The fire poisonous dragon beast is a monster on the ground level. It is powerful and has high poison when attacking. However, its weakness is that it is too slow. When fighting, it can only attack on defense like a blockhouse.

On the contrary, the lightning spirit lizard is very fast, but because of its low attack power, it can only escape quickly by guerrilla warfare or directly with the help of speed.

The second level inscription in front of us is to extract the yuan force from the four limbs of the rhinoceros with spiritual force and depict it on the skin of the hot fire poisonous dragon beast, so that the second level inscription called "Lingfeng" has both attributes at the same time.

"With this inscription, the finished product can increase the speed by 20% and the attack power by 15%. It is suitable to be integrated into spirit tools."

After reading the last word, Ye Feng frowned and thought.

When I was in Yuanwu, the inscriptions I portrayed were random. In other words, whether the inscriptions were power inscriptions or speed inscriptions, no one can know until there is no result.

But the scroll of inscriptions in front of you can accurately predict the attributes of the inscriptions depicted.

"Er... It seems different. I don't know what to do..."

Ye Feng feels a little big.

According to the description on the inscription scroll, he obviously had no contact with this way of depicting the inscription.

In desperation, he turned his eyes to other bounded spaces, and saw that they were also in different shapes and colors, some with sad faces, while others had begun to depict.


When his eyes wandered, he happened to face Li Lushan not far away, and noticed Ye Feng's hesitation. A smile of schadenfreude appeared on his face.

The boy seems to have great mental strength, but he doesn't know how to start.

Hum... I just lost a big face in public. This time, I have to draw back a game on the inscription.

After a disdainful smile, Li Lushan bent his fingers and flicked a pen as bright and clean as lanolin jade.

The spirit pen is about half a foot long and exquisite. With Ye Feng's experience today, he has seen a lot of spirit tools, but this pen shaped spirit tool is still the first time to see it.

As soon as this thing appeared, many envious eyes immediately turned to Li Lushan.

"The inscription spirit pen... Tianyuan sect disciple, is really... Envious."

In a nearby border, a very low sigh came out.

"Yuan Ling, inscription spirit pen... What's going on?" Ye Feng asked tentatively, covering up his breath.

This time, the old man didn't pretend to be deaf and dumb.

"Yo, since your boy came to participate in the inscription teacher examination, he didn't even know the inscription spirit pen?"

After mocking Ye Feng, Yuan Ling in his mind explained: "if you want to do well, you must sharpen your tools first. The tool refiner needs a good hammer, and the alchemist needs an alchemy furnace. For the inscriptionist, the inscriptive spirit pen is an indispensable auxiliary tool for inscriptions."

"Even a powerful inscriptionist can't guarantee a 100% success rate. Having a good inscriptions pen in hand can not only increase the success rate of inscriptions, but also sometimes even improve the level of inscriptions."

"Increase success rate and inscription level..."

Ye Feng was stunned. It was the first time he heard of such a thing.

"Surely this thing... Belongs to a very rare thing?"

"Of course." Yuan Ling nodded, and the volume of his speech increased a bit. "The inscription spirit pen is also like an engraver. It is divided into nine grades and five grades. There is often no market. Even some casting materials are astronomical."

"Well, the one in that guy's hand should be only the three grade inscription pen and material... It seems that one of them is fat jade divine iron. According to Ben Yuanling, a large nail needs millions of top grade spirit stones."

"So exaggerated?"

Ye Feng couldn't help talking. The three views were subverted.

"Look at your inexperienced appearance. Although the Sanpin inscription pen is barely passable, it's unbearable compared with the baby on the inscription list."

"Inscription device list? What is it?"

Ye Feng asked curiously.

"The inscriptions list lists some of the most precious inscriptions props so far, many of which are inscriptions spirit pens. If the inscriptions master can have the inscriptions spirit pens on the list, it will be a great honor."

Yuan Ling also showed some faint envy.

"Those babies should have been pocketed by major forces of all parties."

Ye Feng shook his head.

Since it is a rare treasure, I'm afraid there will be a lord long ago.

"It's possible to say so, but not necessarily. According to Benyuan spirit, some of the top inscription spirit pens are almost psychic and can only be used when the owner is recognized."

"So... If you work hard to become an engraver of six and seven grades as soon as possible, you may have some opportunities..."

Yuan Ling smiled.

Ye Feng smiled bitterly and didn't answer.

Let alone the top babies, even if they are at the bottom of the list of inscriptions mentioned by Yuan Ling, once they are born, they can set off an amazing wave in Shenwu.

With their current strength, they can only look at it at most.

"Don't be discouraged. With the help of Benyuan spirit and your talent, you will be able to climb the peak of an engraver sooner or later. However... Benyuan spirit wants to remind you that a lot of assessment time seems to have passed."

Yuan Ling joked lazily, and soon fell into silence again.

Ye Feng, who put away his thoughts, was in a cold heart and focused on the materials in front of him. The scroll has marked out the detailed description method, which can also reduce some difficulties for him.

"Drive Yuan Li, remove turnips and save turnips, balance attributes and run at will."

After whispering to himself, Ye Feng took a deep breath and burst out the mental power in his mind. He tied the mental power into a wisp and slowly disappeared into the remaining limbs of the spirit lizard monster.

As soon as I entered, I noticed that there was a well preserved yuan force, and I didn't know how to seal it.

Ye Feng's mind moved and quietly wrapped it with spiritual force. He was about to lead it out. Suddenly, a very tricky dark force burst out and stabbed Ye Feng's spiritual force.

Almost out of instinct, Ye Feng's spiritual power rolled up and suppressed the past severely.


The next moment, there was a short explosion sound in front of his desk. The front limbs of the spirit lizard exploded and turned into fragments

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