Chapter 971 times change

“Oh, it’s interesting.” Beirut was so angry that he smiled, “I haven’t met such an interesting person for years!”

Zhang Yu smiled and stared at Beirut , A look of serene.

Beirut does n’t care about Zhang Yu ’s reaction, he said: “I Beirut ca n’t be considered what kind of Mister thing, but I ’m not afraid of anyone. Even if I have n’t become the Lord God, Dare to grab things from the lord of the light. Although I have been afraid of the lord of the light over the years, I have never been afraid … “

while speaking, his body rose slowly, and the atmosphere of terror fluctuated. With him as the center, moved towards all directions to radiate.

Fortunately, he did not forget that this place is the Magnolia Continental Plane, and controlled that power within a range, and did not pass it to further places.

“I don’t know who you are, but …” Beirut looked at Zhang Yu and said indifferently: “Do you know that even if it’s the bright master, don’t dare to resist my attack!”

Although there is a huge difference in strength between the Lord God and the Lord, who is Beirut? He is the only Divine Beast eater in countless planes. His body is tenacious than the main Divine Item. His teeth are harder than Divine Spark. The physical attack is extremely terrifying. Moreover, he also has extremely terrifying Innate Divine Ability. Even the ruler cannot resist, otherwise, he will be seriously injured.

Beirut is relatively restrained, only mentioning the master, not using Supreme God as a metaphor.

In fact, with his strength, he can only hurt the master at most. In front of Supreme God, he is no different than tiny ant.

After all, he can only be regarded as a relatively powerful Transcendent lower realm powerhouse, and Supreme God is undoubtedly a Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse. The gap between them is not that his Innate Divine Ability and tyranny Fleshy body can Make up.

It can also be seen from here that every sentence Beirut said is true.

“I know, but how about that?” Zhang Yu tilted his head slightly, still staring at Beirut calmly.

“Really? I hope your strength is as strong as you said, otherwise, don’t blame me if you die!” Beirut is no longer nonsense.

It ’s a mule or a horse. Is n’t it clear when you pull it out?

I saw Will Might on Beirut, which was more and more surging, like a torrent of water, one after another terrifying energy fluctuation, continuous radiation, so that the surrounding space was rapidly collapsed, space turbulence continued to surge move.

The next moment, the terrifying Will Might, quickly gathered, and then moved towards Zhang Yu ’s direction.

The speed of the energy torrent is not fast, but it seems that Zhang Yu is generally locked. Even if Zhang Yu escapes to the ends of the earth, he ca n’t avoid its impact.

Stuart was frightened with sweat and moved wildly towards the distance, fearing he would be shocked by the Will Might.

With his strength, once impacted by Will Might, he ca n’t even hold a breath, and he will be immediately submerged and crushed into dust!

After waiting for several zhangs, Stewart stopped and looked towards Zhang Yu with fear.

Zhang Yu saw that the whole person was submerged by Will Might, like a flat boat in the sea, which was beaten on the body by a terrifying wave.

“It’s over!” Stuart groaned in his heart.

“What’s the matter?” Dean avatar appeared strangely beside him, faintly smiled.

“Uh …” Stuart was stagnant, looking at Dean’s avatar a little strangely, “you, how are you …”

Although the body’s fall does not cause the avatar to fall with it , But how much will affect the soul of the avatar, but the Dean avatar even looks like a wave, it seems that it has not been affected by the slightest, which makes Stewart feel a little weird.

At this time, Beirut ’s Will Might slowly subsided, but Zhang Yu, standing in the space turbulence, was like a rock, and his lines did n’t move. He did n’t even change his expression. He was still smiling at Beirut. The violent space turbulence around him, like a stream running in a stream, had no effect on him.

“What!” Beirut complexion slightly changed, the original calm eyes, change color.

Stuart is also stared wide-eyed, looking at Zhang Yu in disbelief, his voice sounds like he is stuck in his throat: “This, this …”

The sky has fallen into a weird silence.

Beirut was a little flustered. For the first time in years, he felt that things were out of his control.

The Magnolia Continent Plane, there was a character who could not be shaken even by him, the master of the Magnolia Continent Plane!

Although he did not exert his full strength, even so, he can hardly carry out such a formidable power attack, and the strength of the other party has at least reached the Controller level!

“I don’t believe it!” Beirut turned over the palm, and suddenly there was a stick in his hand. The stick exudes the breath of the main Divine Item, which is obviously an extremely terrifying weapon. Item and Divine Spark weapons are much more powerful. He held a stick and the silhouette flashed and appeared next to Zhang Yu. Immediately moved towards Zhang Yu and a stick fell down.


The surrounding space exploded like glass, and it shattered instantly.

In the center of the space turbulence, Zhang Yu’s clothes swayed slightly, but his body remained unmoved.

The terrifying blow still did not cause any harm to him!


Next moment, Beirut put away the stick, Will Might broke out completely, and shot with all his strength.

I saw a phantom emerged behind him. It was an incomparable gigantic phagocytic phantom, Lord Divine Tier ’s other phagocytic body!

Innate Divine Ability — Devouring God!

Beirut ’s most powerful means is not the terrifying physical attack, nor the soul attack, but the Innate Divine Ability as Divine Beast, the Innate Divine Ability. The law is still overbearing, but regardless of the level gap, Divine Spark, the God of the Predator who is more powerful than himself, even if he is the master, if he accidentally makes a move, he will be seriously injured.

This move, even the master is very afraid!

At this moment, in the face of Zhang Yu, Beirut finally showed his hole cards!

If even this move can’t help Zhang Yu, then he will be completely wrong.

The terrifying Predator power is transmitted from the huge God Eater phantom behind Beirut, and the surrounding space turbulence is entered by the Predator into his belly.

“This is the Innate Divine Ability that makes countless people fear-Insect Divine Ability?” Stuart look pale, “too terrifying it!” Divine Spark, that is the most fundamental existence of a god. Whether it is the soul or the divine force, it is based on Divine Spark. If Divine Spark is gone, how can it survive?

The most important thing is that “God Eater” ignores the rules and defense, and can only resist with its own strength and can bear it, then there is no problem, it ca n’t be carried, and the result is death!

Zhang Yu does not have Divine Spark, but each and everyone Vortex in his dantian space, and even each and everyone Dantian World, are considered manifestations of Divine Spark, and Beirut this move is aimed at those Vortex With Dantian World.

Feeling Beirut ’s divine sense locked his dantian, Zhang Yu looked at him with interest, and could n’t help laughing.

His Vortex and Dantian World are all composed of the source energy. In essence, it is the source energy, a mysterious and supreme energy. Even if the Beirut Predator is 10,000 years old, Beirut will not move. !

The reason is also very simple. No matter how strong the divine force is, how can you get the Lord God’s Force?

Gradually, Will Might of Beirut became weak and devoured Magical Powers, which had no effect on Zhang Yu. Instead, he suffered a fierce backlash and soon terminated Magical Powers. .

“pu!” He spouted a bright red blood in his mouth, splashed in the sky, and blossomed bloody flowers.

But he did n’t care about his injury at all, but looked at Zhang Yu in disbelief, a little dumbfounded for a while.

Stuart also looked at this scene in disbelief.

Lord Divine Tier ’s other God Eater, using Innate Divine Ability — God Eater, ca n’t hurt Zhang Yu?

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Yu has not moved and his expression has not changed, however … the main god Beirut can’t cause any harm to him!

Beirut and Stuart are both blinded.

“Now, do you believe it?” Zhang Yu looked at Beirut with a smile.

Facts have proved that he is indeed qualified not to take the dominance into consideration. The seemingly arrogant words rely on powerful strength!

Beirut could n’t help but bitterly laughed. Although all this subverted his perception and violated common sense, he had to admit that Zhang Yu not at all said big things, this mysterious young man, compared to his Those masters are even more terrifying! In other words, this mysterious young man is one of the most powerful masters!

Times change, he just played around with Stewart, but now, it ’s his turn.

This feels uncomfortable!

“But …” Beirut felt a little difficult to accept. “When will the Lord God outside enter the material plane?”

He feels deceived by Supreme. God cheated.

Because, this information comes from Supreme God, from the Supreme Rules!

Took a deep breath, Beirut expression looked at Zhang Yu in a complicated way, said solemnnly: “I admit, you … are indeed stronger than I imagined. Losing to you, not shameful.”

Paused, Beirut calmed down a little bit and said: “If you want to kill me, just go ahead.”

“When did I say I would kill you?” Zhang Yu With a smile.

“Do n’t you come to Divine Spark, Lord Divine Beast?” Beirut’s face sneered, “Although I don’t know where you got this news from, but I can To tell you, Divine Spark, the main Divine Beast, is indeed on the Magnolia Continent. One of them, Divine Spark, has already been refined by me. If you want to get Divine Spark, you must kill me … with your strength, kill After me, I went to break the Seal, and it should be effortless to think about it. “

He laughed at himself. For thousands of years, he worked so hard to arrange for so long, and it turned out to be useless.

He laughed at Supreme God. It is clearly the Supreme Rule that the Lord God outside cannot enter the material plane, but this rule has now become a joke.

“I Beirut, 10,000 years to become the Lord God, is enough.” Beirut lifts the head, looking at the blue sky, as if to see the face mocked by Supreme God, “It’s just that Supreme Rule changes It ’s a joke, what ’s more fair and fair? Hahaha … It ’s ridiculous to be supreme! ”

At the end of the conversation, he laughed more impudently.

Stewart did not have any mercy on Beirut. On the contrary, he was very excited at the moment.

He follows Zhang Yu, the stronger Zhang Yu is, the more his status is the tide rises, the boat floats.

Originally, when he thought Zhang Yu was only High God Great Perfection, he was very disappointed. Now, he feels that the decision he made before is the most wise decision of his life.

“Indeed, Dean Mister is not the Lord God, because … he is the Lord!” Stuart was very excited, “Dean Mister is definitely one of the most powerful Lords under Supreme God!”

Supreme God is the transformation of rules, not the reach of manpower, the master, is the pinnacle of a creature.

Earned big money!

Stewart is very grateful for his decision to become a master follower, no less important than a messenger of an ordinary master god.

“Although you may not believe it, I still have to say it.” Zhang Yu unable to bear sighed, said: “Four Divine Beast Lord Divine Spark, in my eyes, can’t be considered anything. I The purpose of coming here has nothing to do with Divine Spark, the four Divine Beast master. “

The lower master Divine Spark, equivalent to Transcendent lower realm level Divine Spark, and the weakest Transcendent lower realm, although There is a certain value, but for Zhang Yu, this value is really insignificant. He randomly takes out a Grade 7 with Demon God in the storage ring, or Grade 7 Divine Pill, the value is far from Four lower master Divine Spark can match.

Beirut started, and then looked at Zhang Yu suspiciously.

However, before he could speak, a clear voice suddenly sounded in the ears of everyone: “He is right, trifling Lord Divine Spark, he may not even look down upon him.”

A middle-aged man with long hair wearing a quaint linen cloth slowly gathers in front of everyone’s eyes. The middle age person does not trim, looks like a mountain woodcutter, but he has an inexplicable charm, like a move, all with this The fit of the world makes people unable to ignore his existence.

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