"My sect disciple?"

Ye Feng smiled and shook his head. There should be no wanjue sect in the world, but it's right to say that he is a disciple of the sect. If he holds a Xuanyi order, he must be able to worship Xuanyi sect in a fair and bright way.

I just don't know where this xuanyizong is?

Ye Feng needs to understand this strange world as soon as possible, know its general situation, power distribution, the number of experts and the strength, so as not to be confused and fall into danger.

"Black tiger, to tell you the truth, I'm not a sect disciple, not even from Tianqi County..."

"Not from Tianqi County, hiss... Are you from Tianwei county or Tinian county?" the black tiger looked silly.

"No, it's not... How can you say, you regard me as coming from another world..." Ye Feng was too lazy to explain to him and said impatiently, "tell me, what forces are there in Qi county this day? Who is the strongest?"

"Yes. Yes..."

The black tiger quickly replied, "Tianqi county is really big. As for how big it is, tiger Lord... Black tiger, I don't know very well. Anyway, Tianqi county has hundreds of cities, large and small, and there are countless sects. We are now outside one of the Xingguang city... The scope of black tiger's activities is almost around Xingguang city."

"As for the most powerful force, it should be Bishui Pavilion. Who is the most powerful expert in Tianqi county? Black tiger doesn't know, but the first expert in Xingguang city is Bai Hucheng, the tiger king of white tiger gate..."

"White tiger gate? White Tiger... Black Tiger..." Ye Feng was speechless for a moment.

Listening to Ye Feng's purr, black tiger suddenly remembered it and was amused by his new name.

Ha ha... I didn't think of it before, or I should have changed my name to black tiger. In that case, I can build a black tiger gate in the future and become a tiger king.

Ye Feng nodded in his heart. It seems that the Zhongqian world is much larger than the Yuanwu continent. Before the Yuanwu continent was separated, it was not called Yuanwu county. Needless to say, we can imagine that this Yuanwu county should belong to the same concept as Tianqi, Tianwei, Tianning and other counties.

Every county is equivalent to a continent

Ye Feng thought and asked, "black tiger, have you ever heard of a sect door called xuanyizong?"

"Xuanyizong?" the black tiger was surprised and shook his head. "I don't know what you said about xuanyizong. The black tiger hasn't heard of it. Maybe it is located in other counties? The black tiger doesn't know much about the situation in other counties. After all, our Shenwu continent is too big."

Ye Feng's eyebrows frowned into a ball.

Originally, according to the leader of Xuanyi sect at that time, he only needed yuan force to activate Xuanyi order, and then he could transmit it to the mountain gate where Xuanyi sect was located, but it was obvious that the transmission process was disturbed by the demon God, and some deviation occurred, making him in a strange place.

As for Shenwu continent, it should be the name of the local warrior to the ancient continent.

It seems that we can only get a foothold in this Xingguang city and find opportunities to go to xuanyizong step by step.

"I want to know what cultivation is the most powerful white tiger in Xingguang city?" after a little thought, Ye Feng asked.

"White tiger Cheng... That's my idol of black tiger. He created the white tiger sect by himself and became the strongest in Xingguang city. It's said that his cultivation has reached the peak of the king's territory, and he can be promoted to semi saint by an opportunity. However, hey hey... White tiger sect has encountered trouble recently, but it's a little unlucky..."

"To be honest, I'll be here today. It's also a little related to the white tiger gate."

The black tiger suddenly lowered his voice for several minutes, raised his head and pointed to the southeast with his hand.

Ye Feng looked along his vision. There was a big mountain dozens of miles away. The towering mountain peak looked like a lying tiger. There was a flash of light on the top of the mountain. At first glance, it was a place with abundant aura.

"That mountain is the gate of the white tiger sect. The white tiger sect is a four grade sect, which is also a large sect within the scope of our Xingguang city. In fact, at the beginning, the black tiger took the young master as a disciple of the white tiger sect, and only then did it to the young master." the black tiger smiled.

Ye Feng was puzzled by his words: "since the white tiger sect is the first force in the city, you are not afraid to die if you dare to fight the white tiger sect disciples?"

"Young master, I don't know. Bai Hucheng has been missing for a whole year... The wind from the white tiger gate said that he was closing the door and breaking through the territory, but another message came out secretly. The first expert of Xingguang city went to a secret territory adventure with some martial artists of Tianqi County. He was in crisis and died..."

"The territory of the white tiger sect was fought by Bai Hucheng alone. Apart from his great master, there are few other good players to talk about. Since Bai Hucheng may have an accident, how can several other three or four grade sects in Xingguang city let go of this fat meat?"

"As early as a few days ago, there was news that the sects of extreme fire castle, blood dragon flag and Juling sword sect were secretly prepared to attack the white tiger sect in the next few days. First, I wanted to sneak attack some fleeing disciples of the white tiger sect. After all, the disciples of the sect have a lot of money. Second, I can use this as a name to join those sects Try the door... "

The black tiger explained everything he knew clearly.

"I see!"

Ye Feng nodded.

"Young master, do you want us to fight the autumn breeze? We can't deal with the powerful virtual realm master and King realm master. However, under the sneak attack in the dark, you and I may be able to turn over some congenital eight or nine heavy, half step virtual realm or something. At that time, our brothers... The master and servant will make a big contribution, and we will become the mountain of this place without worrying about food and clothing in the future King... "

The black tiger, a big fool, showed a malicious smile, and even dreamed of dragging Ye Feng into the water.


Ye Feng smiled and scolded.

Is it difficult for a guy with no ambition to be a cutting thief?

There is no need to involve in this matter at all. The four grade sect door, placed in the Yuan Wu mainland, is equivalent to a holy land. The king's realm and virtual realm appear one after another. At present, his cultivation is only congenital triple. Once he gets angry, he will be in great trouble.

Ye Feng's plan now is to find a clean place to recuperate from Dantian's injury, and then set out to xuanyizong when his strength recovers.

"Let's go back to Xingguang city and find a place full of vitality... I want to heal!"


Under the guidance of the black tiger, Ye Feng chatted with the black tiger while walking towards the starlight city. He also understood some of the existing patterns of Shenwu mainland.

The vitality of Zhongqian world has not declined. It is indeed a good place for people to be outstanding.

Basically, everyone is born with their own martial veins. After a little practice, they are all five or Six Samurai. In the secular world of the Yuan Wu continent, there are a lot of congenital martial artists who can be called experts. They are everywhere.

Therefore, the congenital five heavy black tiger can only be a robber in a small place like Xingguang city. In fact, his talent and cultivation have no qualification to join the sect. He needs to spend a lot of spirit stones to buy a place to join the sect.

If ye Feng is not hurt in Dantian, he may have a place in Xingguang city with his strength. However, limited by the realm, it is not enough to see it in Tianqi county. It basically belongs to the middle and lower reaches.

After all, in the middle thousand world of Shenwu mainland, there are many five grade and six grade sects, the king's territory is everywhere, and the sage's territory is not rare. There are even the strongest ones who have reached the divine territory, laugh at the world and look down on the common people

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