lantern Branch?”

Nezha did not know what emperor white jade meant, but it was still nodded: “Yes.”

“Hehe, it’s interesting.” Jade Emperor laughed, but his smile seemed a little false, “The Sky Academy is really possess Great magical power, recruited some of the most powerful people in my Celestial Court. Laojun, Nezha, Yang Jian, … have become the people of the Baolian Lantern Branch. No wonder you speak for him! “

Everyone looked at the jade emperor who was talking to himself, feeling a faint chill.

“Jade Emperor, young children …” Pagoda Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing had a bad hunch and hurriedly spoke.

Jade Emperor waved his hand to stop Li Jing from saying, “You don’t need to say more, I have something in my heart.”

He looked around and looked at every fairy in the field. I asked, “I want to know, who else of you have joined the Pauline Lantern Branch?”

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

They want to join Baolian Lamp Branch, but the problem is that Baolian Lamp Branch does not accept them at all.

Prior to this, some people had already gone to the Baolian Lamp Branch, and some even said that they were willing to pay a certain price, just to join the Baolian Lamp Branch, but even so, the Baolian Lamp Branch did not accept it. The positive answer was that they had no chance with the Baolian Lamp Branch, but in fact everyone knew that it was not that they had no chance with the Baolian Lamp Branch, but that the Baolian Lamp Branch simply could not see them.

The students of the Baolian Lantern Branch are either big brothers with unparalleled appeal, or they are talented.

“Very well, it seems that most of my Celestial Courts are still loyal people.” Jade Emperor was pleased. As for whether it was true comfort or false comfort, only he could understand it. .

Everyone heard this, and could not help but flushed and panicked.

They are not so loyal to the Celestial Court, but they ca n’t look down on them at the Baolian Lantern Branch.

However, such a shameful thing, they will naturally not tell it, lest people add jokes to others, or they will make Jade Emperor’s face unbearable.

Yang Jian, Supreme Taoist, and Nezha know the real situation, but they are too lazy to expose it, so as not to make people angry.

Took a deep breath, the jade emperor’s eyes fell on Supreme Taoist again, and said, “Is the old gentleman iron heart to protect Yang Jian?”

Welcome to the emperor’s eyes The turbid eyes of Supreme Taoist became deeper, and there was a slight change in temperament, saying: “Yang Jian is a disciple of an old Daoist jade cauldron True Master, and belongs to the Daoist lineage, and this Little Brat also It is the pride of Dao Men. If he is punished today, but Old Daoist is indifferent, then how can Old Daoist face billions of people? “

He still did not answer the question of Jade Emperor, At least, there is no direct cast aside all considerations for face.

But what he means is quite clear, Yang Jian, he is Baoding!

The people present all heard the potential meaning of his words.

“Okay, so good!” Jade Emperor broke out into laughter caused by anger, complexion ashen.

He felt that his authority had been challenged and his majesty began to shake. The entire Celestial Court seemed to be out of his control, which caused him greater trouble than Sun Wukong’s Heavenly Palace. The embarrassment of Sun Wukong after all, it was their plan. Sun Wukong was like a controlled doll. Not at all actually violated his majesty. Now, Supreme Taoist, Yang Jian, Nezha, but It was a real challenge to his majesty.

Celestial Court The rest of the Celestial Court, although seemingly loyal, have very few obedient people.

He saw this problem when he ordered the celestial families to seize Yang Jian, but no one acted.

This Celestial Court has already departed from his control. The celestial families seem to have their own ideas.

He glanced at everyone. Except for Supreme Taoist, Nezha, Yang Jian and a few others, he dared to look at him. Most of the others lowered their heads in a guilty conscience, avoiding his eyes. The look was like a sharp knife, making it difficult to parry.

“Yang Jian violates the rule of heaven, and the sin is unforgivable!” Jade Emperor’s eyes are getting colder and colder, and even some hysterics, this feeling of betrayal has almost lost his reason, even if he knows that it is extremely Unwise, but he still walked his own way, saying one word at a time: “I am determined to cut off Yang Jian, strip his mana, go to hell, be punished for thousands of years, and after 1,000 years, enter the cycle …”

“Jade Emperor, absolutely not!” Everyone was shocked.

Supreme Taoist’s brows frowned deeply: “Why is this the Jade Emperor?”

“I don’t agree!” Nezha loudly opposed.

Yang Jian looked at the Jade Emperor coldly and couldn’t help but clenched his fists.

Jade Emperor coldly said: “You don’t need to persuade anymore, the will is determined.”

Then he looked at Yang Jian, indifferently said: “If you don’t want Yang Yan If you die because of you, you better take the initiative. “

Yang Jian has a foundation. Even if he is deprived of the throne, he is not sure to take Yang Jian. Therefore, he can only use Yang Yan to threaten Yang. Jian.

He knows the weight of Yang Jian in Yang Jian’s heart. It can be said that Yang Jian is the only weakness of Yang Jian!

“Vile!” Yang Jian shivered with anger, he consciously developed a skill, even if the Jade Emperor could not help him, but the Jade Emperor threatened him with Yang Yan, but he had no way.

This kind of powerlessness, Yang Jian experienced it many years ago, unexpectedly, nowadays cultivation Great Accomplishment is still powerless to change.

Jade Emperor expressionlessly said: “I have to say that you are really smart. If you do n’t know your plan from the outside population, you will succeed eventually. Unfortunately, your plan is still over. It was exposed long ago, and now that I know the future, naturally I will not give you the opportunity to implement the plan … “

In that” History of the Lotus Lamp “, he was finally forced to help and compromise. .

However, at this time, he will never compromise!

He must defend himself as majesty and the authority of the celestial rule!

“Although many of the contents of” The History of the Baolian Lamp “are directed at me, discrediting and slandering me, but … I have to say that most of the things it records are true, predicting the real The future of the mother … “said the mother sitting beside the Jade Emperor, indifferently said:” Unfortunately, from the moment the Baolian Lantern Branch was established, the future of our World has changed! Blame the Baolian Lantern Branch Well, if the Baolian Lantern Branch is not connected to Foreign Domain World, so that we can communicate with Foreign Domain World, we will not know in advance what will happen in the future, and your plan will not be exposed … “

Yang Jian’s expression changed for a while.

Jade Emperor took a deep look at Yang Jian and said, “I give you 5 minutes of time, think about it yourself. The time it takes to burn one stick of incense. If you do, then I can only use Yang Yang to operate … “

This time, Supreme Taoist is no longer wrong.

He can keep Yang Jian, but he ca n’t keep Yang Ye, because Yang Ye is controlled by the queen mother, and the single thought head of the queen mother can kill Yang Ye. You ca n’t save Yang Ye and the queen mother to save Yang Ye. Did you kill them all?

To kill Three Sectors Supreme, Supreme Taoist doesn’t have that courage …

Not to mention whether he can withstand Heavenly Dao’s backlash, even if he can withstand it, without Jade Emperor Mother The Three Realms will also be chaotic and plunge into doomsday.

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