Chapter 940 Do n’t Move?

“Yes, Heavenly Emperor is right, Heavenly Emperor is assured, my Golden Wings Great Peng sculpture will absolutely abide by the rules of Shrouding the Heavens World, and will not force anyone or force people.” Golden Wings Great Peng sculpted immediately, and the conversion was very natural.

Fierce person Heavenly Emperor slightly nodded, and then set her sights on Qiao Feng, she hesitated a little, and said: “You are good, Shrouding the Heavens World also welcomes talents like you, if you feel Shrouding the Heavens World If you are interested, you can consider staying in Shrouding the Heavens World. Of course, it ’s up to you to decide, I do n’t force it. ”

Previously, she never recruited who, so she said this Sometimes it’s unnatural.

And this just reflects Qiao Feng ’s excellence.

If Qiao Feng is not good enough, how can he attract so many big brothers to get together?

“I will consider it carefully.” Qiao Feng looked serious, and then respectfully said to the fierce person Heavenly Emperor: “Thanks thanks Senior Release!”

fierce person Heavenly Emperor nodded, no Say more.

She turned her head towards Sun Wukong and asked, “How did you come back?”

At a short time, everyone’s eyes around them all turned to Sun Wukong in unison.

“brother, did you know fierce person Heavenly Emperor?” I mistakenly thought that Sun Wukong was a young admirer of a great Saint Saint. When I saw fierce person Heavenly Emperor greet Sun Wukong, Not startled.

Sun Wukong glanced at the young man and said to fierce person Heavenly Emperor: “My old grandson wants to try again.” Is Heavenly Dao doppelganger? “

” My old grandson Cultivation Base has a breakthrough, Divine Soul has not only recovered, but also improved a lot. “Sun Wukong’s eyes burned a thick fighting intent, just Like Jiutian Xuanhuo, the fire is burning and cannot be extinguished. “Although I am not sure about defeating Heavenly Dao, but I am not satisfied with the evaluation of the seven-star battle strength!”

There was a dignified expression between the female emperor’s eyebrows: “Transcendent Upper Realm?”

Sun Wukong nodded, there is nothing to hide from this matter.

“Congratulations!” The empress solemnly cupped the hands.

The original Sun Wukong ’s Cultivation Base is the same as hers, but the battle strength is not as strong as hers. She does n’t pay much attention to Sun Wukong, but now it ’s different. Sun Wukong Cultivation Base achieved breakthrough and became Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse ranks among the ranks of All Heavens Myriad Realms cream of the crop-level powerhouse. Even if its battle strength is average, she dare not look down on it. Moreover, Sun Wukong ’s battle strength is not ordinary. On the contrary, Sun Wukong ’s battle strength is better than Tathagata. Buddha is still strong.

“Since you want to challenge Heavenly Dao, then I will not bother. Goodbye.” The emperor immediately said goodbye.

Sun Wukong also did not retain, said with a smile: “Fairy goodbye!”

Soon, the emperor left the independent space, hurried to the branch, rushed to the branch, the News, report to Wine Sword Immortal.

After the emperor left, the independent space became quiet. Except those who were fighting with Heavenly Dao, the rest of the people held their breath, one after another, and focused on Sun Wukong.

Qiao Feng, who was originally very concerned, was somewhat left out at the moment.

“It turns out that you … you are really Great Saint Sun Wukong!” The young man next to him stared at Sun Wukong with a stunned look.

He feels like a dream, and he feels unreal.

I actually spoke to Great Saint Sun Wukong from Qitian!

What an honour is this?

At the same time, the Golden Wings Great Peng sculpture and the others are also looked towards Sun Wukong, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

From the conversation between Sun Wukong and fierce person Heavenly Emperor, we can see that the great Saint in front of him is Victorious Battle Buddha Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Transcendent Middle Realm Cultivation Base, and battle strength to reach the terrifying seven-star terrifying character! Even more terrifying, his Cultivation Base went even further, reaching Transcendent Upper Realm!

There is no doubt that Sun Wukong has now stood at All Heavens Myriad Realms pinnacle and set foot in the ranks of Transcendent Upper Realm.

As of now, there are very few Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouses where All Heavens Myriad Realms have appeared. In addition to the Dean of the General Hospital and the Dean of each Great World, only Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha, Journey to The West Biography World Tathagata Buddha, Heavenless Buddha, and Illusion Domain Divine Fox of the General Hospital Bai Jie, Peak Eight-star Illusion Technique teacher Bai Ling.

Many people in the field are worshipers of Sun Wukong. Now that they know Sun Wukong Cultivation Base breakthrough, they are more and more awed and admired!

Sun Wukong did n’t like being watched by so many people. He frowned and said, “What should everyone do, do n’t look at my grandson.”

hearing this, everyone is in a hurry Looking away, I was afraid that Sun Wukong would be unhappy.

“Monkey.” At this time, the voice of evil Heavenly Dao came into Sun Wukong ’s ears, “Unexpectedly, your Culture Base broke through so quickly.”

Sun Wukong lifts the head, looking at the light mist in the sky lightly, said: “Less nonsense, hurry and play with my grandson!”

The evil Heavenly Dao said: “I can play with you , But not now. “

Sun Wukong complexion sank:” Do you want to defy the will of Wine Sword Immortal Senior? “

” Of course not! “The evil Heavenly Dao was taken aback It does n’t dare to go against Wine Sword Immortal, otherwise, it ’s not so in vain that it has suffered so many wrongs, it quickly said: “Monkey, do n’t talk nonsense! How dare I go against that dean!”

Sun Wukong puzzled: “So what do you mean?”

The evil Heavenly Dao calmed down and said, “I haven’t recovered from my serious injuries. I have no problem with those who come here. I have no problem with Cultivation. People with lower Base can also score points Fight against them, but you are not the same. “It played against Sun Wukong, and naturally understood what kind of battle strength Sun Wukong has.” Your battle strength is not weak, and now Culture Base has broken through to Transcendent Upper Realm. With me now Although you can beat you, it is difficult to measure your true battle strength. “

” so that’s how it is. “Sun Wukong suddenly realized,” Well, you take a rest first, my grandson Waiting for you here. “

After that, Sun Wukong walked to a place where no one was there, sat cross-legged, and closed his eyes.

He also needs to adapt to the new power, so that he can exert the strongest battle strength and fight against the evil Heavenly Dao with the strongest posture.

This is why he is willing to give the evil Heavenly Dao a chance to recuperate!

Seeing Sun Wukong calm down, the evil Heavenly Dao breathed a sigh of relief, saying: “Three years, at most three years, I can restore the Peak period, at that time, I will meet your wishes, and you Fight! “Three years sounds like a long one, but for the real gangster, it’s just a nap, and it’s fleeting.

Sun Wukong eyes opened, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but then he spread out, indifferently said: “Okay, my grandson is waiting for you!”

At this time, independent A free and easy laughter sounded in the space: “Three years is too long. In my opinion, half a month is almost the same.”

“Who is talking nonsense!” The evil Heavenly Dao said angrily: “True Do you think I am bullying? You believe or not, I … “

Halfway through the conversation, the evil Heavenly Dao stopped suddenly, and the light mist body fiercely shivered, almost dispersed, and the voice came to an abrupt end.

I saw Wine Sword Immortal appear out of thin air In front of it, I said with great interest: “Why, you are not convinced?”

The evil Heavenly Dao coughed and instantly changed from the majestic Heavenly Dao to a pug, and said flatly: “It turned out to be Wine Sword Immortal Mister, please forgive the villain ’s offense, and the villain did n’t know you …… “

Everyone is stunned. This talking guy is really Heavenly Dao?

Legendary Heavenly Dao, just this virtue?

Are you sure which pug is not posing?

Although it is known that the evil Heavenly Dao is different from the ordinary Heavenly Dao, it is a special lifeform that was born after the confusion of all business ideas and the formation of will, but in any case, it is Heavenly Dao after all! When can the aloof and remote, Heavenly Dao, which is invincible like a god, be so pleased?

The evil Heavenly Dao’s move has subverted everyone’s cognition, destroying the three views!

The sacred and inviolable image of Heavenly Dao has completely collapsed!

“Okay, you do n’t have to pretend to please me.” Wine Sword Immortal rolled the eyes, with a disgusted face: “As long as you obediently and honestly cooperate to complete the task, I will naturally not move you for no reason.

“Yes, Mister is right, the villain promises to cooperate fully and never be lazy.” The evil Heavenly Dao respectfully said.

Wine Sword Immortal nodded with satisfaction, and then threw a jade bottle to the evil Heavenly Dao: “In this jade bottle, it is the essence extracted by immortal elixir, which can heal your injury … With it , Within half a month, the injury will definitely be able to recover completely. And, after you get injured, you can also use it to heal. “He looked towards evil Heavenly Dao and asked with a smile:” How, I am good to you , You said, are you impressed? “

The evil Heavenly Dao heard it, and then there was a burst of excitement, but it was followed by a cold sweat.

Wine Sword Immortal does this mean that it may be injured frequently in the future? Is this prepared for it in advance?

I thank you! I thank you ancestor eighteen generations!

“Why, you are not moved?” Wine Sword Immortal asked.

The evil Heavenly Dao swallowed a spit, trembling: “I am moved, the villain is very moved!”

Wine Sword Immortal flashed a dangerous rays of light in his eyes: “Dare Move? In front of me, do you dare to move? You try one! “

Evil Heavenly Dao:” wu wu wu …… “

I ’m so hard!

Wine Sword Immortal Seeing the evil Heavenly Dao seemed to be almost scared and collapsed. She could not help shaking her head and sighed: “Just kidding that’s all, you are too brave to be so scared … but words When I come back, I’m not bad for you, are you not happy at all? “

” Happy, villain is so happy! I am so happy to cry! “The evil Heavenly Dao’s voice was shaking, I don’t know if I’m moving or worrying about my future. “Mister is so good to the villain, the villain has no way to repay …” It was tearing and bleeding in his heart.

It is almost broken by Wine Sword Immortal!


This Wine Sword Immortal is simply a demon!

Compared to him, he is simply a docile little sheep!

“No, as long as you cooperate with your work and do your due diligence, even if you repay me.” Wine Sword Immortal said seriously.

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