Taking back the cultivation knot, Ye Feng threw his head up on the bed and temporarily put aside his grievances. This sleep was quite luxurious for him, so he slept very sweet.

The next morning, when Ye Feng opened his eyes and walked out of the room, he saw that the whole attic was empty. In the hall on the first floor, only Wang Yuwei and Yuan Ningzhen sat opposite each other, waiting bored.

"Good morning, guys!"

Ye Feng walked down the stairs with a smile and asked casually, "I don't know what our factotum disciples usually do?"

Wang Yuwei's ass caught fire and jumped up from his chair. "Man, you can really sleep. What else can you do to sweep the door? But today is special. It's the day to seize the cultivation round tower every month. Others go first and we'll wait for you."

"Seize the cultivation round tower, what's going on?"

Ye Feng was slightly stunned.

As the Diyuan sect of the fifth grade sect, it covers a very wide area. How do you still need to grab territory for cultivation?

"Go to the outer courtyard with us first. I'll tell you on the way. It's too late."

They took Ye Feng and hurried out of the attic, quickly skimming towards the location of the outer courtyard.

Diyuan sect can be divided into inner and outer gates. The inner gate is located in the central area of the whole mountain, also known as the inner courtyard, and the outer courtyard is surrounded on the outside of the inner gate. The activities of the outer gate, trainee and factotum disciples are basically in the outer courtyard.

Unless they are invited by the inner door or hold religious activities, they will have the opportunity to enter the inner court.

As soon as I got out of the attic, I met a large number of disciples. They looked hurried and ran towards one of the mountains.

"Younger martial brother Ye Feng must not know something about the sect. See, those in standard white clothes are apprentices, and those in green clothes and green hats in front are outside disciples."

Yuan Ning introduced her generously. She pointed her finger and said, "the disciples of the inner sect are all in gold robes, which are specially provided by Shangcheng everything hall. As for the people in black robes, the one with an inscription badge on his chest is the inscriptionist. If you encounter such a guy, don't provoke... Well, that guy is an inscriptionist."

Looking in the direction she pointed out, there was a man in black robes in the crowd in the distance. Many disciples surrounded him, one by one with a flattering smile, and the sound of flattery could be heard far away.

At a casual glance, Ye Feng knew that the robe worn by the inscriptionist was absolutely valuable. It could even cause a slight fluctuation of Yuan force when walking.

"One day, I will be... An engraver!"

Looking at the surrounded inscriptionist, Wang Yuwei made a unwilling hum in his nose.

"The ideal is very plump and the reality is very skinny. You have failed four times... No, five times? Worse and worse. Let's think about how we can grab a good cultivation round tower later."

Yuan Ning slapped Wang Yuwei on the shoulder with a naughty smile.

"With you, a rich woman, you should worry about this little thing." Wang Yuwei replied with disapproval.

It can be seen that their friendship is very unusual.

"Guys, what are you two saying... What's the matter?"

Ye Feng interposed and asked.

"I almost forgot my business, man. You came all the way. You should have heard the words' Jingfa Daochang '?"

Wang Yuwei asked.

Seeing Ye Feng nodded, he continued: "the Sutra Dharma hall is the largest practice place shared by Tiandi Yuanzong. It is said that this dharma hall comes from a fierce place. The Dharma hall has its own small world. Only those martial arts above the inner door of the two sects are qualified to enter the practice."

"The round cultivation tower we want to go to seize this time is a cultivation ground formed by the overflow of Taoist field energy over the years, in which the yuan force is also very rich."

"It's just that the number is limited. There are tens of thousands of disciples inside and outside the Diyuan sect, plus trainee disciples, and we sweep the floor door, but there are only more than 100 round towers. To be fair, we can spend a certain amount of Lingshi rent every month. In principle, it's first come, first served."

Sweeping the door refers to their group of factotum disciples, which Wang Yuwei ridiculed himself.

As for the inner disciples, they can directly enter the Sutra Dharma center, and there is no need to grab any cultivation round tower.

"I see!"

Ye Feng nodded suddenly. Unexpectedly, the cultivation method of di Yuanzong needed such a snatch, "how many spirit stones do you need to rent a round tower?"

"The worst ones are eight million spirit stones, and the better ones range from ten million to twenty or thirty million."

With that, Wang Yuwei turned over his storage bag and looked at yuan Ningzhen with a sad face. "Miss, I have only three million spirit stones. This time it's all up to you."

"Don't worry, my sister still has more than 40 million pocket money. Don't worry for the time being. Besides, my brother loves me most."

Yuan Ning's eyes narrowed into crescent moon and said in a big sister's tone.

Ye Feng on one side was surprised. He needed a huge investment to practice in zongmen every month. It seems that he can only bear it for a few months at most.

The three walked all the way through a bamboo forest. The scenery in front of them was steep and open. Across many temples, they saw a purple glow in the distance straight into the sky, like a divine light out of the earth's surface.

In the midst of that brilliance, there stands an octagonal attic 100 feet high, looming and appearing under the purple light.

One huge force after another fell slowly from the attic and sank to the surface.

With this huge octagonal attic as the center, the Temple group spread out for hundreds of miles. Impressively, a circle of tall white jade walls separated the temple, perhaps the boundary between the inner and outer courts of Diyuan sect.

Outside the white jade wall, the surging degree of Yuan force began to collapse rapidly.

"What a huge yuan force!"

Ye Feng was surprised. He could see those flowing yuan forces with the naked eye from a distance of nearly 100 Li, but it seemed that a strong prohibition was arranged over the octagonal attic.

Those yuan force energies that almost gush out are blocked.

"Open your eyes. That's the Sutra ashram and the holy land of cultivation in the eyes of everyone outside."

Wang Yuwei said with envy in his eyes.

"Those should be the cultivation round tower?"

Ye Feng took back his eyes and turned to hundreds of round towers, large and small, standing all over the mountains. The powerful prohibition in the octagonal attic did not completely seal the yuan force, and some scattered energy gathered in some corners of the outer court.

Every place with strong yuan force has a round tower.

"That's right."

"It's a little late. It seems that many people have been robbed by others. Let's go quickly."

Wang Yuwei couldn't wait to say that. Seeing this picture, Ye Feng also nodded and immediately performed the Kunpeng nine day body method. The figure turned into a streamer and rushed to the gathering direction of the round tower.

There are many people on their way.

Seeing the quick figure passing by suddenly, I couldn't help but show a bit of amazement in my eyes.

With such body method speed, when will there be such an expert in the outer door? Look at this speed, it's not weaker than some inner door elites

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