In fact, at the moment when Ye Feng told the truth, Tianlan smiled more or less and made fun of himself.

The young man in front of him did give Tianlan a lot of hope. At least in terms of combat effectiveness, the endless cards have made Tianlan and everyone of diyuanzong cry incredible.

But no one is perfect.

With strong combat power and unlimited martial arts talent, how can such a person be distracted from studying inscriptions?

Trying to make Ye Feng shine as brightly in the inscription normal university meeting as in the hegemony competition... It's difficult for people.

The greatest hope of Diyuan sect in this inscription teachers' university meeting still falls on childe yuan.

Capture the disappointment revealed by Tianlan. Although Ye Feng doesn't know why, it should be related to the "inscription normal university meeting".

Unfortunately, his ability is limited and he can't be outstanding in all aspects. Therefore, he knows the truth and doesn't continue to ask questions.

"If younger martial brother Ye is in good health, you can leave. As far as I know, elder martial brother Xiao chennan and younger martial brother zhe Yan can't wait to go to the top of the Sutra hall to receive rewards these days."

After chatting again, Tianlan ordered to leave.

Ye Feng bowed his hand and left.

Under the guidance of Xiaoya, Ye Feng soon appeared in the front hall of Qingyun hall. As before, there were many inner disciples and even elders waiting for the audience.

Under the envious gaze of a group of people, he didn't stop and ran quickly to the factotum building outside the door.

To Ye Feng's surprise, in just a few days, the factotum building at the gate seemed to have changed. The crowd in the gate square was bustling, and the gate was about to be blocked.


"Boss Ye is back!"

A sharp eyed factotum disciple saw Ye Feng coming, immediately shouted with surprise, and then stood up and saluted.

Ye Feng said hello with a smile and entered the hall surrounded by a group of people.

He wanted to go directly to find Xiao chennan and zhe Yan. Ye Feng naturally couldn't wait to enter the top floor of the Sutra ashram for baptism.

But in his present capacity, before acting, he had to consider the man who swept the door.

He picked up this responsibility at the beginning, and naturally he should be responsible to them to the end.

The hall was crowded with people. All the factotum disciples looked excited and stared at Ye Feng with hot eyes and worship.

In the battle with BUJING salamander, Ye Feng's performance can be called a god man. His current combat power has also been recognized by the inner and outer gates of the whole Diyuan sect.

Now Ye Feng is the soul of the whole sweeping door. Every move will affect the follow-up trend of the sweeping door.

"Younger martial brother ye, have you recovered so soon?"

Yuan Ningzhen, who came downstairs after receiving the news, had bright tiger teeth and jumped into Ye Feng's arms like a butterfly. He happily took him to look carefully.

Ye Feng nodded.

"It's good to be cured. I can't do without you. Look at those people gathered outside. I don't dare to walk away these days."

Guan Buyu laughed and put on a look of relief.

Ye Feng gratefully patted the tube without saying a word. Unconsciously, the master of the city Lord's house regarded himself as a part of the sweeping door, and the two sides received a deep feeling.

In addition, at the moment, the black and white heroes are still sitting at the door. If they weren't looking after them, they're afraid that the floor sweeping disciples can't stop those who come to attract their internal and external disciples.

"Is elder ye back?"

Just after the people chatted for a moment, a loud cry came from outside the building. An inner disciple in gold robes pushed away the crowd and was about to enter the building.

Black and white were about to stop him, but the man shouted: "I'm mu Xiangzuo... At the order of elder he, come and ask elder ye to go to the Sutra ashram."

Ye Feng was a little stunned and motioned black and white to put him in.

Is it the Hechang old school? It seems... Xiao chennan and zhe Yan really can't wait.

"Elder ye... Please."

The disciple who claimed that mu Xiangzuo had gone out of the inner door saluted him and then made a gesture of invitation.

The elder called Ye Feng off guard.

According to the rules of this hegemony competition, if you win the first three, you can automatically have the title of external sect elder. However, the sect has not been announced yet, but this internal sect disciple took the lead in calling.

"All right, let's go."

After giving orders to yuan Ningzhen and others, Ye Feng followed mu Xiangzuo to the inner courtyard.

Unlike the hustle and bustle of the outer courtyard, the inner courtyard was relatively calm. However, to Ye Feng's slight surprise, he saw a large number of strange faces near the Jingfa Taoist hall.

Almost everyone is wearing an engraver's robe and obviously has the status of an engraver.

"Elder ye, the inscriptions division meeting will be held soon. In a few days, the Sutra hall will no longer be open to internal and external disciples. The sect will leave all resources to the inscriptions division, hoping to make them shine in the inscriptions division meeting."

Seeing Ye Feng's face suspicious, mu Xiangzuo quietly explained.

Ye Feng nodded, his eyes tilted, but his eyes fell on a group of people with a proud expression.

"They... Who are they?"

Instead of wearing the black robes that the scribe should have, they were dressed in gorgeous cyan robes, but they also wore the scribe's badge on their chest.

"They... Are all inscriptions masters of Yuanmeng. They are licensed to wear unique costumes of Yuanmeng at the inner door."

Mu Xiangzuo explained with envy: "Yuanmeng has been gaining momentum recently. After all, our Yuanzong... Only childe yuan is the opponent of Gu Zhangqing, the genius of Yuanzong's inscription that day."

Ye Feng nodded slightly, but he was still surprised. Childe yuan... Although he was named the honorary elder of Diyuan sect, as a rising star, he is also a young generation like himself. According to the current situation, his position in Diyuan sect is obviously much higher than what he thought before.

Even what Yuanmeng he formed has unique clothes?

Soon came to the entrance of the Sutra hall. Elder he, Xiao chennan and zhe Yan had been waiting for a long time.

After giving mu Xiangzuo a spirit stone, Ye Feng quickly stepped forward and saluted the three.

Looking at the back of entering the dojo, mu Xiangzuo couldn't help looking stunned. At the moment, tens of thousands of spirit stones appeared in his palm.

"Ye Feng, elder ye... You are so generous and heroic. Well, you really envy those factotum disciples..." after a sigh of praise, mu Xiangzuo suddenly had a strange idea: himself... If he joined the other party's floor sweeping door, it would be good.

Just... Will you lose face?

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