Chapter 932 Heavenly Dao Sparring

The news that evilly Heavenly Dao was placed in Earth, spread throughout All Heavens Myriad Realms, powerhouses from all over the world, and will not converge Danger Land to Shrouding the Heavens World, Shrouding the Heavens Branch Square Vast crowd, unprecedented excitement.

In fact, not everyone is fighting against the evil Heavenly Dao, more people just want to see the legendary Heavenly Dao and improve their horizons.

At the time when they were selected by Wine Sword Immortal, there were only a few people who went to the World of God ’s Tomb together, and they were all the elites of All Heavens Myriad Realms. They either have strong strength or extraordinary wisdom. Therefore, those who have really seen the evil Heavenly Dao look pitiful, and now have the opportunity to see the evil Heavenly Dao, and even be able to play against it. People from all sides of the world are tempting.

However, when I learned how far Earth is, many people gave up their original plans, some returned to their World immediately, and some thought about it, all came, by the way Traveling through Shrouding the Heavens World and experiencing a different style, only a handful of people are determined to rush to Earth.

The distance between Earth and Shrouding the Heavens branch is not a problem for Transcendent Realm powerhouse. However, under Transcendent Realm, you can only use the Transmission Great Array, or like the original Ye Fan. , Through the ancient road of the starry sky, rely on the five-color altar, go to Earth.

The Shrouding the Heavens World is too big. If you rely on your own power, even the Evading Revolving environment powerhouse, it will take a long time to reach Earth, and the people with lower Culture Base, then It is very likely that they have lost their way to the vast sky before they reached Earth.

At this time, not only people from the major Dantian World are here, but also a lot of people from the Sky Academy Headquarters.

Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others, after hearing the news, all came immediately immediately.

The people of Shrouding the Heavens World are all familiar with their identities. They are very generous in setting up the Transmission Great Array, symbolically receiving a little reward, and then sending someone to send them to Earth.

On this day, Earth welcomed many visitors from outside the world. The first to arrive was a batch of Transcendent Realm powerhouse.

On the top of Huashan Mountain, a group of Transcendent Realm powerhouse teleported, appearing out of thin air, disturbing many tourists.

This group of people are dressed in robe, a pair of divine poise and sagelike features, white hair and youthful face, some are dressed in cassocks, and a look of solemn appearance, everyone has a The sacred and special Dao Yun makes people in deep in one’s heart have the urge to worship.

Since the birth of the nine dragons pulling a coffin, the cultivator has gradually entered people ’s sight, people are no longer ignorant of the cultivator, and many secretly cultivated Human Race and Monster Race are also Gradually stepped onto the front desk, allowing people from all over the world to understood the existence of cultivator, but even so, watching a group of people appear out of thin air, countless tourists are still startled, and then sincerely bow down and pray.

“That is where the Independent Space is located.” Wuqi Heavenly Emperor said to a group of Transcendent Realm powerhouse: “The entrance is on that ancient pine.”

Follow him Looking in the direction indicated, I saw the edge of an ancient pine rock with a coiled circle in the clouds and fog. Most of the trees were suspended in the air outside the mountain, and the surrounding clouds and mist were coiled, creating a sense of vulgarity.

Xiao Xuan appreciated: “Apart from the distance, this Huashan is indeed a good place, such a beautiful scenery is very rare.”

“Amitabha.” It makes sense. “Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha folded his hands and said:” The scenery here is thousands of times better than the barren land in the west. The only regret is that it is smaller. “

Huashan is indeed a little bit smaller than the site with millions of kilometers or even hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Not to mention Huashan, it is the entire Earth. In the eyes of these Transcendent Realm powerhouses, they are as tiny as sand grains. If they were not looking at the face of Wine Sword Immortal, they would not look at this so-called beauty .

No beginning Heavenly Emperor glanced at more and more mortals gathered below, and kept begging, slightly frowned, saying: “Let ’s go to Independent Space first to see it.”

When the words fell, he took the lead to fly to the ancient pine. When there was one foot away from the ancient pine, his silhouette disappeared out of thin air without any sign.

Xiao Xuan and the others were not surprised, but also flew to the ancient pine.

In a blink of an eye, a group of Transcendent Realm powerhouse disappeared from everyone’s sight, as if never appeared.

Independent Space.

The evil Heavenly Dao was awakened by the movement of a group of Transcendent Realm powerhouse. He maintained a humanoid form. Although his body was composed of a black mist, he could distinguish his limbs, but he could not see the facial features. , Like a flame person.

“Are you here to challenge me?” The evil Heavenly Dao is very calm. From the moment it promises Wine Sword Immortal, it has been mentally prepared to be a sparring partner. Naturally, there must be a sparring partner. The awakening, “weak, too weak! Even if I was sealed by the power, it is difficult for you to hurt me!”

Many Transcendent Realm powerhouse did not speak, but carefully looked at the evil Heavenly Dao.

For a long time, Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha said: “Is this evil Heavenly Dao? It ’s incredible to be incredible!”

Journey to the West, the posthumous World Tathagata Buddha side Heavenless Buddha asked: “No heaven, that Bai Jie donor, really a few strokes seriously hurt it?” He can sense the surging power of the evil Heavenly Dao, despite being Sealed, unable to release, but still let People are thrilled.

“Nice.” Indifferently said: “But she claims to rely on the power of the Demon God. Her own strength should be equal to the evil Heavenly Dao both equally excellent.”

“Even so, it’s very strong.” Journey to the West The posthumous World Tathagata Buddha slightly nodded, “No wonder Journey to the West World’s many masters teamed up is not her opponent … her strength is comparable to Heavenly Dao, Playing against her is like challenging Heavenly Dao! ”

Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha looks a little unnatural, saying:” You don’t have to mention it in the past. “

Journey to the West World Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva also said: “Bai Jie’s donor is powerful, we can’t beat it, and we are not embarrassed.” I heard that the Tathagata Buddhas of the Great World have joined forces in secret to form the Buddha ’s alliance, but now it seems that Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha Journey to the West after the transfer of World Tathagata Buddha seems substandard.

They naturally do n’t know that Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha and Journey to the West posthumous World Tathagata Buddha are both Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, both of which have outstanding influence in the Buddha Alliance Among them, Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha considers itself orthodox and occupies a proper name, while Journey to the West posthumous World Tathagata Buddha is unwilling to surrender to Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha, which triggered a series of contradictions.

The evil Heavenly Dao frowned when he saw that everyone did n’t take care of themselves, “Ca n’t you still fight? Do n’t bother me and hurry up! Do n’t disturb me to rest!”

It But it’s not good, even if you become a captive, you can’t change its disregard for all creatures and selfishness.

No beginning Heavenly Emperor stared at it coldly and said, “Do n’t forget to share the task Dean has given you!”

Since the beginning of the debut, no beginning Heavenly Emperor and Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, overwhelming the ages, have never been afraid of anyone, let alone evil Heavenly Dao was sealed by the power, even if the evil Heavenly Dao is at its peak, Heavenly Emperor will dare to challenge it without any warning!

Seeing an ordinary Heaven Defying Level powerhouse dare to be so disrespectful to himself, the evil Heavenly Dao was furious, but his power was sealed by Seal, and there was no way to take Heavenly Emperor without a start. . Of course, even if his power was not sealed, he would n’t dare to hurt Heavenly Emperor. After all, he could n’t pass the Wine Sword Immortal level.

As long as one day is not sure to beat Wine Sword Immortal, he will not dare to come!

“Fen Dean has told me how to relieve your power ’s Seal.” No beginning Heavenly Emperor looked lightly at the evil Heavenly Dao: “If you ’re not honest, then continue to be sealed by Seal, I ’d rather Don’t mind. “

” Quick, help me unlock Seal! “The evil Heavenly Dao said hurriedly.

Wuqi Heavenly Emperor did not answer him, but looked towards a group of Tathagata Buddha, Supreme Taoist, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, as well as Xiao Xuan, Gu Yuan, Zhu Kun, Sword Saint Yin Ruozhuo, Wine Sword Immortal Mo Yixiand the others, asked: “How are you, are you ready?”

Everyone looked at each other and immediately nodded.

No beginning Heavenly Emperor is no nonsense, immediately after playing one after another divine force, divine sense communicating the world, the rules are manifested, the body is covered with Dragon Phoenix natural phenomenon, after a few breaths, he stops He took the action and said, “Okay, your Seal has been unlocked.”

He gazed calmly at the evil Heavenly Dao.

I saw the evil Heavenly Dao trying to adjust the momentum, in an instant, the Independent Space trembles, a terrifying pressure, covering the entire Independent Space, suffocating breath, permeating every corner.

The terrifying power made Xiao Xuan and the others feel suffocated, as if pressed by a big mountain, a little breathless.

This is Heavenly Dao at its peak, even if the injury is not cured, it can still sweep Xiao Xuan and the others!

The soul is so trembling that it is so powerful!

“hahaha …… Ha!” the evil Heavenly Dao laughed loudly, the laughter was like a thunderbolt, and everyone’s eardrums were tingling, “Invincible me, I am back!” /p>

But his tone barely fell, but there was a fluttering voice in his ear: “Is it?”

Hearing the familiar voice, the evil Heavenly Dao shuddered, dark around The fog stopped for a moment, then immediately came down honestly, converging all the pressure and breath.

That was the voice of Wine Sword Immortal, the terrifying character who sealed it in the Independent Space!

“Honest cooperation, as your training partner, I won’t say anything else.” In the Shrouding the Heavens branch, Wine Sword Immortal sound transmission millions and millions li, the voice was incomparably clear In the ear of evil Heavenly Dao, “I will always pay attention to you. If you let me find out what small actions you secretly do, what you think, believe me, the consequences are definitely not what you are willing to accept.”

“I must cooperate fully, Mister Mingjian!” The evil Heavenly Dao immediately fell on the ground to show respect and lowliness, and interpreted a villain who was bullied and hardened vividly and thoroughly.

After a long time, the sound transmission of Wine Sword Immortal was not heard, and the evil Heavenly Dao stood up tremblingly.

After being warned by Wine Sword Immortal, the evil Heavenly Dao is quite honest, it looked towards Heavenly Emperor and the others, saying, “Who wants to challenge me? Come on!”

The crowd who had just been suffocated by that horrible coercion had just calmed their emotions, and heard the evil Heavenly Dao, and suddenly everyone fell silent.

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