Chapter 958 Secret News

Zhang Yu was surprised: “You mean that although the first generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox has fallen, she has retained a True God Remnant Soul, which has remained until now?”

If it is just a Remnant Soul, it does not violate the rules.

Bai Jie nodded, said: “It is indeed true.”

Zhang Yu also asked: “She is True God Realm powerhouse?”

She Ontology is Illusion Domain Divine Fox, born in Fox Race, Fox ancestor has such terrifying strength, she and Yourong.

Zhang Yu does not at all doubt Bai Jie ’s words. Bai Jie broke into fairy fields of thousands of years, and naturally there is a way to judge what Cultivation Base people are probably in.

If the Remnant Soul of True God Upper Realm is burning Divine Soul, a full-scale outbreak, I am afraid no one dares to underestimate it?

“Have you verified her identity?” Zhang Yu slightly hesitated and asked: “has several points of sure that she must be the first generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox?”

Bai Jie replied: “I am very sure!”

paused, she said: “I am very sure that she is the ancestor of the fox!”

Zhang Yu has some accidents: “What credentials are there?”

“Because I within the body ’s Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bloodline, when I approach her, it will resonate. In addition to the first generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox, I really ca n’t think of, there is also who can With a Remnant Soul, it resonated with Illusion Domain Divine Fox Bloodline. “Bai Jie said:” The most important thing is that in my inherited memories, there is her message, that breath, that image is completely in line with the ancestor of Fox. In addition , She is also an eight-star Illusion Technique teacher. With only one Remnant Soul, she can display the amazing Illusion Technique …… “

From all aspects, this ancestor’s identity Basically sit real.

Zhang Yu no longer doubted the identity of the fox ancestor, and said with emotion: “Unexpectedly, the first generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox, there is still a Remnant Soul!”

That ancient living fossil In the chaos of time and space, she has not completely disappeared, and there are still traces of her in the world.

“I will ask you one last question again. If you answer clearly, I will allow you to take Bai Ling with me to see the first generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox.” Zhang Yu stared at Bai Jie with a staring look , With a serious expression.

Bai Jiesighed in relief, respectfully said: “Dean please.”

Zhang Yu indifferently said: “What is the purpose of you to meet the first generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox? Why Persevere to bring Bai Ling? “

” This … “Bai Jie hesitated.

It ’s about Fox Race confidentiality, and it involves the secrets buried in history. She is a little bit embarrassed.

Zhang Yu expressionlessly looked at Bai Jie, and said in a low voice: “I hope you can answer my question honestly.” Just in case, Zhang Yu can’t help enchantment technique again, to ensure that Bai Jie will not lie.

This incident involves a True God Upper Realm Remnant Soul and the first generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox, he will not take it lightly.

Bai Jie took a deep breath and said, “Can Dean ever hear of Magical Domain?”

“Magic domain?” Zhang Yu startled, the word “magic domain”, reminded him of the term “Illusion Domain Divine Fox”.

“Today, the five evil kings rule the endless chaos of time and space, killing the living, all living creatures in order to resist the five evil kings, and the five groups of evil spirits under their unity, thus unite and common Established the Immortal Territory, blocking the five evil kings and the five groups of evil spirits from the Immortal Territory … “Bai Jie slowly said:” The Immortal Territory is very large, including a billion trillion World, of which the eighth-order true God World, just There are dozens of them, 7th grade Great World is tens of thousands, and the world below 7th grade is too much to count. However, compared with the endless chaos of time and space, the fairy field is very small, only occupying Less than 1 /10000th of the area. “

Zhang Yu nodded. Before that, he learned this information from Bai Ling, but now it is just a review.

The World inside the Fairyland is relatively safe, and the World outside the Fairyland is not sheltered, and may face the invasion of the five families of evil spirits and even the five evil kings at any time. The five groups of kings and evil spirits are in control.

How prosperous was the extinct world, dragon world, demon world, etc.?

The top powerhouse from all sides of the world has gathered together, which can be described as a very strong moment. However, when the evil king comes, everything is annihilated in an instant, burned down, become the dust of history, and cannot be lifted. A trace of waves …

“Before I saw the ancestor of the fox, I always thought that the fairyland is the safest place in the chaos of time and space, gathering the power of all living creatures pinnacle!” Bai Jie shook his head A smile, “But later, I learned the truth in the mouth of Fox Ancestor! Immortal domain, in fact, is not the only existence ……”

Zhang Yu’s spirit revives, a single thought comes to mind, But it is a little unbelievable.

“Compared to the history of endless time and space turbulence, and relative to the years when the five evil kings and evil spirits existed, Xianyu is actually very young, and the years of experience are very short, in a long history. Among them, Xianyu only occupies a small section of the insignificant. “Bai Jie’s voice became deeper and deeper, and the voice was full of awe of history and a long time of awe.” As long as there were countless eras before Xianyu, some people have established similar alliances. , Gathering life power, resisting the invasion of the five evil kings and the five evil spirits! “

The history of chaos in time and space is an all living creatures fighting against the five evil kings and the five evil spirits. , Is also a history of blood and tears for all living creatures struggling to survive!

“Magic domain is such an alliance! And its existence is even more ancient than the fairy domain! Countless eras!”

“In the era before the fairy domain, the magic domain It is the sanctuary of all living creatures, gathering the power of all living creatures pinnacle in time and space, and fighting against the five evil kings and evil spirits. In that era, the status of the fantasy domain is indistinguishable from that of the fairyland today. , Its power is not inferior to Immortal Territory at all! “

” Immortal Territory is the main force against the five evil kings and evil spirits in this era, and Fantasy Domain is the last era against the five evils. The main force of the five families of kings and evil spirits! Compared to Immortal Territory, they pay more and sacrifice more … “

Bai Jie’s low words reverberate in the valley.

A few words, but it is like slowly spreading an ancient picture scroll, let people clearly see the heavy history.

Bai Ling ’s eyes were red, as if she could hear the sorrow of her predecessors, as if she could see the blood of the predecessors!

History is too cruel, too heavy, and overwhelming.

Zhang Yu also has a touch of feeling, the fantasy domain, the fairy domain, and the two major alliances. After countless epochs, in this long suffocating history, countless predecessors and ancestors threw blood, It is so tragic to resist the five evil kings and the five groups of evil spirits and never retreat, allowing all living creatures to multiply and survive.

Despite the long time, no one has remembered their names and achievements, but their heroic posture and immortal will will always be engraved on the monument of history!

People in later generations may not remember them, but history will eventually record everything about them!

It is precisely because of the predecessors with these big fearless, unyielding perseverance, fighting blood, all living creatures can thrive.

“Every heroic soul deserves our respect, and their unyielding will should be inherited by us.” Zhang Yu gently put out a breath, slowly said.

The valley was quiet for a while, and everyone ’s heart was not calm. Bai Jie, Bai Ling, and a group of Small Fox did not speak.

After a long time, Bai Jie calmed his emotions slightly, and his voice hoarsely said: “The era of fantasy domain has passed, and a new united” Fairy Domain “stands in the chaos of time and space, all living creatures Still united, fighting against the five evil kings and evil spirits, unyielding, he has long forgotten the existence of the magical domain, but no one knows that although the magical domain disappears in people’s vision and is buried by history, it does not Not really disappearing … “

Zhang Yu’s heart trembled.

Bai Jie’s words mean something, and the truth of history is coming out.

He tried hard to take a deep breath to slow down his heartbeat.

“I want to come to Dean and guessed, yes, the phantom domain is not dead, it still exists!” Bai Jie lifts the head, the tone is very excited, the body is shaking slightly, the mood fluctuates violently, ” The phantom domain dominated by the god fox disappeared after completing its mission, but it was not extinct, but the self. Seal, in a special time and space, cut off all connections with the outside world. ” /p>

Despite guessing this possibility, Zhang Yu was still unable to bear tremors when Bai Jie said it himself.

Outside the fairy land, there is still a magical field, an alliance that is older and even stronger than the fairy field!

If this news spreads, I am afraid it will cause a sensation in the whole fairyland!

There are four Legendary heroes in the fairyland, and hundreds of True God Realm powerhouses, so how powerful is the fantasy field?

“Seal cuts off all connections with the outside world in a special time and space … No wonder no one remembers the phantom domain, no wonder no one knows where the phantom domain is …” Zhang Yu is a little difficult to calm down.

But soon, he found another contradiction and could n’t help but ask: “Since the fantasy domain is so powerful, why not join forces with the fairy domain to remove the five evil kings and completely pull out this poisonous tumor “Xianyu can barely resist the invasion of the five evil kings and the five evil spirits. Even if it has always been in the disadvantage, it has persisted for so many years. Fantasy domain is stronger than the fairy domain. If the two join forces, how can the five evil kings resist? ?

As soon as the five great evil kings die, the five groups of evil spirits will not be threatened.

Bai Jie shook her head and said, “I don’t know. Maybe, the people of the fantasy domain have their own pains or some special considerations. Or, they can’t leave the fantasy domain. But I believe that in their stand against the five evil kings and the five groups of evil spirits, they are consistent with Immortal Realm! “

” How did you learn about these things? “Zhang Yu asked Tao: “Is that the fox ancestor telling you?”

Bai Jie said: “It was the fox ancestor telling me.”

“So, these things are not necessarily Really? “Zhang Yu suddenly laughed.” At least, until there is no concrete evidence, these things can only be trusted at most half! “

Bai Jie is a little anxious and wants to explain, but can take it again There is no hard evidence.

Fox Zu has a special status in Fox Race. Within Fox Race, no one will doubt the words of Fox Zu. Any doubt is disrespect to Fox Zu, but in the eyes of outsiders, Fox Zu The words are not necessarily believable.

Seeing Bai Jie seems to be anxious to explain, Zhang Yu waved his hand and said, “Okay, things are true and false, let ’s leave it for now. You still continue to answer my questions, you go to see Hu Zu, What is the purpose? “

” Because the fox ancestor told me that as long as two conditions are met, the door to the phantom domain can be opened! “Bai Jie’s eyes have a trace of fiery,” The phantom domain is Fox Race The ancestral land, the fox ancestor came from the phantom domain, but was expelled from the phantom domain because of violating the rules of the phantom domain, and then fell to the outside world. The name of Illusion Domain Divine Fox also came from. Fox ancestors also told me that as long as they can Opening the door of phantom domain, we can return to phantom domain and return to our hometown! My wish in this life is to take a look at my hometown and the ancestral land of the ancestor of Fox, even if it is just a glance, I die. No regrets! “

Zhang Yu asked:” What are the conditions? ” Eight stars! “

These two articles She will not never forget.

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