Chapter 936 Enthusiasm

Not only Azure Emperor, the rest are also curious about the time that Heavenly Emperor and fierce person Heavenly Emperor can persist.

Because from the time they insisted on, it is possible to speculate how much the difference between their battle strength and the ordinary Transcendent Middle Realm powerhouse!

Obviously, the longer you persist under the attack of the Heavenly Dao avatar, the more powerful it proves!

Without beginning Heavenly Emperor and fierce person Heavenly Emperor, they can also fight back from time to time under the attack of the Heavenly Dao avatar, which is enough to prove their arrogance.

“The same is Transcendent Middle Realm, the gap between me and them is too big.” Jian Sheng Yin Ruo shook his head awkwardly.

Journey to the West World Supreme Taoist, Bodhisattva Old Ancestor, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Zhen Yuanzi and the others also felt a little panicked.

They are even a little difficult to understand. Are the strength of Divine Soul of fierce person Heavenly Emperor and Wuly Heavenly Emperor unlimited? Why have they been so tired for so long?

Empress Mother of West and the Father without Beginning are proud, proud of such a great son!

“Yang Jian is going to lose.” Baolian Lantern World Supreme Taoist has been following Yang Jian all the time. When Yang Jian began to show his fatigue, he could not help saying.

Sure enough, he was tone barely fell, and Yang Jian was blown out by Heavenly Dao. He spurt a mouthful of blood in his mouth, and his spirit suddenly became depressed, as if he was emptied. General strength.

Although Yang Jian is defeated, the eyes of everyone looking towards Yang Jian are still full of admiration and appreciation.

The battle with Heavenly Dao proved his unlimited potential!

“Amitabha.” Journey to the West The posthumous World Tathagata Buddha folded his hands together and looked at Yang Jian compassionately. He said enthusiastically: “Yang Jian, you are not hurt, it ’s better if I do it for you. Treat it. I have a healing technique in Buddhism, called ‘Cihang Pudu’, which can greatly reduce your injury … “

Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha slightly nodded, said:” How about if you and I perform ‘Chang Pudu’ together and heal the injury of this Yang Jian donor. “

However, without waiting for their action, the Baolian Lantern World Supreme Taoist prevented:” Slow down

He hurriedly said: “I have Golden Core for healing here, enough to cure Yang Jian ’s injuries, and you do n’t need to do more.”

Yang Jian is a bit ignorant. I do n’t know the two What medicine is sold in Tathagata Buddha bottle gourd, and I do n’t know why Supreme Taoist is so nervous.

“Amitabha.” Journey to the West ’s posthumous World Tathagata Buddha said: “Everyone is thinking about Yang Jian, why does the old man stop me from waiting? It ’s important to know that although the Golden Core is good, it may not be possible. Healing Yang Jian ’s injury, it is difficult to guarantee what repercussions will remain … Besides, there is no conflict between our healing of Yang Jian and the Golden Core swallowed by Yang Jian … If the old man is worried that I will wait for the mercy, then the old man Do n’t worry, Junda, I will never be like that. ”

Yang Jian also looked at Supreme Taoist in doubt. He thought the Tathagata Buddha was right.

The most important thing is that when he encountered a crisis in Celestial Court, it was the Tathagata Buddha who released his crisis and rescued his younger sister Yang Chan. He still has a slight affection for the Tathagata Buddha in his heart, at least, not as disgusting as some people in Celestial Court.

Looking at Yang Jian ’s slightly changed expression, Baolian Lantern World Supreme Taoist groaned in his heart and hurriedly said, “Yang Jian, do n’t listen to them. They look at your infinite potential and want to pass this way You can’t be fooled by their means to buy you away! These bald monks, none of them are someone who is easy to deal with! “

” The words of the old man, I can’t agree with you. “Journey to the West’s posthumous World Tathagata Buddha said seriously:” I appreciate Yang Jian’s donors, and I am willing to help Yang Jian’s donors for free. This is a big deal, not a purchase. This is one; Yang Jian’s donor is an independent thinker. People, not items, he has the right to make his own decisions, no one has the right to decide for him, the second. “

He does not deny his appreciation and appreciation of Yang Jian, but exposes Your own sincerity.

Although Buddhism is different from Taoism, the struggle between the two is constant and has a long history, but Tathagata Buddha is a true Buddha, and is the ancestor of the Buddha, thinking realm can compare with extraordinary people, this point, Even many Supreme Taoist have to admit.

The World Supreme Taoist of the Lotus Lantern frowned. Journey to the West, after the World Tathagata Buddha this remark, he was speechless.

“It’s okay.” Baolian Lantern World Supreme Taoist sighed, looked towards Yang Jian, “Yang Jian, you decide for yourself.”

At a short time, everyone’s eyes turned to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian was a little flattered, but he did n’t think that he made the big brothers so valued, and even quarreled for himself. He thought about it and said to Journey to the West ’s posthumous World Tathagata Buddha, Valued and thanked the Buddha for this kind of intention, but Yang Jian is after all a Taoist person, and should not be involved too deeply with Buddhism … “he this remark, expressed his opinions euphemistically.

“Amitabha.” Journey to the West The posthumous World Tathagata Buddha with his hands folded, said with a slight smile: “Since that is the case, then I will respect the opinions of Lord Yang Jian.”

Yang Jian sighed in relief, said: “many thanks Buddha forgiveness.”

The more magnanimous Tathagata Buddha is, the deeper Yang Jian feels towards him. If there is a chance in the future, he will not mind In return for Buddhism, but from the standpoint of the standing team, his flag was very clear. Daomen nurtured him and gave him everything. Based on this, he would always betray the Daomen.

Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha Although there are some regrets, in the end it is the same as World Tathagata Buddha, Journey to the West posthumously, without entanglement.

In his view, Buddhism’s fate with Yang Jian has not yet arrived. If he forcibly shows his favor, it will appear too utilitarian, which makes Yang Jian disgusted.

“Yang Jian, I really read you right!” Baolian Lantern World Supreme Taoist breathed a sigh of relief, while appreciating the authenticity: “jade cauldron that kid has n’t done much business in his life, only He has made the most wise decision in his life on the matter of accepting you as a disciple and cultivating you wholeheartedly! “

Yang Jian shut up and said nothing, he couldn’t answer it.

Jade cauldron True Master is his master, how can he misjudge his master?

The entire Po Lantern World, it is estimated that Supreme Taoist and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning dare to comment on jade cauldron True Master.

Yang Jian is still afraid to debate for jade cauldron True Master, because Supreme Taoist is the master of jade cauldron True Master, and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning is the master of jade cauldron True Master …

“Come here, these Golden Cores, you just keep it for a while, and you can come to me when you are finished.” Supreme Taoist does not hesitate to take out a large number of exquisite jade bottles, each jade There are several Golden Cores in the bottle, “You do n’t have other skills in Ancestor Master, but pill concocting is a good hand. In the future, you can take medicine pill, enough!”

At the same time, Journey to the West World Supreme Taoist also took out a bunch of jade bottles and handed them to Yang Jian, saying: “It seems that I can’t help but point out that these medicine pill, you also hold it. Although the effect is weakened by the rules, it is not comparable to your Po Lin World medicine pill, but it ’s better than nothing. ”

Seeing the actions of two Supreme Taoist, the rest of the world ’s Supreme Taoist Also have gift.

For a few words, Yang Jian unfathomable mystery received hundreds of medicine pills, among them the Renowned Nine Revolutions Golden Pill, and the healing Golden Core and so on.

“hahaha …… Ha! Everyone is so enthusiastic, I do n’t give anything, and it seems impossible to explain.” Journey to the West World Earth Immortal ancestor Zhen Yuanzi 大仙 laughed, waved quite boldly Sleeve, for a while, a fruit with an attractive fragrance appeared in the sight of everyone. The fruit was like a baby, but it had clear facial features. “This is Ginseng Fruit, my specialty of Wuzhuangguan. It should be celebrated. You have been holding the gift for so long in the battle with Heavenly Dao! “

” Ginseng Fruit! “Yang Jian was surprised.

However, his surprise is far from over. After Zhen Yuanzi, the people around him began to send gifts one by one, and the gifts sent by each person were extremely out of the ordinary, and the value was almost no less than Spirit. Stone.

Yang Jian received many congratulatory gifts dizzyingly, he could hardly calculate, just for a while, he did n’t know how many times his value had risen … it was a night of riches!

Even the Tathagata Buddha at the Po Lin Lan World where he is located, all give away a Bodhi Seed, worth the city!

“Thank you, thank you all!” Yang Jian thanked everyone for his cup one fist in the other hand, and sincerely thanked him. Although he was very excited, his actions were still calm, not at all complacent.

When everyone saw Yang Jian ’s performance, he immediately appreciated it more, and wanted to immediately pull Yang Jian into his camp.

However, everyone knows that this kind of thing is not in a hurry, and now we can only do a good relationship with Yang Jian first.

As long as the relationship is good, there will always be opportunities in the future!

Even if Yang Jian cannot be attracted in the end, their contribution is not in vain. A talent with such potential and value emotion, value friendship, even if they just make ordinary friends, will definitely be able to reap amazing results in the future. In return, they believe that if they encounter any difficulties in the future and ask Yang Jian for help, Yang Jian will certainly not sit idly by.

“Your Jian’s kindness is remembered in your heart.” Yang Jian arched his hand, “However, Yang Jian is injured, and in order to avoid falling down on any repercussions, he must seize the time to heal the wound. Please forgive me! “

After talking to everyone for a while, Yang Jian sat cross-legged and swallowed the Golden Core to concentrate on healing.

After about half an hour of incense burner, the beginningless Heavenly Emperor and the fierce person Heavenly Emperor are almost in no particular order, and at the same time defeated under Heavenly Dao.

The fierce person Heavenly Emperor could n’t see any expression on his face, and he stepped back aside, ignoring the people around him, sitting directly cross-legged, and silently healing the wound.

Without beginning Heavenly Emperor is towards Empress Mother of West and Great Accomplishment Saint Physique, helplessly said: “The Heavenly Dao avatar is really powerful, I tried my best, I still lost …”


“You are very difficult to deal with.” Empress Mother of West has a loving face and proudly said: “It can force Heavenly Dao’s avatar to such a point that it can be batteryd and exhausted, except for you, there is only the empress. It can be done. Compared with you, we are too far apart, child, I am proud of you! “

Everyone’s eyes are on the beginningless Heavenly Emperor and the fierce person Heavenly Emperor who silently heals There was a trace of fear in his body.

No beginning Heavenly Emperor laughed at himself: “If you lose, you lose, why are you proud?”

In his view, only the split with Heavenly Dao is comparable To be considered successful.

And this is also his goal.

It’s a pity that he is still a line away from his goal!

Everyone heard his words, and the corners of their mouths did not twitch slightly. If they could hold on under Heavenly Dao for so long, they would have been so excited that they could n’t help themselves. But Heavenly Emperor was not satisfied … /p>

The most frustrating thing is that Wuqi Heavenly Emperor really thinks so in his heart, rather than talking about it, the self-deprecating appearance can also make people see that he really thinks I still have shortcomings and failed to achieve my goals.

“Should the people of Shrouding the Heavens World be so perverted?” Everyone looked at each other, all secretly sighed, “No beginning Heavenly Emperor, fierce person Heavenly Emperor, two Saint Physique, Azure Emperor, Empress Mother of West … their battle strength is generally stronger than ours, and only Yang Jian and Victorious Battle Buddha Sun Wukong can contend with it. “

No beginning Heavenly Emperor and fierce person Heavenly Emperor , So that everyone feels a pressure.

Even though Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha and Journey to the West, the posthumous World Tathagata Buddha and the Cultivation Base are higher than the two, but they still feel the huge pressure and do n’t dare to underestimate Two people.

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