Zhang Yu nodded: “Besides the Hongmeng universe, there are indeed other worlds, and like the material plane of this universe, there are countless.”

When Hongmeng heard it, he was even happier. .

“Great!” Hongmeng was very happy, he sent an invitation to Zhang Yu, “Dean, are you interested in having a few drinks with me in Hongmeng space?”

In him It seems that Zhang Yu’s strength has surpassed Supreme God, and it is far surpasses. It definitely has the ability to break the constraints of the universe. Otherwise, how can Zhang Yu enter the Hongmeng universe silently?

Experts like this are qualified to communicate with him, and in terms of life level, they are considered to be similar to him.

In Beirut and Stuart, Hongmeng ignored the existence of the two and directly regarded them as air.

“I am also very happy to meet an eighth-order True God Realm powerhouse.” Zhang Yu said with a slight smile: “However, I still have something to deal with, it is better to let my doppelganger You go away. “

Hongmeng ’s eyes turned to Dean ’s avatar, and then nodded:“ The avatar will avail, as long as you can accompany me to drink. ”

paused, he said : “However, before that, I would like to ask you a question. You just mentioned eighth-order True God Realm. What does that mean?”

He looked at Zhang Yu curiously.

Zhang Yu laughed, said: “The so-called eighth-order True God Realm is a popular realm name for Foreign Domain World. The main god, the master, and Supreme God are all 7th grade Transcendent Realm, and you are like this. The universe controller is the eighth order True God Realm powerhouse. “

” putting it that way, presumably you are also True God Realm powerhouse? “Hongmeng said curiously.

“You can think so.” Zhang Yu did not deny it.

Although he only has the Cultivation Base of Transcendent lower realm, under the growth of World will, his power is only stronger than True God Realm powerhouse.

Even his avatar, the Dean avatar, has true strength, which is far superior to the superficial Cultivation Base.

Hongmeng not at all doubts Zhang Yu ’s words. Although he ca n’t see Zhang Yu and Dean ’s avatar, he still smells a hint of danger in Zhang Yu and Dean ’s affiliation. Never appeared.

“haha, I am not alone, I am not alone!” Hongmeng laughed heartily, his hearty laughter gave Heaven and Earth changeable situation.

It seems that the entire Heaven and Earth is celebrating him.

The change in mood alone resonated the entire Heaven and Earth. This unimaginable method made both Beirut and Stuart dumbfounded.

Not to mention Stewart, the seven-star demon, the main god Beirut, ca n’t understand the power of these great shores.

Laughter stopped, Hongmeng looked towards Zhang Yu: “Dean, although I do n’t know what you do for this material plane, what is your purpose, but since you have something to deal with, then I wo n’t bother, When you are done, you can come to Hongmeng Space to talk to me. In addition, if you have any needs, you can ask them to help. “

while speaking, Hongmeng snapped his fingers.

Next moment, Heaven and Earth suddenly burst into four colors of light, endless energy, surging in Between Heaven and Earth, even the sun is eclipsed.

“Hong long long!” Heaven and Earth began to vibrate, and the space turbulence was surging like a tide, indicating that a major event was about to happen.

In the shocked eyes of Beirut and Stewart, four blurry silhouettes gradually emerged, and the breath of terrifying spread out. The powerful breath made the souls of Beirut and Stuart tremble, that horror. Their coercion makes them unable to bear to generate an acknowledgment of allegiance from the heart, an instinctive acknowledgment of allegiance, completely not controlled by their thinking.

In the sky, the four silhouettes gradually solidify, the blurred shadows gradually clear.

Held breath cold air in Beirut ’s mouth: “His …”

Supreme God!

At the first sight of the four silhouettes, Beirut recognized them. They are the four Supreme Gods that control the operation of countless planes and maintain the order of Heaven and Earth. They are regular incarnations. Supreme Existence that is above the domination. Their appearance is perfect, there is no flaw, their temperament is noble, dusty, not interested in mundane affairs.

“Life Supreme God, Supreme God of Destruction, Supreme God of Destiny, Supreme God of Destiny, Supreme God of Death, four Supreme Existence, come together!” Beirut felt that his throat was a little dry, hiding the sky and covering the earth Under the terrifying pressure, he lowered his head deeply, with a humble appearance.

At the same time, he buried his head and shouted respectfully and humbly: “Beirut, meet the great Supreme God!”

In front of Supreme God, he is the Lord God, like a mortal different. How awesome the mortal is to the Lord God, how much the Lord God, the Lord, to Supreme God. Although Supreme God does not have human emotions, it is a pure rule incarnation, and will not be happy because of people’s awe and admiration for it, nor angry because of people’s insults, but no one dares to disrespect them.

Stuart woke up and bowed his head deeply, shouting respectfully and reverently: “Stuart, meet the great Supreme God!”

At the same time, Beirut and Stuart both have Unable to bear shouting: “God, who the hell is this person, even Supreme God can come out at random!”

After the four Supreme God appeared, they did not pay attention to Beirut and Stewart who bent down Instead, they moved towards Hongmeng and bowed together: “Master!”

As soon as this remark came out, Beirut and Stewart petrified on the spot.

“Lord, Master?” Beirut’s mind appeared in his mind, and his heart shivered.

Stuart was even more embarrassed. He was completely blinded by the whole person, and his mind seemed to be filled with paste, and he felt dizzy.

Hongmeng glanced at the four Supreme God, indifferently said: “Dean is my guest, you must greet him on behalf of me, his order is my order, even if it violates the Plane Rule, Do n’t disobey his orders, you know? ”

The four Supreme Gods were all created by him, so he should be called his master.

“Yes!” The four Supreme Gods are in unison.

They are regular incarnations and have no emotions. Therefore, in their words, no respect is felt, just like the four robots. Although they are bowing, although their speech content is very respectful, their tone is very plain and makes people feel distorted.

“Forget it.” Zhang Yu glanced at the four Supreme Gods and shook his head, “My things are simple, I don’t need them to help.”

Hongmeng said: “Just let them follow you for a while and save you some trouble. If someone who doesn’t open your eyes provokes you, you can let them come forward to solve it without having to do it yourself.”

Zhang Yu faint smile With Hongmeng: “Are you afraid that I personally shot and accidentally destroyed the entire Hongmeng universe?”

Hongmeng smiled embarrassingly, but not at all denied it.

The Hongmeng universe was created by him after spending a lot of effort. He naturally does not want the Hongmeng universe to be destroyed for no reason.

He has no doubt whether Zhang Yu has the power to destroy the entire Hongmeng universe. After all, he can easily destroy the Hongmeng universe himself. If Zhang Yu ’s strength is the same as him, then naturally he also has the destruction Hongmeng universe. Ability.

“No matter, let them follow for the time being.” Zhang Yu indifferently said: “When I have dealt with this matter, I will go to Hongmeng Space to find you.”

Hongmeng Arching his hand, he said: “Then I am waiting for Dean’s car in Hongmeng Space!”

Soon, Hongmeng and Dean’s avatar broke the cosmic bondage and entered Hongmeng space.

The four Supreme Gods are scattered and stand beside Zhang Yu.

A dark-green long hair, dark-green eyes, dressed in dark-green robes, bathed in thick vitality, that is the Supreme God of life!

A pitch black long hair, pitch black eyes, dressed in a dark robe, bathed in boundless slaughter breath, that is to destroy Supreme God!

A white long hair, white eyes, dressed in a white robe, as if standing in the River of Destiny overlooking the world, that is Supreme God!

A fiery-red long hair, fiery-red eyes, dressed in fire-red robe, as if soaked in blood, it is the Supreme God of death!

Supreme God has no gender, but the incarnation of life Supreme God and Supreme God is a woman with female body characteristics, while the incarnation of fate Supreme God and death Supreme God is a man with a male body feature.

The four Supreme Gods seem to be the perfect masterpieces of heaven. Their appearance, temperament and no flaws are enough to make anyone dizzy and lost in their endless charm.

The only regret is that they have no feelings, no mood swings, and when they do n’t speak, they look like four perfect sculptures!

Zhang Yu looked at the four Supreme Gods with a trace of regret in his eyes.

Beirut and Stuart seem dumb, immersed in shock, speechless for a long time.

For a long time, Stewart swallowed a spit and asked tremblingly, “Dean Mister, who was that person just now?” Command, he could n’t imagine how amazing that person was.

“He?” Zhang Yu smiled slightly, “He is the creator of this side of the world, can also be called … God of creation!”

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