Chapter 943 Expecting People

Shrouding the Heavens World, the battle strength is not low, coupled with the advantages on the Culture Base, if you really want to fight, Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others are just afraid to be difficult contend.

Xiao Yan and the others obediently and honestly accepted Ou Shenfeng ’s rebuke, and no one refuted it.

As Ou Shenfeng was preparing to say a few more words, a trembling wave of power came over the independent space.

Everyone was attracted by the power fluctuations. I saw a huge face of energy slowly forming in the air.

“Fen Dean!” Chuan Ying, Ning Fei, Divine King Jiang Taixu, Gai Jiu You and the others saluted respectfully.

The students of the major branches, the monks of All Heavens Myriad Realms, and the people of the General Academy, also saluted the giant face: “Wine Sword Immortal Senior!” The person coming is Wine Sword Immortal.

Everyone is extremely respectful of Wine Sword Immortal, and his eyes are full of awe.

Sky Academy Every Dean has a terrifying strength, the weakest is not less than Transcendent Upper Realm, and Wine Sword Immortal is undoubtedly the well-know figure among them, it is said that its strength can be Compared with the eighth-order True God Realm powerhouse, it is the most arrogant existence of Sky Academy except Dean.

Wine Sword Immortal glanced at everyone below, slightly nodded, and then said: “A lot of people have come, the independent space is too small, it seems crowded.” It can be seen that the volume of the independent space expands rapidly. After a few breaths, it expands more than ten times. The original space that was originally crowded, sparse in time, and many places seem to be empty.

After expanding the volume of the independent space, Wine Sword Immortal indifferently said: “Okay, you go on.”

The huge face of energy in the sky slowly disperses .

Wine Sword Immortal is gone, the divine sense fluctuation disappears, and all the people are sighed in relief, as if regaining freedom, gasping for breath.

“The strength of Wine Sword Immortal Senior is really unpredictable.” Bai Ling could not help sighing.

Bai Jie nodded solemnly: “The Black Mist of Transcendent Upper Realm, he does not rely on Divine Item’s profit, he can easily subdue it by his own strength, which is more powerful than the average True God lower realm powerhouse also needs to be terrifying … “

She has seen True God Realm powerhouse, and there are far more than one. However, Wine Sword Immortal gives her the impression that it is deep and unmeasurable.

The rest of them dare not talk too much about Wine Sword Immortal, because for them, Wine Sword Immortal is too far away, and it is an existence they can never touch.

“Amitabha, donor Bai Jie, donor Bai Ling, we meet again.” Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha folded his hands together and greeted Bai Jie and Bai Ling.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and the others are also looking at Bai Jie and Bai Ling, but their looks towards the two have a strange look.

By now, they are also understood Bai Ling’s identity, to think at that time, they were played around by Bai Jie and Bai Ling, and they laughed bitterly in their hearts.

Bai Ling is a little embarrassed and I do n’t know how to respond.

Bai Jie was smiling, and slightly nodded responded, which seemed very natural.

After all, it is the Old Fox who has lived for 100,000 years, would you care about this embarrassment?

The eyes of everyone in the field fell on Bai Jie and Bai Ling, with curiosity and awe in their eyes.

Bai Ling, the first-generation student of Sky Academy, is also All Heavens Myriad Realms. Only one of them is currently rated as Heaven Defying Level powerhouse by Heavenly Dao!

She is like a magnet, attracting the eyes of countless people, such as bright stars, shining with charming charm.

And Bai Jie, as the only Heavenly Dao-level powerhouse at present, is also striking!

More importantly, according to many people ’s speculation, Bai Jie is likely to become a Dean of a certain Great World in the future, and become a similar Dean of Wine Sword Immortal and Old Man Tian Ji.

This speculation is not without foundation.

First of all, Bai Jie Nai Transcendent Realm Heavenly Dao powerhouse, battle strength has reached the limit of Transcendent Realm!

Secondly, Bai Jie ’s body is super Divine Beast, Greed Wolf Dog, Swallowing Heaven Beast and Dean are also super Divine Beast. This shows that Dean seems to have a certain preference for super Divine Beast. The majority of Dean is served by Super Divine Beast.

Finally, Bai Jie ’s time to join Sky Academy is not too short. The seniority is enough. As Dean, it is not difficult to understand.

In the eyes of most people, although Bai Jie has not yet been appointed as a Dean, but sooner or later, she will be promoted this Ren to the Dean of the Great World.

“We just come to see the battle between Qi Saint Great Saint and the evil Heavenly Dao, you do n’t have to care about us.” Bai Jie said with a slight smile.

Be that as it may, but it is difficult for everyone to ignore her and Bai Ling ’s existence.

The people around them did n’t speak to lower their voices consciously, or even kept silent.

Although the people in the major branches are a little more relaxed, Bai Ling and Bai Jie are not as scrupulous as others, but they feel quite close.

Anyway, everyone is a member of Sky Academy, with this layer of identity, they are naturally close to each other.

There is no day and night in the independent space, it seems to be eternal, if you do n’t deliberately calculate time, you can hardly feel the ebbing of time.

In unconsciously, time has passed for another three days.

On this day, Sun Wukong slowly opened his eyes, and the pair of purple eyes flashed a flash of light.

After practicing countless times in the consciousness space, he finally adapted to the new power.

Looking up towards the sky, I saw that the evil Heavenly Dao was still recuperating. Sun Wukong stood up and stretched his slightly rigid body, so I had time to observe all around.

When I saw the number of cultivators around me at least ten times, Sun Wukong could n’t help but startle: “So many people …”

“Most of them are coming to you Yes, your battle with the evil Heavenly Dao attracted people from All Heavens Myriad Realms. “At this time, Bai Jie also noticed Sun Wukong woke up and explained with a smile.

Looking at Bai Jie and Bai Ling, Sun Wukong’s pupils shrink.

Although his Culture Base breakthrough reached Transcendent Upper Realm, when facing Bai Jie and Bai Ling, he still felt an invisible pressure and threat.

“Why are you here?” Sun Wukong couldn’t help asking.

“speaking of which, you are also from Monster Race, which can be called a super Divine Beast.” Bai Jie smiled, “the same is a super Divine Beast, I am concerned about your battle with the evil Heavenly Dao, not Is it normal? ”

Sun Wukong laughed at himself: “Compared to you, my grandson can be called nothing more than Divine Beast.”

Whether it is Dean or Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bai Jie, Sun Wukong confessed that they were too much.

Those who are divided into Dean, each and everyone, deep and unmeasurable, Illusion Domain Divine Fox, Bai Jie, and also a Heavenly Dao powerhouse named Myriad Realms. Although he thinks he is not bad, his battle strength assessment There are only seven stars, which makes him feel that he is not worthy of the name of Divine Beast.

“You were suppressed by Buddhism before, and you can’t completely release your battle strength. I believe that after today, you can justify your name.” Bai Jie looked at Sun Wukong, said resolutely: “So, You don’t need undervalue oneself. “

Hearing this, Sun Wukong also showed a bit of confidence in his eyes, saying:” Thank you for your good words. “

Everyone around stopped talking, quiet Looking quietly at Bai Jie and Sun Wukong, I was afraid to disturb the communication between the two big brothers.

Among the crowd, among the students of Xiyou Jiangmo Branch, a short monkey looked at Sun Wukong with some jealousy, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes: “The same is Sun Wukong, why is he so powerful, but I So small and ugly, why is he so admired, but I am feared by countless people? “

There is no doubt that this monkey is Sun Wukong, the king of the Demon King of the Journey to the West.

Compared with Qitian Great Saint Sun Wukong, this Demon King’s king Sun Wukong is violent, overbearing, and more rebellious.

“You look at people, then look at yourself.” Duan Xiaoxiao looked towards the king of side Demon King Sun Wukong, and said: “It is also Sun Wukong, why is there such a big difference? Let’s go westward The image of Jiangmo Branch is almost ruined by you! “

Sun Wukong, the king of Demon King, twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then fiercely gritted his teeth:” Shut up! “

Duan Xiaoxiao was not afraid at all, and said, “What is fierce, am I not right? What skills do you have besides fierce yourself? You have the ability to challenge Heavenly Dao, dignified, just prove yourself Ah! “

Sun Wukong, the king of the Demon King, wished to beat Duan Xiaodian, but he finally endured it, and simply ignored her words, even ignoring her existence.

Of course, he also wants to prove himself, but the problem is that he does not have the ability to do like Great Saint Sun Wukong.

Moreover, even if he proves his battle strength, with his fierce appearance, I am afraid that it will not attract a large number of admirers, but will scare most of them …


Spring and Splendid World and a lucky sign World also each have a Qitian Great Saint Sun Wukong, but unfortunately, these two Sun Wukong are far less powerful than Journey to the West. Wukong, especially Sun Wukong of a lucky sign World, although not ugly in appearance, can’t be called Junmei. Journey to the West is bad in every way. World Sun Wukong is a big piece.

So far, Sky Academy has connected a lot of World, and a lot of Sun Wukong has appeared.

However, there are only three of the most popular!

One is Journey to the West World Sun Wukong, which has just been born and has not yet grown up.

One is Journey to the West posthumous World Sun Wukong, which has experienced countless hardships, and eventually became a Victorious Battle Buddha. Now he has quit Buddhism and returned to his nature. Be frank and have a very high personality charm.

One is Qitian Great Saint World Sun Wukong. It is unique and unique.

However, Journey to the West World Sun Wukong has not yet grown up, and Qitian Great World has not activated the teleport wormhole, Journey to the West, the posthumous World Sun Wukong has become Qitian Great Saint ’s only Spokesperson!

After a moment, Sun Wukong stopped talking with Bai Jie.

He glanced at Sun Wukong, the demon king, World Sun Wukong and the others, sound transmission: “Everyone is Sun Wukong, should help each other, regardless of each other. If you do n’t dislike Come here, I can talk about some insights on cultivation, maybe it will be helpful to you. “

They are all Intelligent Stone Monkey, cultivation is common, after Journey to the West Spreading the perception of World Sun Wukong’s cultivation is also an extremely valuable cultivation experience for other World Sun Wukong!

“You … do you really want to?” Sun Wukong, the king of Demon King, is a little unbelievable.

The other few Sun Wukong are also quite surprised.

The Journey to the West posthumous World Sun Wukong is faintly smiled: “But it ’s just some cultivation that ’s all, and it ’s not priceless and unique rare treasure, what is reluctant? We are all Intelligent Stone Monkey, all are Sun Wukong, I do n’t help you, who do you help? “

Sun Wukong, the king of Demon King immediately moved towards him, and he flew over, sound transmission said:” This is what you said, but No remorse! “

The other two Sun Wukong glanced at each other, and they all flew to Journey to the West to post World Sun Wukong.

At a short time, the four Sun Wukong stood together in stark contrast.

Everyone was also attracted to this scene, and felt very new. This is more interesting than the scene where several Tathagata Buddha and Supreme Taoist stood together, because Sun Wukong of different World has a big image Not the same, even with huge contrasts.

Journey to the West The posthumous World Sun Wukong did not pay attention to the eyes of outsiders, he patiently talked about his cultivation, hoping to help the Sun Wukong of the rest of the world and let them grow up as soon as possible. Every Sun Wukong can grow to Transcendent Upper Realm, then the name of Qitian Great Saint can truly Intimidating All Heavens and Myriad Realms, beyond Tathagata Buddha, Supreme Taoist and the others, so that no one dare to ignore .

One day later, Journey to the West ’s posthumous World Sun Wukong was only half said, and the sky suddenly came with a terrible coercion. The familiar coercion made him unable to bear lifts the head , Looked towards evil Heavenly Dao.

In the independent space, the evil Heavenly Dao ’s hearty laughter keeps echoing: “Recovered! hahaha …… Ha!” They were almost suffocated by the horrible coercion.

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