Chapter 988 Entering the City

“Father, you can rest assured that I will bring back the treasure of inheritance of our Baruch family! I swear!” Lei stared at Hogg ’s eyes and solemnly assured that those clear eyes Zhongman is firm.

“I believe in you, son.” Hogg stood up and patted lei’s shoulder gently, looking at lei who was about the same height as him, a smile of relief appeared on his face, “go, go first Eat, ate, rest early, and leave early tomorrow! “

After supper, lei played with Wharton for a while, then returned to his room and rested early.

On the 2nd day early in the morning, lei just got up and had no time to have breakfast, a voice came from a distance: “Boss, I am back!”

lei walked out of the house with a smile , Looked towards the gray mouse running over his shoulder, sound transmission said with a smile: “Babe, why don’t you stay a few days longer in Forest of Darkness?”

Bebe, lei accidentally signed a few years ago Under the contract demonic beast, a strange rodent demonic beast.

Later, I accidentally bumped into Beirut, and Beibei ’s identity was exposed. It turned out that it was a descendant of Beirut, and Bloodline returned to the ancestors, becoming the second Divine Beast in the countless planes. The reproductive ability of beast is extremely amazing. The general rodent demonic beast does n’t care. Beirut does n’t even care about the death of one hundred million heads. But bebe is different. It is different from Beibei. Grandson, loved and cared for by Beirut, therefore, Beibei has always called Beirut grandfather.

Over the past few years, Beirut has been very fond of Beibei, and even spoiled. It can be seen that he really values ​​Babe very much.

“Forest of Darkness is nothing fun, grandfather always forces me to cultivate, it is not fun at all.” Babe vomited: “It is still fun for the Baruch family, there is the boss, you are here, and there is Wo Fuck them, you can go to the Dragon Race guys to play when you are bored, which is more interesting than Forest of Darkness. “

” Bebe, you are so big, you just care about playing. “Lei didn ‘ t know whether to cry or laugh, “Yes, how did you come back? Who sent you?”

“It’s grandfather.” Bebe sound transmission said.

lei eyes shined: “Mister Beirut? What about others?”

Bebe said: “He sent me and left.”

paused, Bebe changed the subject and said: “Boss, I heard that your father told you to bring back the inheritance treasure of the Baruch family. Is it true?”

“Yes.” Lei nodded, ” After breakfast, I’m leaving. “

” I’m going too! “Babe said immediately:” How can I lose my babe for such a fun thing! “

“But … I don’t know how much time will be delayed this time. Are you sure you want to follow me?” Lei asked.

Bebe said very firmly: “I am the boss ’s contract demonic beast, should n’t you be following you?”

Lin Thunder Dao: “Well, I ’ll eat for a while , We will start together. “

” Lei Young Master. “At this time, Stewart came from a distance,” It ’s time to eat. “

While speaking, he glanced Babe, said with a smile: “Yeah, Babe is back.”

Looking at Stuart, Babe immediately hid behind lei and called a few times to Stewart: “叽叽 ……

“Little Brat, what are you talking about?” Stewart raised an eyebrow. “It always feels like you are saying something bad.” Beibei is leionic’s contract demonic beast. Only lei is the owner or Only other demonic beast can understand its sound transmission. Although Stewart is a seven-star demon High God, he can’t understand Bebe’s words.

“Okay, babe, let’s eat first.” lei hugged babe helplessly, and then said to Stewart: “Stewart Uncle, you have a lot of Mister, don’t care about babe.” p>

Stewart glanced at Babe, and then said: “He is grandfather but Beirut Mister, I am a little seven-star demon, how dare you care about it …”

Be that as it may, but Stewart ’s tone is not ashamed or scared, it is more of a joke.

In recent years, there have been more days with Beirut. Although Stewart still respects Beirut, he is not as awe-inspiring as he was originally, and he is not a person without identity. After all, he is Dean Mister’s men, even Beirut, did not dare to put the main god in front of him.

In a little while, lei had breakfast.

With the dragon-shaped long sword given by Teacher, lei said goodbye to Hogg and the others: “father, I’m gone.”

“Go, we are waiting in the family Your good news. “Hogg said.

lei nodded, then turned around and walked out of the gate of the mansion. Babe lay on his shoulders, a lazily look.

Wharton waved vigorously, loudly shouted: “big brother, babe, you come back early!”

“Mr. Hogg, I should go too.” Stuart put down the bowl Chopsticks, said: “Although few people in the Magnolia mainland can hurt lei Young Master, but just in case, I still have to follow to protect him in secret.”

“Then trouble Stewart Mister!” Huo Grid stood up and said respectfully.

“This is my duty, not to mention trouble.” Stewart smiled slightly, then walked out of the house and flew directly into the sky.

After a moment, Hogg sat down again and said to everyone: “Let ’s continue to eat.”

He does n’t worry about lei ’s safety, he has Stewart ’s protection, and Magnolia Continental In the face, except Beirut, no one can hurt lei, and Beirut Bajie lei is too late, how can it hurt lei?

“xiu …”

In the sky, Lin Lei flew unintentionally, with a kind of free feeling.


For six years, he has been cultivation in Wushan Township, and has never stepped out of Wushan Township, but now he has come into contact with the vast Heaven and Earth outside, willingly Flying, the feeling of free and unconstrained, let him have a hearty feeling.

“Wow! Boss, slow down, I’m dizzy!” Babe’s claws clung to lei’s clothes, his small eyes closed tightly, he didn’t dare to open them, and his voice was shaking.

“haha! It turns out that you are afraid of high!” lei seems to discover the New World, “Divine Beast is also afraid of high!”

“What ’s strange, Who said Divine Beast ca n’t be afraid of height? ”Bebe retorted:“ Again, I ’m not afraid of height, I ’m afraid of falling, and wait for my Bebe ’s own Saint domain, hum, I dare to fly faster than you Higher! “

Looking at Beibei’s hard face, lei’s smile grew brighter.

After a while, lei landed, and babe quickly rushed off his shoulder, his body shiver coldly.

Seeing lei moving on, babe quickly catches up: “boss, wait for me!”

“bebe, you should work hard to cultivate, you see, I ’m all Sacred Domain You are only at the limit, and you have reached level 7. “Lei persuaded:” If you can also reach Sacred Domain, we can fly in the sky together! “

” Who said I did n’t work hard? The genius praised me and said that my cultivation speed is faster than he used to be! “Babe hummed and said:” At my age, reaching level 7 demonic beast is already quite powerful! ”

“Is it?” lei was half-confident.

“Of course it is!” Babe said, staring: “I am not like the boss, you have such a powerful Teacher, and also cultivate such a powerful cultivation technique, otherwise, I am not allowed to be older than you. It ’s amazing! ”

“ speaking of which, what I have achieved today is indeed a credit to Teacher. ”Lei did not deny it.

“Speaking, boss, is your teacher really so powerful?” Babe said with some curiosity: “I heard grandfather said that Dean Mister’s strength is deep and unmeasurable, comparable to the creator, even the legendary Supreme God, you have to obey his orders. Is there really such a powerful person in the world? Does the creator really exist? “

Lin Lei recalled the days he spent with Teacher and said,” Neither did I I ’ve seen Teacher ’s shot, how powerful his strength is, I do n’t know, as for the creator of mysterious, I also heard it from Beirut Mister and Stewart Uncle, I have n’t seen it with my own eyes … ”

Putting it that way, that Dean Mister, may not be as powerful as the grandfather and Stuart uncle uncle said? “Babe said.

“No.” lei shook his head, and then said abnormally positively: “Teacher is only stronger than they said!”

Although I only spent ten days with Teacher, But lei was very impressed. The kind of omnipotent means, the kind of magical means, he will never forget.

“Cultivation effect of“ Secret Art ”, no one knows better than me, it is completely beyond the existence of other cultivation techniques, even the new version of“ dragon’s blood secret code ”, the effect is not as good as Half of the Four Elephant Secret Code … “said Lin Lei:” The new version of “Dragon’s Blood Secret Code” is stronger than any secret code in the Magnolia Continent. It can create “Four Elephant Secret Art” and the new version of “Dragon’s Blood Secret Code” People, you can imagine how terrifying that is. Beirut Mister has said that these two cultivation techniques can largely ignore the requirements of innate talent and maximize the potential of a person, so amazing Cultivation technique, even the dominant Supreme God, cannot be created. “

Hearing lei say this, Babe became more and more curious about the mysterious Dean.

What kind of character is that mysterious Dean, who can make Supreme God bow to his head, let grandfather and Stuart remember, always in awe?

“The person who can make you respect the boss, must be a great person!” Babe said.

“Yeah, Teacher, he is really amazing!” lei said with emotion: “I have taken Teacher as my goal since I was a child, hoping to become a teacher like the powerful existence in the future. But as I grow up, I know More and more things happened, and I realized how naive it was. “

He shook his head mockingly:” Maybe, for me, it can be good to reach High God Great Perfection. . Lord God, Master, Supreme God, do n’t dare to think about it. As for the creator realm like Teacher and Hongmeng Senior …. “

Bebe encouraged:” Boss, you are so powerful, I believe you, in the future You must be able to reach your teacher’s realm! “

” I hope so. “Lei didn’t have any confidence at all, he put put a breath, he was no longer entangled in this problem, said:” Okay Let ’s hurry up and bring the treasure of the family ’s inheritance back earlier, and they will feel at ease earlier. ”

On the earth, one person and one mouse moved towards the distance.

Finlay City, the capital of the Kingdom of Finlay, the most prosperous and lively place in the entire Kingdom of Finlay.

Although there was no flight, the speed of lei and babe was not slow. Before noon, he arrived in Finlay.

After entering Finlay City, both lei and babe were fascinated by the prosperous city, a variety of luxury buildings, shops selling various goods, neat and clean slate, streets There are also two rows of big trees on both sides, connected together, which makes lei who has lived in Wushan since childhood, and Babe who has never been to the human city, feel very fresh.

Lin Lei’s temperament was calm, but it seemed calmer, and Babe chirped chirp chirp twitter twitter on lei’s shoulders.

Noble lady and Young Lady each and everyone dressed up and down, talked and laughed, and saw the dress of lei ’s countryman, and could not help but sneer secretly, and some also pointed finger at lei, making lei brow straight Wrinkled, I was somewhat dissatisfied: “hmph, no upbringing.”

Fortunately, Lei has a gentle temperament and is too lazy to talk to these people, lower oneself to somebody’s level, otherwise, no one can handle the huge Finlay City Hold him a sword!

The kings and nobles who laughed at Lei did not know that the teenagers they laughed at looked like harmless to humans and animals, but if they launched the whole kingdom of Finlay, even the entire Holy Alliance, Not many people can stand it!

“Lucas family …” lei recalled the map of Finlay City, where the address of the Lucas family was marked, “After entering the city, go straight and go through the Champs Elysees Main Street, and … ”

With the dragon-shaped long sword in his hand, lei hastened his pace, hoping to retrieve the inheritance treasure of the Baruch family as soon as possible, so that he can leave Finlay City earlier. The eyes of these nobles are very annoying to him.

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