The explosion was not loud, but it was very harsh in the quiet temple. Many people who were concentrating on the inscription couldn't help but cast a mocking look.

"Ha ha, destroyed a piece of material so soon?"

"I don't even know how to attract the yuan force in the material, so I came to participate in the three product assessment?"

"I thought it was great, but it seems so..."


Master Cheng, who has been half narrowing his eyes to refresh himself, can't help but cast some surprised eyes.

Look at the boy's technique. He's a complete novice, and he's still new. He can't be new.

Is it really a generation with no appearance? Master Cheng frowned slightly.

"Shit, the yuan force sealed in this material is really... Too fragile."

Looking at some messy desktop, Ye Feng frowned slightly, but just now, he noticed some of the mysteries. The yuan force sealed in the limbs of the spirit lizard should have been specially treated, and it will be damaged if he doesn't pay attention.

"It's completely different from Yuanwu's way. I can't hurry. I'd better see what others do first."

Looking at the only two materials in front of him, Ye Feng was helpless and had to look around.

Almost all the inscriptions were carefully operated. After the spiritual force was immersed in the material, it became very gentle. Then, like peeling the cocoon and drawing silk, it pulled out the middle yuan force.

At the end of this process, the small impurities left behind are removed one by one with spiritual force, which is probably the so-called "removing the turnips and retaining the turnips".

After the impurities are separated out, they are fused with spiritual force, injected into animal skin and engraved with inscriptions.

"Oh? So it is."

"Maybe... It's not very difficult as long as you find out the way."

Ye Feng nodded slightly, thinking like this, but... An unexpected scene happened again.


Before his voice fell, there was a low explosion in the temple.

Bang bang!

There is a first way, there is a second way.

Immediately after that, there were successive explosions, which kept ringing.

The spiritual power of the fusion yuan force will suddenly burst into dazzling light when it comes into contact with the skin of the burning fire and poisonous dragon beast, and short flames will rise on the skin, shaking away the spiritual power of the engravers, and the skin itself will often be blown out of a big hole.

"Alas, I failed again..."

"The assessment of the three grades is still as difficult as ever. Come again..."

After sighing, the losers adjusted their breath and put their energy into the second material.

Yu Guang glanced over Li Lushan's position. In contrast, he was much more relaxed.

Slightly different from other engravers, Li Lushan poured his spiritual power into the spirit pen of the inscription, and immediately began the depiction on the animal skin.

The animal skin under his palm, although there was also a slight jump out of the flame, but... Did not cause an explosion.

Perhaps this is the function of the inscription spirit pen.

Even if it can improve the probability of success, it is a huge breakthrough for the engraver. Often an extremely small mistake will waste the whole material, especially the inscription materials of level 4 and level 5. The corresponding price is quite expensive. Even the high-quality engraver with amazing wealth can't afford to consume too much.

Half an hour passed quickly. Ye Feng was still observing carefully and didn't even move.

Just beside Cheng Yuanhe, Qi Luo looked nervous and puzzled at Ye Feng standing like a puppet.

"Master Cheng, young master ye... What is he doing?"

For Ye Feng, she also has great expectations. If she can really pass the examination of the third grade, as a receptionist, the inscriptions guild will also reward her accordingly.

And qiluo always felt that this young man... Was different from ordinary people.

"It's like... Learning how others depict inscriptions."

Cheng Yuanhe was a little disappointed. Although the young man in front of him had strong mental strength, he didn't seem to have systematically learned the art of inscriptions.

You can't pass the inscription examination just because you have strong mental strength.


Qi Luo opened her mouth in some gaffe, and her face showed some helplessness.

Learn inscriptions on the spot?

Ordinary people dare not even think about it. Even if they are as talented as the Gu sisters, they can achieve today's achievements with a lot of inscription materials.

The manipulation of mental power needs to accumulate experience in failure bit by bit. If you can see it with both eyes, isn't the engraver bad?

"There are many short-lived talents. What the inscription guild recognizes is not the so-called genius, but the real inscription master."

Cheng Yuanhe spoke faintly and indirectly expressed his attitude.

The implication is that if ye Feng fails to pass the examination, he will not be recognized by the inscriptions guild.


Qiluo nodded,

"He seems to be... Starting to portray."

Suddenly, her face moved and her heart tightened.

Seeing Ye Feng, who has been a sculpture for a long time, carefully stretched out his hand, and his spiritual strength disappeared into the second material again. Cheng Yuanhe also projected his eyes on the past.

No, the process master obviously doesn't think Ye Feng can succeed

This time, Ye Feng was very careful, only spilled a wisp of spiritual power, and slowly wrapped the yuan power in the limbs of the spirit lizard.

As before, as soon as the spiritual force entered, the hidden force appeared again.

With preparation, Ye Feng quietly and slowly took it down, and then carefully began to distinguish and slowly sense the impurities.

"This dark strength is also part of the impurity."

The element force of the seal is not very pure. It also contains a small amount of impurities, as small as hair.

But this is no big deal for Ye Feng. At the beginning, when he refined the negative energy in the aquarium, the breath was stronger than these impurities. I don't know how much. He didn't have nowhere to hide under his subtle spiritual perception.

Therefore, this level is very simple for Ye Feng as long as he finds out the way.

It took about a cup of tea, and all the impurities in it had been removed by leaf maple.

The next... Is the most critical step, the second step that led to the failure of most engravers... The depiction step.

The yuan force and spiritual force blended together, under the suppression of Ye Feng, turned into a dim spike and slowly contacted the animal skin.


At the moment when the two blend, the animal skin began to fluctuate violently, and a cluster of extremely irritable fire suddenly catapulted up

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