Chapter 938 challenged again

Tathagata Buddha did not worry that Sun Wukong would retaliate himself, he whispered: “It seems that Buddhism really suppressed his nature, which led to his failure to achieve breakthrough all these years.”

In fact, Sun Wukong’s perception of the law has already surpassed Transcendent Middle Realm, and the divine force is also extremely strong. Only a suitable opportunity can break through.

Withdrawing from Buddhism is the best opportunity!

Dipankara Ancient Buddha said with a smile: “Anyway, this is a good thing for our World!”

There is one more Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, Give the entire Journey to the West post World, and its influence in All Heavens Myriad Realms will increase.

“Nice.” Bodhisattva slightly nodded by Guan Shiyin, “All Heavens Myriad Realms competition is becoming more and more fierce. Appears a Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, which is extremely beneficial to us.”

No Heaven Buddha Glancing at them, coldly snorted: “A group of hypocritical guys, who only count profits!”

He said, his silhouette disappeared in a flash.

Tathagata Buddha is at ease, not at all annoyed by the words of the skyless Buddha. Compared with the natureless nature of the skyless Buddha, they really seem to be too utilitarian and there are too many calculations. .

At this time, Sun Wukong slowly condensed his breath, and his originally tired body was full of strength again.

Unconsciously, his Divine Soul was completely recovered, and became stronger and more vigorous.

“Amitabha!” Seeing Sun Wukong waking up, Tathagata Buddha folded his hands together with a smile on his face, “Congratulations to the donor, once on sudden enlightenment, step on Transcendent Upper Realm!”

Dipankara Ancient Buddha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva also congratulated sincerely.

Although Sun Wukong has just been promoted to Transcendent Upper Realm, his battle strength is extremely amazing, and he really wants to fight, neither Tathagata Buddha may be his opponent, only Tathagata Buddha and the Celestial Buddha can join forces to make it possible. Suppress him.

Starting today, Number One Powerhouse of the Three Realms has been replaced!

“Buddha ’s kindness, my grandson remembered it.” Sun Wukong scratched his cheek. “If Buddhism is difficult in the future, my grandson will not sit idly by!”

Cultivation Base who has reached Transcendent Upper Realm is indeed qualified to say this.

Tathagata Buddha said with a slight smile: “I represent Buddhism, thank the donor!” I have also benefited from the grace of Buddhism. Since then, there is no need to owe anyone to blame. Both help Buddhism, just look at that’s all on Master’s face, and don’t need you to thank … ” The grandson does n’t tell you much, then the Heavenly Dao avatar, my grandson still wants to challenge. ”Sun Wukong took out his ears, an iron needle flew out, and quickly became larger, turning into a Gold-banded Ruyi Stick Gently waved the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick, the surrounding space was slightly trembling, and the sole of the foot stepped, the Sun Wukong silhouette suddenly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

Soon, Sun Wukong went to the Shrouding the Heavens branch through the branch wormhole of the branch.

He ignored the strange eyes of everyone around him, and the silhouette flashed again, like a meteor, breaking through the sky.

Journey to the West Biography World.

When Celestial Court sensed Sun Wukong’s departure, many great immortals felt a little relieved: “That monkey is finally gone!”

Unconsciously, many people were beaten with cold sweat Wet.

Celestial Court Jade Emperor was a bit distressed: “That monster monkey cultivation has skyrocketed, and even Tathagata Buddha may not be able to hold him back now, what can I do in the future?”

“Relax, he has joined After Journey to the West, he passed on to the branch and became a student of the branch. With his current status and strength, I am afraid that he can no longer be regarded as the Jade Emperor. Moreover, the Jade Emperor is Heavenly Dao’s seal and holds the authority of Heaven and Earth Sun Wukong is no longer the confused and ignorant monkey of the past. He wants to understand the truth now, even if he kills you, he cannot replace it. “Supreme Taoist indifferently said:” Jade Emperor need not worry about this.

Many great immortals are unable to bear secretly sighed gas, looked towards Jade Emperor ’s gaze, mixed with a trace of blame.

When Jade Emperor and Tathagata Buddha and the others worked together to calculate Sun Wukong, why had you thought that there would be today?

If the Jade Emperor was afraid of Sun Wukong in the past, he pretended to be a plan to sacrifice his image, then now, he is really afraid of Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong has grown to unconsciously Can easily overturn the point of Celestial Court!

“I hope so.” Jade Emperor was silent for a moment, then sighed.

He is not afraid of Tathagata Buddha, because Tathagata Buddha understands the significance of his existence as a jade emperor, and will never move him, dare not move him, but Sun Wukong is different. Tame, impatience, if Sun Wukong is anxious, he won’t care so much. First, he will fight a lot and say again, even on this day, Sun Wukong dares to poke a hole, how would he care about Jade Emperor?

The so-called horizontal is frightened, and the frightened is frightened.

The former Sun Wukong, who was stunned, fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, faced with the Tathagata Buddha, and dared to wave the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick, and beat him hard, no wonder the Jade Emperor would So afraid of him.

Although Sun Wukong’s temperament has calmed down a lot over the years, his unruly nature in the bones has never subsided.

It is foreseeable that from now on, everyone in Celestial Court will not have a better life, worrying about Sun Wukong at any time, and afraid that Sun Wukong will hit Celestial Court again without saying a word.

Each and everyone have their tails clipped, and they are more low-key, praying every day, hoping never to see Sun Wukong again.

Shrouding the Heavens World, Earth, Huashan.

After a group of Transcendent Realm powerhouse challenged Heavenly Dao to avail, the result of their challenge was also announced, which attracted more and more people to flock to Shrouding the Heavens World, and Earth Huashan became more and more lively. stand up.

Among many Transcendent Realm powerhouses, Wuqi Heavenly Emperor, fierce person Heavenly Emperor, and True Lord Erlang Yang Jian have become the objects of worship by countless people!

The fame of the three people, once catching up with Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha, Journey to the West, and the posthumous World Tathagata Buddha and Skyless Buddha, the three Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, even covered in a certain period After passing the three Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, it can be described as unprecedented. Even with the Baolian Lantern World and Shrouding the Heavens World, they attracted a lot of people to flow in, making the Debaolian Lantern Branch all smiles and laughed. Yang Jian served as a baby as delicious and delicious, using him as a gold signboard, using his reputation to recruit talent, and the effect was unexpectedly good!

When Sun Wukong came to Huashan again, there were many people standing on the edge of the Huashan cliff, and it was very lively.

When everyone saw Sun Wukong in a flash, the temperament was out of the ordinary, and they could not help exclaiming: “Qingtian Great Saint!”

At this time, the eyes of the people around us are divergent I was attracted and looked towards Sun Wukong.

“This dress … it must be Qitian Great Saint no doubt!” One of them was affirmed.

“Not necessarily. I heard that there is a student in the Shrouding the Heavens branch, Saint Prince of the Battle Saint ape family, which is very similar to Qitian Great Saint. Moreover, there are many people who worship Qitian Great Saint, There are in every World, and many of them learn to dress up like this, it is difficult to distinguish true from fake. “Another person made a different opinion.

A middle-aged man in a robe flew to Sun Wukong bravely and asked, “Dare to ask your Excellency the Great Saint?”

Sun Wukong nodded: “Yes, I’m the Great Saint Sun Wukong in the sky. The independent space is here, why don’t you go in?”

Hearing Sun Wukong acknowledging his identity, everyone around him showed an excited look, many people Looking at Sun Wukong in admiration, he was so excited that he could not speak.

No one doubts that Sun Wukong is lying, because the name of Qitian Great Saint is too big, who dares to pretend?

The middle aged daoist is also very excited, and his voice trembles a little. He responds respectfully: “I have just challenged the Heavenly Dao doppelganger, rested and meditated here, and recovered my energy. By the way, I want to see the results of others’ challenges.” Curiously asked: “I don’t know which World the Great Saint comes from?”

At present, there are several worlds that have the same Great Saint Sun Wukong. The strongest is undoubtedly Journey to the West. After the World Sun Wukong The weakest is Journey to the West World Sun Wukong. After all, Sun Wukong of Journey to the West World has just been born and is the youngest one. Even with Dean training, there are several Senior Brothers to help, But it can not become a climate in a short time.

“I am Journey to the West posthumous World Sun Wukong.” Sun Wukong answered honestly.

“It turned out to be the Victorious Battle Buddha …”

“No, my grandson has quit Buddhism.” Sun Wukong shook his head and corrected, “Now I am already Free body! “

Now that he has quit Buddhism, he is no longer a Victorious Battle Buddha. Because of this, he would only admit that he is the Great Saint of Heaven.

“Great Saint withdrew from Buddhism?” Everyone around was started. If this news spread, it will definitely cause a lot of sensation.

The middle aged daoist is puzzled: “Do n’t the Great Saint have already challenged the Heavenly Dao avatar? Why are you here again?”

Challenge the Heavenly Dao avatar, need It takes a lot of strength of Divine Soul and challenges again for a second time in a short time.

“Oh.” Sun Wukong looked towards the direction of the independent space, saying: “I Cultivation Base has a breakthrough, strength of Divine Soul not only recovered, but also skyrocketed several times … So, I want to repeat Try it! “Before losing to Yang Jian, he was quite unconvinced. Now, he is in Peak state, without any restraint, and can play 100% of the battle strength.

hearing this, the middle aged daoist was shocked: “Are you breaking into Transcendent Upper Realm?”

God, another Transcendent Upper Realm boss is born!

Moreover, this big guy is still a famous Victorious Battle Buddha, no, now he should be called Qitian Great Saint!

Although Sky Academy is currently connected to many Worlds, Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse is still the battle strength of Sky Academy cream of the crop, such an expert, even if it is placed in the world of god tomb as expert as clouds, soaring After World, Predator Star World, etc., is also one of the most powerful big brothers. However, the tomb wormholes of World of Gods, World after Ascension, Predator Star World, Qitian Great Saint Sun Wukong World, Yangshen World, and Global Gaowu World have not yet been opened. The experts of these Worlds cannot temporarily leave where they are. World.

Sun Wukong indifferent expression, smiled slightly: “You continue to rest, let me go to an independent space to see first.”

The voice fell, Sun Wukong silhouette flashed, and everyone followed Disappeared from sight.

Everyone around looked at each other, and then dispersed separately, spreading the sensational news through various channels.

Independent space.

The arrival of Sun Wukong did not attract the attention of everyone. The eyes of the crowd were concentrated on the people who fought with the Heavenly Dao avatar. The longer they persisted, the more attention they received.

“really strong!” Sun Wukong heard a shocking voice from his ear, and saw a young man staring in one direction on the field. , It will reach the standard of nine-star battle strength! That person has insisted on 5 minutes of time, at least seven-star battle strength, right? “

” Specific number of stars, after playing, Heavenly Dao will give The answer! But I want to come, It shouldn’t be less than six stars! “

” Speaking of which is still no start Heavenly Emperor and fierce person Heavenly Emperor are powerful, actually have nine-star battle strength, and that Yang Jian is also Fierce person, battle strength reached eight stars! “

” Shrouding the Heavens World, each and everyone battle strength is incredible, not to mention the beginning of Heavenly Emperor and fierce person Heavenly Emperor Deity, Azure Emperor and the others, also received the battle strength evaluation from Seven Stars! “

Sun Wukong could n’t help but wonder: “What nine-star, eight-star, seven-star?”

Everyone glanced at Sun Wukong and saw him wearing a great Saint Saint costume, and thought he was the same Admirers of the Great Saint are not taken seriously.

“brother Are you an admirer of the Great Saints? No wonder this dress.” The nearest young man laughed and laughed, and then explained enthusiastically: “We just said Heavenly Dao division The battle strength level. When we battle with Heavenly Dao, it will be based on the battle strength we show. We will evaluate the battle strength level. One star is the lowest and nine stars is the highest. If it exceeds nine stars, it is Heavenly Dao level powerhouse. Heavenly Dao level Above the powerhouse, there is Heaven Defying Level powerhouse. “

Paused, the youth regretfully shook his head:” Unfortunately, most people only have a one-star rating, two stars, three star battle strength, few There are few, and those with four-star battle strength are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. “

Because of this, he saw the one who had battled with Heavenly Dao for 5 minutes of time Experts will be so shocked.

Sun Wukong was suddenly very novel. They left early and did n’t even know that the evil Heavenly Dao even graded their battle strength.

“What about Journey to the West, the legendary World Great Saint Sun Wukong?” Sun Wukong asked curiously, “Do you know what his rank is?”

The young man started, and then said, “You are talking about Victorious Battle Buddha? Victorious Battle Buddha is said to be a seven-star battle strength, the same level as Azure Emperor and the others. I came late, and I heard others talk about it. If you are interested, you can ask Heavenly Dao. “

” Seven Stars? “Sun Wukong eyes slightly narrowed, mouth angles slightly raised upwards,” It is not too low …… “

He has a hunch that if he splits with Heavenly Dao again, he will not be able to beat him, and he will not be as embarrassed as the last time.

“Brother, are you too upset?” The youth said in amazement: “The seven-star battle strength is already terrifying. It is definitely the existence of All Heavens Myriad Realms as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. Not low? To put it bluntly, if anyone can achieve the seven-star battle strength, I am afraid that they will become famous in All Heavens Myriad Realms immediately, and be worshipped by countless people, do n’t be too powerful! ”

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