Chapter 939 Glory

Sun Wukong not at all arguing with the youth, perhaps in the eyes of ordinary person, the seven-star battle strength is already a great existence, there is no need to fight for a right or wrong.

Looking across the battlefield, Sun Wukong paid a little attention, and then looked towards the surroundings.

Soon, he saw a familiar silhouette, some surprises: “Why is this guy here …”

At the same time, a long white beard, divine poise And the old man of sagelike features also noticed the arrival of Sun Wukong.

“Great Saint!” I saw that the old man was a little excited and surprised. Sound transmission said: “Why are you here?”

Sun Wukong smiled and said sound transmission: ” Taibai Jinxing, didn’t expect actually met you here. What are you doing here? “

His friendship with Taibai Jinxing is not bad, Celestial Court many great immortals, including the Jade Emperor, he recognized There are not many people, and Taibai Jinxing is one of them.

Taibai Jinxing explained: “I was sent by Dean.”

“Dean? If my old grandson remembers correctly, you should n’t have joined Sky Academy?” Sun Wukong wondered.

“Although I am not qualified to join Sky Academy, it does not mean that I cannot do things for Sky Academy!” Taibai Jinxing proudly said: “Strictly speaking, I am now also regarded as Journey to the West after the branch Of the non-staff personnel, Dean sees me as being able to handle things well, and has appointed me to recruit foreign talents, and has given me a lot of authority. He also promised me that if the branch expands in the future, it will allow me to be the first batch of students. Join the branch. “

Sun Wukong asked:” Why do you want Dean to come here? “

Taibai Jinxing hesitated, cautiously sound transmission said:” Come on this move Talents! “

Paused, he solemnly said:” Heavenly Dao is the most fair and can distinguish talents and mediocrities well. I am entrusted by Dean and stay here. Once who appears, I do n’t hesitate to recruit them at a great price. “

” Good way! “Sun Wukong eyes shined,” It ’s better to stay here and wait for the talents to come to your door instead of going over the world to collect talents. , Is indeed a good way! “

Taibai Jinxing is said curiously:” Great Saint, have n’t you already challenged the Heavenly Dao avatar? How come again? “

Sun Wukong faintly smiled: “My Cultivation Base has a breakthrough. I want to try again.” ”

Now the Wilderness World ’s Cultivation System has become the mainstream system of All Heavens Myriad Realms in the Zhang Yu dantian space, which is common in all Worlds. Journey to the West ’s posthumous World has been connected to other Worlds for some time. , Naturally also know the name and division rules of each realm.

Sun Wukong laughed: “Fortunately, lucky!”

“Great!” Taibai Jinxing excitedly said: “This time, we Journey to the West, after the World, there are three Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse! “

As a friend of Sun Wukong, he was very happy for Sun Wukong.

Moreover, the stronger the overall strength of the Journey to the West posthumous World, the more calm the face of the impact of the top 7th grade Great World such as the tomb World to be connected, World after soaring, Predator Star World, etc. , The impact will be minimized.

This is clearly good news to celebrate!

“Oh, do you know that kid?” Sun Wukong pointed to a young man who had been fighting with Heavenly Dao for a long time in the field. “Although the Culture Base is lower, the battle strength seems pretty good.

Taibai Jinxing immediately got up and said, “I just asked. This person is from The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World. The surname Qiao Mingfeng is The Deva, the Nāga, and the The famous heroes of Eight Sections World, one of several Child of Destiny, if you read the history books of The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections, you must know him. ”

“Qiao Feng …” Sun Wukong slightly nodded, “This person is really good!”

Although The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World is just a third-order Small World, but there are Many heroes and heroes, of course, also have some shameless scum, and the story of The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections is also widely circulated. Many people know Qiao Feng ’s name, his straightforward and upright, and righteous character, It is also appreciated by many people.

Another moment passed.

The battle between Qiao Feng and Heavenly Dao avatar came to an end.

Faced with the almost invincible Heavenly Dao avatar, Qiao Feng, despite his hard work, eventually lost.

However, the Heavenly Dao avatar gave him a very high evaluation. I saw the Heavenly Dao avatar and praised: “you brat is not bad, the person who challenged me has already surpassed 10,000, but I can stick to this under my hands. For a long time, but very few, you brat is one of them. Your battle strength, in the four levels, has reached seven stars. “

The evaluation of the battle strength of seven stars is unsurprising.

However, although it has been guessed for a long time, when the real genius of the seven-star battle strength was born, everyone was still inevitably excited.

“God, it ’s really seven stars!”

“Another seven-star battle strength genius was born!”

“Good guy, even with Qi Tian Great Saint level! “

” If Qitian Great Saint also has only a fourth-order Culture Base, I ’m afraid I can only draw a tie with him! “

” Horror like this ”

The crowd is boiling, and countless hot eyes are directed at the honest young man.

Qiao Feng has long been accustomed to the strange eyes of outsiders, and does not feel any discomfort. He is slightly nodded to Heavenly Dao, and then wipes the sweat, dragging the heavy pace, avoiding the fighting. Crowd, walk off the field.

At the same time, Taibai Jinxing immediately told Sun Wukong sound transmission: “Great Saint, I will not accompany you first, this Qiao Feng is a rare talent, I have to hurry him up …”

Although Qiao Feng ’s Cultivation Base is very low, Journey to the West ’s posthumous World pulls out a cultivation person who is more powerful than Qiao Feng, but its seven-star battle strength is very eye-catching and makes it No one dared to despise it.

The most important thing is that Qiao Feng ’s luck is very deep, and his future achievements are unlimited. As long as he is given proper training, he may achieve remarkable achievements.

Sun Wukong waved his hand and said, “The business matters, don’t worry about me.”

At this moment, the eyes of everyone around him have fallen on Qiao Feng, with admiration and admiration, There is envy and appreciation.

Originally, many people in 7th grade Great World were some people who could n’t look down on those who came from Small World, but Qiao Feng was different. He proved himself with his strength, and made everyone look at him. Like a bright star, it releases a thousand thousand zhang rays of light, revealing its glory and glory.

“Qiao Feng!” When Qiao Feng had just stepped out of the battlefield, Taibai Jinxing greeted him immediately. The old face, with a flowery smile on it, enthusiastically said: “Congratulations, you have won seven stars Battle strength evaluation! Such battle strength, looking at All Heavens Myriad Realms, is also can be counted on one’s fingers! I represent Journey to the West and posthumously World, I sincerely invite you to join! “

Qiao Feng startled:” Are you?

Taibai Jinxing said with a faint smile: “I am Taibai Jinxing, from Journey to the West posthumous World! However, my invitation is not for Celestial Court, but for Journey. to the West Hou Chuan Branch! “

Everyone was a little surprised, although Taibai Jinxing’s fame was far less than Qitian Great Saint, True Lord Erlang Yang Jian, Tathagata Buddha, Supreme Taoist, Jade Emperor, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva and the others, but in the Celestial Court, there is also a certain prestige, is a righteous God who is bound by the Celestial Court.

Compared to this legendary fierce person, he feels like a kind sheep!

Do n’t say it ’s him, even the Tathagata Buddha is close, fierce person Heavenly Emperor may not give face, after all, this fierce person not only has Transcendent Middle Realm ’s Cultivation Base, but the battle strength has reached nine stars, Tathagata Buddha has no confidence in her. The most important thing is that this fierce person is really ruthless. Look at the things she has done before.

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