Some things can't be avoided if you want to hide.

Before returning to Xingguang City, Ye Feng was blocked by seven or eight martial artists with different costumes.

The accomplishments of these seven or eight martial artists are all scum. The highest one is the congenital eight fold. Most of them are only congenital four or five fold. However, looking at their arrogant appearance, walking posture and unreasonable people, they think they are strong in the king's territory.

It's like an octopus.

"Hmm? Two small miscellaneous fish?"

"These two people came from the direction of Baihu mountain. Their identity is suspicious. Maybe... They are the fish that escaped from the net of Baihu gate..." one of them, a man in a black shirt with a red ferocious dragon embroidered on his chest, pointed to Ye Feng and said with bad eyes.

"The sect ordered us to block the four sides to prevent the disciples of the white tiger sect from escaping. If we encounter suspicious people, we must catch them first and torture them."

The warrior with a wide and long sword on his shoulder has the highest cultivation. After nodding, he stretched out his hand and took people to surround Ye Feng and black tiger directly.

"Sir... Sir, it's the blood dragon flag and the external disciples of the Juling sword sect..." black tiger showed fear on his face and followed Ye Feng's timid way.

"Explain to them that we are not disciples of the white tiger sect and have nothing to do with the white tiger sect." Ye Feng said lightly.

Just a few congenital martial artists.

Ye Feng's Yuan Li cultivation at the moment is only congenital triple, but when dealing with congenital martial arts, he can win completely only by physical strength. In the congenital stage, no matter how heavy, he can never be his opponent.

"The disciples of the sect are always unreasonable. I must have seen you and my cultivation is not high. I took the opportunity to blackmail. No... why don't you give them some benefits to get rid of the trouble."

"You are very rich?" Ye Feng looked at him with a smile and asked.

"Me? How can I? And my storage ring has already been taken by you..." the black tiger cried sadly.

"That's all right!" Ye Feng smiled, turned his head and looked at the giant sword warrior with contempt and disdain on his face, and said faintly, "ladies and gentlemen, we are not disciples of the white tiger sect, nor are we from the white tiger mountain."

"Who do you think you are?"

"Just... Although you don't wear white tiger clothes, it doesn't mean you're not from the white tiger door, unless... Take out the storage ring to cooperate with our inspection. If there are really no objects related to the white tiger door, maybe it can prove your identity."

The giant sword warrior with a sly smile waved to Ye Feng, and several people nearby also showed a bad smile.

"It's so simple?" Ye Fengru smiled and touched the black tiger's storage ring if he didn't see through their bad intentions.

This storage ring is just a very ordinary mysterious level spirit weapon, but it contains all the belongings that the black tiger has robbed for decades. Ye Feng has counted it for a long time, and there are about millions of inferior spirit stones.

A congenital quintuple can save millions of spirit stones, which is not easy in Yuanwu continent at least.

"Childe, I can't... no, if you give it to them, Mao won't come back..." seeing Ye Feng's action, the sad black tiger's whole black face turned green.

"No. I believe there are many reasonable people in the world. If someone is unreasonable, I will... Teach them how to be reasonable." after that, Ye Feng threw the storage ring without hesitation.


The black tiger on one side sighed with great depression.

Half a lifetime of hard work, meat buns beat dogs, gone forever.

Childe, do you... Know nothing about those people and want to reason with them? If reasoning is useful, why do you have to cultivate martial arts?

Don't you learn martial arts just because you don't have to be reasonable!

At this moment, the black tiger felt that Ye Feng, a young man who didn't know where to come from, was more ignorant than himself.

Ye Feng on one side didn't see the look despised by the black tiger. The old God stood looking at the giant sword warrior who took over the storage ring, and even had a smile on his face.

"What a fool."

"Such a fool, let us meet more every day, don't we want to make a fortune... Tut Tut, there are millions of spirit stones in a garbage storage ring. This boy has a good fortune..."

Several fighters belonging to the blood dragon flag and the Juling sword sect gathered together and began to divide up.

And Ye Feng has been quietly watching.

When they "eat dry and wipe clean", the seven or eight people won't say anything about the white tiger sect, and they will lift their feet and leave.

Ye Feng stepped forward, stopped in front of them and asked indifferently, "have you checked? There's nothing in the white tiger door. Now give me back the storage ring!"

"Fuck! You're a fool, don't know what's good or bad!"

One of the five innate martial artists flashed angrily on his face and slapped Ye Feng impolitely: "go away, believe me or not..."

Ye Feng smiled coldly and didn't bother to talk nonsense. The figure stepped forward quickly and blew out his fist.

The congenital five fold warrior only felt a flash of shadow, and then a sharp pain came from his chest. A huge force like an avalanche flew him into the air.

"Pa Da..."

His body fell heavily and hit a rock a few feet away. His chest bone was broken and his internal organs were crushed. He was directly killed by Ye Feng.


Six disciples of blood dragon flag and Juling sword sect are either dead or injured. None of them can stand up.

Until all this was done, Ye Feng said coldly, "I just said that if you are unreasonable, I will teach you how to be reasonable."

Seeing Ye Feng's means clearly, the giant sword warrior showed a deep color of fear on his face.

There are only three innate young martial artists in front of them. Their strength is incredible. They can easily defeat six people. Their strength is never lower than themselves.

After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice, "my friend, we are the people of Juling sword sect and blood dragon flag. You should make it clear that from today on, there is no white tiger gate in Xingguang city. There are only three sects: extreme fire castle, Juling sword sect and blood dragon flag. If you don't know the current affairs, you will die."

Ye Feng said coldly, "don't you think it's a little late to say this now?"

The congenital eight fold warrior suddenly changed his face. His cultivation was four or five times higher than that of Ye Feng. Although he felt that Ye Feng was strong, he was not afraid.

Hearing this sentence, the man looked cold and said in a cold voice: "it's really late. You deserve to die if you beat the giant spirit sword sect and the blood dragon flag!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "you'd better take care of yourself. I hope you can stop my fist?"

As soon as the voice fell, the figure flashed, and Ye Feng had punched out.

This fist uses the "leaving the palace fire fist" in the ten square eight trigrams fist. The fist contains a surging heat, rather than just hitting it casually as before.

Facing Ye Feng's fist, the innate eight fold master of the giant spirit sword sect pulled out his sword in a hurry. He only felt that he had fallen into a flame furnace. He was shocked and couldn't feel the enemy at all.

Until this moment, he found that the strength of the young man with low cultivation in front of him actually far exceeded himself.

But at this time, it is obviously too late to regret

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