They flew in the air, passed through many temples one after another, and finally landed outside a huge attic halfway up the mountain.

"This... Is where the factotum disciples of our sect live. They practice and live here at ordinary times. Without the permission of the deacon or the elder, the factotum disciples are not allowed to enter the depths of the sect at will. Violators will be severely punished."

As he led Ye Feng into the attic, elder he explained.

"In addition, there are Kung Fu Pavilion, martial arts secret hall, inscription hall and other places near the hillside. Kung Fu and martial arts are not limited to identity, and can be exchanged with clan Taoist symbols. As for the inscription hall, non inscription teachers are not allowed to approach it. Even the inner door and even ordinary elders are not qualified to enter and leave at will, so we should especially remember."

"Well, you can understand the rest slowly. There are 63 factotum disciples. Everyone lives in one Pavilion. You are a vulnerable group in the sect. You need to help each other."

Elder he explained everything, and then he drifted away.

As soon as elder he left, there was a crackling sound of doors and windows in the attic, showing many heads, both men and women.

"Eh, it's really strange. I haven't had a new comer for a long time. I didn't expect that I'd add new comers when I swept the floor today?"

On the second floor, a young man in blue poked out his head and forgot a glance. Then he rushed downstairs like a whirlwind and looked at Ye Feng curiously.

"My name is Wang Yuwei. I'm seventeen years old. I'm a veteran of the sweeping door. Welcome new people to join me!"

The boy had a big look and pretty facial features. He smiled and stretched out his hand to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng shook hands with him.

Although it was the first time to meet, Ye Feng had a good feeling for the young man.

"Hi, newcomer, Miss Ben, yuan Ningzhen. In the future... I'll cover you."

Another crisp and pleasant voice came.

A green shadow leaped out of the stairs. It was a little girl with two braids and smart eyebrows. The old God with both hands was behind his back, but he jumped in front of Ye Feng at his feet. Then he smiled at Ye Feng and stretched out a white and delicate arm.

After that, dozens of people came out to say hello, mostly young men and women in their teens and twenties, but not as dead as Ye Feng expected.

"Below... Maple leaf!"

With a faint smile, Ye Feng couldn't help but look forward to it.

The so-called Di yuan sect doesn't seem as complicated as I thought before


Dozens of miles away from the factotum building, in a rather magnificent hall, there is an amazing graceful figure standing quietly.

At a certain moment, the space next to Miaoman's figure moved slightly, and out came an immortal old man, who was the former elder he.

"Uncle he, the new comer, but Ye Feng?"

Miaoman's body passed slightly, facing the sunset, revealing an amazing face, which is the special envoy... Tianlan who presided over Chengbi.

"Yes, it's the boy. He didn't use the letter you left him, but he has a bit of backbone."

Elder he nodded slightly.

There was a touch of dissatisfaction in his eyes. Tianlan nodded: "I wanted to take this opportunity to repay his strange fire. It seems that I have to wait for another chance. By the way, what's the score of uncle he and Ye Feng?"

"Only level 4. LAN girl, this is not the same as what you said. Moreover, the inheritor of different fire should not have only level 4."

At this point, elder he showed some doubts in his eyes.

Tianlan also frowned lightly. After thinking for a moment, he hesitated and said, "I saw with my own eyes that day. With his cultivation, it's impossible to be so low at level 4. Maybe... He wants to keep a low profile deliberately."

"Yes, it must be. After all, Ye Feng has the identity of an aquarium son-in-law on his head. It's too high-profile to be hated by our Terran warriors."

"Oh? There are such people?"

Elder he's tone was a little suspicious, but he wasn't moved by word "son-in-law of the Shui Nationality" that Tianlan said.

A martial artist in the virtual environment of the lower city was not qualified to let him come forward, but a trace of strange fire from Ye Feng slowed down the pain of the statue, so he made an exception.

"For the time being... Let him go. First observe for a while. If you really have martial arts talent, it doesn't hurt me to give advice. If you really only have level 4 ability, then... I'll find him a job in the sect and have the right to help you repay your kindness."

"Well, that's good."

Seeing that elder he had expressed his attitude, Tianlan didn't say much.

After all, she and Ye Feng are just on one side. It is the end of benevolence to let elder he of the inner door of Diyuan sect take care of one or two.

"However, the boy may not have a good life in the future. The inscription conference will be held in a year. Both internal and external disciples want to improve themselves in a short time. Often at this time, the lowest rank factotum and trainee disciples will become the object of their squeeze."

"Well, why should I worry about this? I'm just an ordinary Xiacheng martial artist."

As soon as he shook the dust, elder he turned and left.

"As far as I know, this maple leaf is not the kind of character who is willing to be humiliated. Maybe he wants to keep a low profile... He can't do it."

Every space forgot the direction of elder he's figure disappearing. Tianlan rarely explored his tongue, smiled cunningly, and whispered in his mouth.


The night was heavy, and Ye Feng was a little tired after driving for days. Sitting on the bed, he began to operate his meridians and let himself adapt to the empty environment as soon as possible.

If you give yourself a few more days, the test score will not be so low.

But in this way, I didn't have the chance to see those interesting young people in the solid worker building.

It can be said that there are gains and losses, advantages and disadvantages.

Being at the bottom of the door allows them to keep warm and unite as one, without losing the warmest advantages of human nature.

The wisps of Yuan force quickly seeped out. After a moment of dissociation, they moved back and forth in the meridians. After dozens of weeks, Ye Feng opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of turbid gas.

"Diyuan sect, which is worthy of being one of the five grades sect, practices here almost twice as fast as in ordinary places."

In just a few hours, Ye Feng felt that the yuan force fluctuation in his body was much more stable. In addition, Tanaka yuan force was also vigorous.

This speed is equivalent to practicing on Wu Ji's spiritual platform. For up to ten days, Ye Feng can completely stabilize the eight fold state of the virtual environment.

Of course, when he first came to such a powerful sect door, he couldn't feel the situation of the sect of five grades. Ye Feng really didn't dare to enter the cultivation space wantonly and adjust the time to practice quickly

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