Chapter 993 The Suspenseless Battle

“It’s you!” the purple-eyed furry lion said angrily: “Dear Lucas family, you are so brave!”

In the eyes of the purple-eyed hairy lion, the Lucas family is just a small family. He casually dispatches his next eight-level demonic beast, which can destroy the Lucas family. If it is not for lei, he simply does not Will remember such a small family.

The original purple-eyed hairy lion did n’t take the Lucas family into his eyes, but it did n’t expect that the Old Guy dare to overcast it!

Fiercely staring at the purple-eyed hairy lion fiercely, Jeb was startled, and his heart was unable to bear trembling.

Thinking of the “slaughter” of the saber, Jeb couldn’t help but gritt his teeth, brace oneself said: “Steller Mister, I am the Patriarch of the Lucas family of the Kingdom of Finlay, Jeb Lucas. This purple eye hair The lions are the same boy, stealing our family’s treasure knife “slaughter”, worth millions of gold coins, and also asking Steller Mister to take charge of our Lucas family! “

“Jebo, isn’t it? You can rest assured that I will make the decision for you.” Steller said with a slight smile.

He turned his head and looked towards the purple-eyed fur lion: “Piusius, the witness is here, what else do you have to say?”

The purple-eyed hairy lion is somewhat desperate, and the “slaughter” of the sword is not in its hands, and it is unclear.

At this time, a distant voice came from afar: “Piusius!”

Everyone looked up and saw a middle-aged man in the Holy See costume flying over.

Another Sacred Domain powerhouse!

“referee is long!” Steller bowed slightly to the coming person. Although his strength was not weaker than the other party, the other party was a character of the Holy See No. 3, and his status was slightly higher than him.

Useno said hello to Steller ’s nodded, and then looked at the purple-eyed hairy lion, indifferently said: “Piusius, your bold courage, dare to come to our Holy Church to make trouble!” “The entire Holy Alliance is the territory of Holy Church and is regarded by Holy Church as their private property. Even if they are kings of the Kingdom of Finlay, they can be removed at will.

Divine power is greater than king power!

This is the rule of the Holy Alliance and the Dark Alliance!

The purple-eyed hairy lion feels more and more bad. One Sacred Domain Peak powerhouse is enough to pose a huge threat to him, and the two Sacred Domain Peak powerhouse have no hope of escape.

“Yes, there is a young man. He and the purple-eyed hairy lion are in the same group. The knives’ slaughter is on that young man! ”Jeb loudly said:“ That man should not have gone far, please The two Misters make the decision for the Lucas family! “

He does n’t care about the end of the purple-eyed hairy lion, he only cares about the “slaughter” of the sword.

For this reason, even if he made sinful purple-eyed hairy lions, he would not hesitate.

Jeb tone barely fell, lei slowly walked out of the city gate, and the voice came to everyone’s ears: “Are you talking about me?”

Looking at the countless lines of sight, lei step by step walked towards the battlefield, calm, babe was still lying on his shoulder, screaming and shouting, “Boss, get rid of this old guy who has no shame! “

Jebu was startled when he saw lei, but then he became angry again.

With the protection of the two Sacred Domain Peak powerhouses, he does n’t have to fear lei at all. After all, he even offends the purple-eyed hairy lion, would he care about offending lei? In his view, the threat of purple eyes fur lion is much greater than lei.

“Yes, it ’s him!” Jeb said loudly, feeling very excited. “The person who took the Lucas family treasure is him!”

Unexpectedly, Uzeno ’s and Steller ’s reactions were a bit strange. They looked at lei, their brows slightly wrinkled, and a rare expression of grave expression appeared on their faces.

This young man, they ca n’t see through!

If it is just an ordinary teenager, it is not surprising that Cultivation Base can’t be sensed, but will this teenager be an ordinary teenager mixed with purple eye lions?

“Lin Lei, you are finally here!” The purple-eyed fur lion seemed to grab the life-saving straw and excitedly said: “If you don’t come again, I will be killed by these two guys!” Sacred Domain demonic The beast’s magic core is worth a lot, and the living Sacred Domain demonic beast, if it can sign a soul contract with it, and be tamed as a magic pet, the value is even more amazing.

Purple-eyed hairy lion does not want to die, let alone become a slave of Holy Church!

Lin Lei’s strength, it is known, and therefore, as soon as lei came, he was not afraid.

Lin Lei smiled slightly: “Anyway, you brought me, I should naturally guarantee your safety.”

Paused, he looked towards Uzeno and Steller standing in the sky: “Are you from Holy Church?”

Holy Church, which controls the entire Holy Alliance, is a true huge monster. Moreover, Holy Church is the power under the dominance of light. Even Divine Tier powerhouse, generally do not want to provoke Holy Church, even if this Holy Church It is just a small sect of the material plane, which may not be taken into consideration by the light lord.

Lin Lei has lived in Wushan Township in the Kingdom of Finlay since his childhood. He has a deep understanding of the strength and dominance of Holy Church.

“These two guys are the members of the Holy Church religious referee, the guy on the left is the super deacon Steller, and the referee on the right is the referee long Uzeno.” Purple Eye Hairy Lion said: “They are both Sacred Domain Peak powerhouse! The entire Magnolia continent, except for the few Sacred Domain limits, there are not many people who can compete with them. If they join forces, even Pope Haytings may not be an opponent. “

Lin Lei raised an eyebrow: “This is such a big deal!”

Holy Church ’s five great big shots, two came at once!

This is the Sacred Domain Peak powerhouse, which is much better than the Sacred Domain and the ordinary Sacred Domain!

Useno eyes slightly narrowed, eyes like poisonous snake, staring coldly at lei: “Who are you?”

“introduce myself.” lei slowly flew up into the sky with a calm smile: “I, the children of the Baruch family, lei? Baruch!”

Everyone was stunned to see Lin Leifeishan sky.

Sacred Domain, this teenager turned out to be Sacred Domain powerhouse!

Although advanced Wind Element enchanters and flying demonic beasts can also fly, but dare to face Uzeno and Steller in this way, it is by no means the guts that senior Wind Element enchanters can have. As for flying demonic beasts, lei It doesn’t look like a demonic beast in any way.

“The Baruch family …” Uzeno was silent for a while, and then said: “The Dragon Blood Fighter family that was able to move unhindered in the whole world 5000 years ago?”

“It is worthy to be the Holy Church referee, and his knowledge is really extraordinary.” lei praised.

The Baruch family has long since fallen. Unexpectedly, this Uzeno can still remember the Baruch family, which made lei feel more and more glorious and proud.

“Do you want to save this Sacred Domain demonic beast?” Uzeno asked.

“First of all, I ’d like to correct Jeb patriarch ’s rhetoric.” lei said: “I do n’t at all take their family treasure. The war knife“ slaughter ”was originally the first generation of our Baruch family Weapons, since you remember the Baruch family, you should understand it. Moreover, the war knife “slaughter”, they are willing to return to the Baruch family. Looking at this paper contract, Jeb Patriarch signed it. “

With his strength, he does not have to be so troublesome, but he cares about the reputation of the Baruch family.

Uzeno looked towards Jeb, and his eyes were a little cold.

“Courting death!” Steller felt that he had been ignored and could no longer restrain his murderous thought, and the silhouette suddenly flashed.

Everyone below held their breath and watched this scene nervously.

However, the next scene froze everyone.

I saw that Steller suddenly stopped in the air, and then flew out as if hit by a giant mountain. Fiercely smashed to the ground, forming a huge deep pit. In the mud, covered with blood, he passed out directly.

On the other side, Uzeno had n’t reacted yet, and also fell suddenly, fiercely hitting the ground.

In just one breath, the two Sacred Domain Peak powerhouses, like acting, are embedded in the mud and unconscious.

“That’s it?” Babe looked at the miserable situation of Uzeno and Steller, twitched his lips disdainfully.

The purple-eyed hairy lion is unable to bear and once again sighed: “Sacred Domain Peak can only be killed in seconds …”

Too strong!

In front of lei, Sacred Domain Peak is also like tiny ant!


Beside the city of Finlay, everyone is petrified, and there is a dead silence around them!

Jebb eyes opened wide, sweating and sweating down, even if sweat flowed into his eyes, he did n’t react at all, as if there was no soul.

Lin Lei took a deep look at Jeb, without any expression, but it gave Jeb a feeling of being enveloped by death.

“Let ’s go.” lei ’s foot lightly struck, and the silhouette teleportation reached the back of the purple-eyed fur lion.

He did n’t kill Uzeno and Stelle, nor did he abolish their Culture Base. Even so, Uzeno and Stelle had n’t gotten out of bed after several months. Even if Pope Hittings cast healing spells on them, it is difficult to heal the damage caused by this Law Power. This damage can only be weakened, not cured.

In the sky, the purple-eyed furry lion carried lei and quickly moved towards the distance.

Among the deep pits of the earth, Usenno and Steller occupy a deep pit, inserted in the middle of the earth, and their life and death are unknown.

Looking at this scene, everyone ’s mind popped out of a single thought: “The sky is falling!”

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