Chapter 976 Dragon Blood Fighter

Zhang Yu is not annoying. He stands still and lets Hogg look. He always has a gentle smile on his face, like a gentle and elegant noble young master.

Looking at Zhang Yu ’s soft skin and tender meat as if she had n’t exercised, Hogg frowned: “Sir, are you sure you ’re kidding?”

Any A warrior must go through thousands of hammers, hundred refinements, and experience untold hardships before becoming a powerhouse!

Even those rich nobles are no exception.

It can be said that every powerhouse must have scars all over it, and the skin must be rough. In a sense, it represents the glory and medal of a powerhouse!

However, Zhang Yu looks weak and has no muscles, like a noble young master Young Master. This kind of image makes it difficult for people to associate him with powerful warriors.

Hogg does n’t think Zhang Yu will be an expert, at least, he will never be a powerful warrior, unless …

Unless Zhang Yu is a magician!

Magicians are different from warriors. Magicians focus on the tempering of spirits and the sublimation of souls. Their Fleshy body is definitely no better than warriors, but they release magic and formidable power is stronger than warriors of the same level. And can carry out long-range attacks.

Warriors are good at melee and magicians are good at long-range attack.

Once the magician is accidentally approached by the warrior, the high-level magician is likely to die in the hands of the lower-level warrior. However, the magician has many means. It is difficult for the warrior to get close to the magic at the same level. Division, therefore, in most battles, magicians and warriors of the same level, magicians have a greater win.

Even an eighth-level magician, with sufficient magic power, can lively drag a Level 9 warrior to death.

“Are you a magician?” Hogg asked curiously.

You must know that a magician can be different from a warrior. The warrior has very low requirements for innate talent. As long as you work hard, a weak person ca n’t help but become a first-class warrior in the future, but the magician is different. There are demanding requirements for innate talent. Only people who have a certain affinity for the element can cultivate magic. If the affinity is not enough, even if the cultivation is a lifetime, you cannot become a magician.

The number of magicians is extremely rare, it can be said that ten thousand li pick one, and few people can cultivate to Profound Realm.

There are many eight-level warriors in the Kingdom of Finlay, but there are only a few eight-level magicians, but there are only a few in the Kingdom of Finlay, and those who are serving the king have a lofty status.

In the plane of the entire magnolia continent, the status of the magician is extremely high. In the eyes of ordinary people, the magician can almost be directly linked to the nobility.

The magician represents the nobility!

“You can think of me as a magician, of course, you can also think of me as a warrior.” Zhang Yu faintly smiled.

At his level, there is no difference between a magician and a warrior. No matter what kind of cultivation method, they are the pursuit of the ultimate power. In the end, they are different routes to the same destination.

In fact, at the level of Sacred Domain, the boundary between the magician and the warrior began to merge, and the difference between the two gradually blurred, while at Divine Tier, there was no longer a warrior and a magician. The difference, because at this time, the cultivator has begun to touch the law, and the law is the most essential force!

Whether it ’s the fleshly body strength of the warrior or the magical power of the magician, it ’s actually just Law Power manifesting that ’s all.

Hogg looked at Zhang Yu with some shock: “Dual Martial Dual Cultivation?”

Dual Martial Dual Cultivation is an extremely difficult thing, few people can simultaneously use magic Division and soldier cultivation to Profound Realm.

Zhang Yu is said with a smile: “It is impossible to talk about Dual Cultivation, but after reaching Sacred Domain, the boundary between the warrior and the magician gradually blurs, and then upward, the warrior and the magic There is no difference between teachers. Because what they cultivate in the end is the law … ”

“Sacred Domain?” Hogger sneered, looking towards Zhang Yu’s eyes, full of doubts, “shouldn’t you say that you are a Sacred Domain powerhouse?”

Sacred Domain, that is legendary existence.

The Kingdom of Finland has not been born with a Sacred Domain powerhouse for hundreds of years. Hogg does n’t think that he can meet a Sacred Domain powerhouse casually, and the other party also comes to the door personally to collect his son. For Honorary Disciple, Hogg could not believe this kind of pie in the sky.

Not to mention Sacred Domain, which is Level 9 powerhouse, Hogg has never seen it.

For the people of Hogg and Wushan Town, the eight-level powerhouses are all Mister things of aloof and remote, the Level 9 powerhouse is completely different from them, and the Sacred Domain …… That is only in legendary characters.

“Dean Mister is of course Impossible as Sacred Domain.” Stewart is unable to bear twitched his lips. “Sacred Domain does n’t match Dean Mister ’s shoes! In Dean Mister ’s eyes, Sacred Domain is just like tiny ant … … ”

Even he can kill Sacred Domain easily, not to mention Dean Mister?

Hog complexion sank, said: “Crazy!”

He coldly said: “Sacred Domain powerhouse is the existence of the mainland Peak, one person can destroy a city, and the great shore is unparalleled. Are you so demeaning? You might not want to say that this Dean Mister is a Divine Tier powerhouse? “

He is a Hog, but not an ordinary person, he is a Patriarch of the Baruch family, An ancient family patriarch that inherited 5000 years.

Such an identity also gave him unusual insights.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Sacred Domain is the highest powerhouse, representing the Peak of power.

However, Hogg knows that above Sacred Domain, there is actually Divine Tier, Divine Tier, the most arrogant existence!

The ancestor of the Baruch family, Dragon Blood Fighter, one of the four ultimate warriors who was able to move unhindered in the whole world, left only a few words about Divine Tier powerhouse, although related There are very few records, pitiful, but also let the people of the Baruch family know that there is Divine Tier in the world, which is a greater and more incredible Realm than Sacred Domain.

“Hey.” Stuart was a little surprised and looked at Hogg with surprise. “You actually know Divine Tier?”

He didn’t expect, a small Wushan town , A small family patriarch, even knew the existence of Divine Tier.

This is obviously contrary to common sense.

“Of course I know.” Hogg faintly smiled. In that smile, there is pride, which is a kind of pride that blends in the bones, “Do n’t look at our Baruch family is very down, I This patriarch is also just a level 7 warrior, but our Baruch family was once one of the four ultimate warrior families that can be moved to move unhindered in the whole world, the Dragon Blood Fighter family! “

Baruch It is their surname, and Dragon Blood Fighter is their title, which is the evaluation given by outsiders.

Long Blood Fighter, it seems to contain praise and awe, this evaluation is not affordable for ordinary people!

“The entire Kingdom of Finlay, it is estimated that there is no second family that can catch up with our family.” Hogg is very proud, and his voice is louder, “We know what, even The king of the Kingdom of Finlay may not necessarily know. “

Stuart rolled the eyes:” Yes, praise you, you are still on the face! “

A trifling inheritance 5000 years Family, is there anything to be proud of?

Stewart has lived for hundreds of millions of years, hell and hell, and even dare to break the wrist with those masters and Commander, has he ever been proud?

“You …” Hogg was very displeased, and he felt that Stewart’s attitude discredited the Baruch family.

As a person who values ​​family glory more than his life, can he tolerate Stewart’s attitude?

Zhang Yu saved the scene in time, preventing Stewart from continuing to speak, said with a smile: “Oh, Stewart, the Baruch family is actually not as simple as you think, if you understood their true identity, You may not have the courage to say this again … “

When Hogg heard it, he felt comfortable immediately, and looked towards Zhang Yu’s eyes.

Stewart was somewhat dissatisfied and retorted: “Dean Mister …”

“Listen to me first.” Zhang Yu waved his hand and said, “To say Baru The Ke family will start from 5000 years ago. Before 5000 years, the Yulan mainland experienced a protracted war. It was during those years of war that the four ultimate warrior families rose up. They appeared as soon as they appeared. Out of the power of incomparable, name shakes the whole world, it is known by the world as “Dragon Blood Fighter”, “Purple Flame Warrior”, “Tiger Warrior” and “Undead Warrior”, and is called the four ultimate warrior family. The Baruch family is the Dragon Blood Fighter family. “

Stuart was a little puzzled and did n’t understand the intention of Zhang Yu to say these words. These names sound quite bloody, but the real value order People doubt.

Hogg looked at Zhang Yu in surprise, but he did n’t expect Zhang Yu to understand the history of the Baruch family.

Hillman, lei and the others are also very curious. What on earth did this Dean Mister actually know about the Baruch family?

“The people of Magnolia mainland have limited knowledge, but only think that the four ultimate warrior families are very difficult to deal with, they named them after the four ultimate warriors, but in fact, they are not ordinary. The ultimate warrior family, but the four Divine Beast families! “Zhang Yu said with a slight smile:” The four ultimate warrior families all have the Bloodline of the four Divine Beast families flowing in their bodies, especially the first generation of ultimate warriors, their Bloodline , Even more pure than the Bloodline of the second and third generation of the Divine Beast family! It is almost comparable to the first generation member of the Four Divine Beast family! “

Four Divine Beast family, that is renowned The descendant family of the four main gods!

Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, the four main gods, collectively known as the Four Divine Beast, and their descendants are the Four Divine Beast family!

Although the Four Divine Beast is missing and suspected of falling, the Four Divine Beast family has been hunted down by eight top families, and now shrinks in the mountain festival mountain range, facing the crisis of genocide, but no one can deny the Four Divine The Beast family is so powerful that even if they are gone now, they can still crush Stuart.

After all, in the Four Divine Beast family, although the Seven Star Demon is scarce, it is definitely okay to deal with a Stewart.

“gu lu.” Stuart swallowed a spit and looked at Hogg incredulously. “This Baruch family is a branch of the Four Divine Beast family?”

Although the Divine Beast family has fallen a lot compared to the Peak period, it is still a huge monster, and it is not the existence that Stuart can provoke.

“To be precise, the Baruch family is a branch of the Azure Dragon One family, one of the four Divine Beast families.” Zhang Yu said with a smile: “And, their Bloodline, as pure as the heirs, If you return to the Azure Dragon One family, your status will be much higher than other branches … “

” putting it that way, several other ultimate warrior families … “

That’s right, the ‘Purple Flame Warrior’ family is a branch of the Vermilion Bird One family, the ‘Tiger Warrior’ family is a branch of White Tiger Clan, and the ‘Undead Warrior’ family is a branch of Black Tortoise Clan. You know , The Divine Beast family is sparse nowadays, and it is declining. Every member is extremely valuable to them. If you let them know that there are so many family members on the Magnolia continent, you are so despised by them, they What kind of attitude would it be? “

” Cough … cough cough … “Stuart coughed somewhat guilty somehow, and inexplicably shed cold sweat on his head.

Hogg, Hillman, lei and the others became more and more confused, and in the end they were completely circled.

What does the Four Divine Beast family mean?

What does Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise mean?

In their memory, there is no relevant information at all.

They only know that the ancestor of the Baruch family is the Dragon Blood Fighter, which is able to move unhindered in the whole world, and is the strongest ultimate fighter of the same level, nothing more.

Looking at Hogg and the others, Zhang Yu said with a smile: “I just said this, you may not understand it for the time being, but it does n’t matter, you just need to know that you are four The branch of the Divine Beast family, if there is an opportunity in the future, you can go to the high plane of hell and return to the headquarters of the four Divine Beast family. ”

Although they are different from the children of the four Divine Beast families that multiply naturally, the bloodline of the four Divine Beast flows within the body, which is an indisputable fact.

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