Chapter 999 The Strength of lei (Part 2)

Pope Hittings and the others are besieging Hogg, Yu Guang also glimpsed this scene.

The terrifying blow by Barcézée had just broken through the defense of lei, and only caused a superficial wound. Everyone was stunned.

Terrifying physical defense!

If lei were not naked, they even thought lei was wearing a defensive item Divine Item.

No, even if it is a defense against Divine Item, it may not be able to withstand the horrific blow of Barcéze!

“He’s the limit of Sacred Domain!” Hettings was a little unbelievable.

A Sacred Domain limit can actually have such terrifying material defense, which completely subverted his cognition.

“Death!” Just at the moment of stunnedness in Haitings and the others, Hogg took advantage of the opportunity, and the Warblade “slaughter” suddenly hit Usenno.

“pu!” With the sound of the battle knife “slaughtering” chopping into flesh and blood, Uzeno’s head separated from his body instantly.

Holy Church referee Chang Useno, one of the five great big shots, fell!

Before Uzeno ’s death, he still kept an incredible expression on his face, and he never dreamed that he would die here.

The consciousness disappeared and dissipated. Uzeno ’s body fell from the sky and the blood was spilt …

Hogger turned head expressionlessly towards towards Haitings and the others, with a slightly stern face, sneering: “Next, your turn!”

A step on the sole of the foot, Hog ’s silhouette pierced the sky and pulled out heavy overlapping images, his speed was too fast, Haytings and the others simply could not see his movements, not even dodge Know how to dodge.

“pu!” When Hogge’s silhouette appeared, after Uzeno, Steller also became the dead soul under the sword “slaughter”.

In just one breath, the five leaders of Holy Church fell two.

Hittings, Fallen Leaves, and Thunder could not help panicking. The fall of Uzeno and Steller made them feel like if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves.

The remaining surviving Sacred Domain powerhouse, after seeing the two leaders killed, seemed to be hit hard.

“It ’s over!” Pope Haytings was filled with despair.

He could n’t even dream of it. He clearly summoned the God of the Light God realm and was a powerful patrolman. However, he still could not change the final ending. Uzeno died, and Steller died. The five leaders of Holy Church, only him, fallen leaves and thunder.

However, in the face of the hog, who looks like a demon, can the three of them be blocked?

As for those surviving Sacred Domain powerhouses, how can Haytings care about their lives?

“Run, run!” Pope Haitings collapsed completely. Looking at the surviving Holy Church, he could not care about anything and shouted loudly.

Without waiting for everyone’s reaction, Pope Hittings suddenly erupted at an alarming speed, moved towards the distance and fled as quickly as possible.

The fallen leaves and thunder are also unable to care about the death and life of those who first entered the Sacred Domain and the ordinary Sacred Domain powerhouse. After the voice of Pope Haitings fell, they also exploded in strength and fled at the fastest speed of their lives.

There is only a single thought in their minds, escape, escape from this terrifying place, away from the bloodthirsty demon!

But will Hogg let them run away?

I saw that Hogg had locked the fallen leaves, and the speed suddenly erupted, quickly caught up, and just a breath, then came to the top of the fallen leaves, and then the knife “slaughtered” fiercely hacked down, pure material attack, even Law Power No, but it is such a simple knife, but it is like cutting tofu, splitting the body of the fallen leaves.

One breath, two breaths …

Soon, the entire Holy Church, the five leaders, 36 Sacred Domain powerhouse, and only the bright Pope Hettings left!

With one person, Hog forcibly slaughtered the many powerhouses of Holy Church, killing only one person in Hydings!

Hattings, who was about to escape from Wushan Township, was eventually caught up by Hogg and blocked.

Pope Hittings stopped in a hurry, looking at the silhouette standing indifferently in front of her, she couldn’t help shaking …

He glanced behind him. Except for lei and barcelese still stalemate, there was no silhouette of Holy Church powerhouses in the sky. His pupils were narrowed, his face was old for decades, his strength seemed to be as if Was evacuated, the body shook, and almost fell.

“Dead?” Pope Haytings said dumbly: “My Holy Church, are you dead?”

In just ten seconds, falling leaves, thunder, Uzeno, Steller, and 36 Sacred Domain powerhouses, none survived.

The whole Holy Church, except him, the whole army is wiped out!

“Why, why is this …” Pope Hitting was a little bit difficult to accept this cruel reality.

His faith, his will, his persistence, everything collapsed in this brief moment.

Holy Church is under pressure from the whole army, but the final result is that in just ten seconds, everyone was slaughtered, leaving only Hettings alone.

“It’s over, everything’s over!” Haitings was desperate in his heart.

But after Yu Guang saw Barcéze, he had a little hope in his heart: “No, there is hope! As long as the Baruch family is destroyed, my Holy Church will recuperate after hundreds of years and will definitely come back Be strong! “As long as his Pope is not dead, there is still hope for everything.

At this moment, Haitingsi was suddenly awakened by a coldness.

He looked towards Hogg and saw the other person staring at him indifferently. The look of killing intent filled him with coldness.

“No, you ca n’t kill me!” Pope Haytings was terrified, and could not help shouting to Barceze: “God, save me!”

In the distance, Barcezé, who was in a stalemate with lei, could not help turning his head to see after hearing the voice of Pope Hettings.

When I saw that Holy Church, all of them were killed, leaving only Heatings alone, Balcezer complexion greatly changed, and I was very angry.

These mortals, while she was not paying attention, almost killed Holy Church’s men!

If Pope Haytings was calling for help, he did n’t even notice the situation over there.

“Courting death!” Balcezer was angry. Hogg’s behavior made him feel provoked by his majesty.

At the same time, Hogg shot, his foot stepped, his body hurried away against Pope Haitings, the sword “slaughter” activated by the power of the Dragon Blood Fighter Bloodline, blooming scarlet rays of light, as if A bloodthirsty Demonic Artifact, the horrible baleful qi, and even the consciousness of Pope Hettings had a brief confusion. Under the impact of the horrible baleful qi, he lost his mind.

Barzezer both shocked and angry: “Stop it!”

While speaking, he immediately launched a soul attack.

However, lei was in front of him, and the soul attack was taken by lei without any effect.

On the other side, in the face of Hogg ’s attack, Pope Haytings ’s no resistance was split in half and the body quickly fell.

Holy Church, the whole army is annihilated!

“It’s over.” Hogley stood in the sky, staring blankly at the body of Hytins falling. “Lina, did you see it? I avenged you! Holy Church, buried for you!”

He was in a trance, as if he saw his wife ’s gentle smile and his wife ’s smile.

“Ah!” Balcezer was furious, almost unable to control his emotions. He roared angrily, a terrifying killing intent pervaded from his body.

He is the God of Light God, the God of aloof and remote.

But now, some people ignore God ’s majesty and kill Death God ’s shelter in front of God!

This is a great shame for Barcéze, and this shame is something that Barcéze has never experienced since he became a god!

At this moment, Balcezer was completely angry, terrifying breath swept the sky, and covered both lei and hogg.

“The blasphemer, I Balcezer pronounced, you all have to die!” Balcezer exuded terrifying divine aura on his body, the dignity of God was violated, then only the aggressor can be killed to maintain God ’s majesty.

He bent his palm, and the javelin pierced the sky and returned to him.

“Father, you hurry down, this person, give it to me to deal with.” lei still blocked in front of Hogg.

Hogger was silent for a while, and then said seriously: “Be careful.”

He is not indecisive, knowing that he will only drag lei behind, so he leaves the battlefield decisively.

Balzerze ignored Hog. He knew that there was no way to prevent Hog from being blocked by lei. To kill Hog, lei must be resolved first.

“Is Barcezer really?” lei looked at Barceze and said slowly: “To be honest, I have never played with High God, let alone High God like you, although you are just now A plane-faced avatar, but … I am a little bit excited when I think of your body as a powerful High God. “

“Congratulations, boy, you succeeded in angering me!” Balcezer held the javelin in his hand, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

lei faintly smiled: “If you have the ability, come and kill me!”

“As you wish.” Balcezer’s words fell and he attacked.

I saw him silhouette flashing, the speed soared to the limit, almost in a flash, just before lei.

The javelin in his hand swept violently, and a white radiance erupted from the javelin, spreading away and covering towards lei.

Lin Lei had already suffered a loss, and naturally he would not be so easy to move. He did n’t even think, and immediately flew back.

“chi chi …” Lin Lei just evaded. Where he was originally, where the space covered by white radiance was, the space was burnt through, as if it was corroded, and split into one after another Space Crack, this formidable power, is a bit more horrible than Barcelese ’s attack just now. The white light not only contains the ultimate power of Sacred Domain, but also contains the Terrifying Law Power. The space of the material plane ca n’t bear it at all. Live such a terrifying force.

Everyone below held their breath and watched this scene nervously.

Although most people cannot see the specific situation, the power of terrifying makes them unforgettable all their lives.

This is God, a powerful God!

Even if only the power of Sacred Domain is limited, relying on Law Comprehension, it can still explode incredible power!

Balzerze was not disappointed in one hit, and his silhouette flashed again, catching up with lei, the javelin with terrifying power, and threw away at lei again.

The javelin penetrated lei ’s body instantly, which made Balcezer happy, but immediately, he complexion slightly changed: “afterimage!”

lei’s speed is more terrifying than he thought.

In the next moment, lei appeared above Barcézez ’s head, and Barcézé coldly snorted: “Fight melee?” The flying javelin, like having life, returned to him in an instant, and then, he held the javelin, Stabbed up against the top of the head, Sacred Domain’s extreme power, combined with High God’s Law Comprehension, this spear, and formidable power are not weaker than the full strength attack of ordinary median gods.

Obviously, Balcezer did not underestimate lei, and his shot was the strongest blow.

Lin Lei saw that Balcezer did not dodge, but met force with force with himself.

On the realization of the law, he has no advantage in the extreme power of Sacred Domain. He can fight close and can maximize the power of Fleshy body. He is a collection of four ultimate warriors, both physical and soul defense There is almost no solution. The material attack is also extremely terrifying. Melee can make his attack formidable power increase by at least one grade!

“The earth pulsates!” He held the dragon-shaped long sword and fiercely split it down.

Sacred Domain Extreme power, Fleshy body power, Law Power, fuse together, erupted from the dragon-shaped long sword.

In a brief moment, the dragon-shaped long sword collided with the javelin that burst into the dazzling white light!


The impact of terrifying, centered on lei and balzerze, moved towards all directions, spreading, terrifying air waves, forming one after another powerful airflow, the nearby space, because of the unbearable power of the two, suddenly crack.

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