"Is this... The true face of the highest level of the Sutra ashram..."

As soon as he climbed to the seventh floor of the Dharma center, Ye Feng felt a thrill in his heart.

Although elder he deliberately waved away the interference of the rolling breath in the front, it still made people feel palpitations. It seems that the endless terrible illusion lurks in all directions of this layer, and there is the possibility of impact at any time.

Looking back at Xiao chennan and zheyan, Ye Feng smiled and loosened his clenched fist.

It's not just yourself.

Cultivation is better than those two people. At the moment, the look on his face is also with fear and tension.

"Keep a close watch on your mind and don't listen... The more inward you go, the stronger the interference of spiritual illusion will be. If you feel it is unbearable, you can cancel this baptism and never try to be strong."

Elder he's face is very serious, and his steps are very light and careful.

The three nodded in amazement and followed him step by step.

On the seventh floor of the Sutra ashram, even ordinary inner door elders are not qualified to enter. This time, he Changlao led his own team, which is enough to show how terrible the first floor is.

After a incense burning time, he walked in for dozens of feet, came to the end of the passage, and in front of the three... An ancient portal suddenly appeared.

"There are seven floors in the octagonal purple gold Pavilion. Everyone thinks that these seven floors are the highest level of the Jingfa Taoist temple. In fact... That's not the case. The most important thing in the Jingfa Taoist temple is within the stone gate. You three should be ready and follow me."

Hearing what he said, the faces of the three people who looked at each other suddenly became more dignified for several points.

The ancient stone gate is mottled in color and engraved with a spell of flashing light. What really shocked them was that the feeling of vicissitudes across the stone gate made their hearts especially heavy.

Inside the stone gate, there seems to be an ancient world hidden.


Just as he Chang's old hand pinched the formula and opened the stone gate, suddenly, the purple evil mysterious fire in Ye Feng seemed to feel something and became extremely restless.

Almost broke out of Ye Feng's Dantian, which frightened Ye Feng and made his body tremble.

"Ye Feng, are you okay?"

Elder he stopped and turned to ask.

"No, nothing... The disciple was so excited that he couldn't help it."

Hurried to take a deep breath to refresh himself and suppress the irritable purple evil Xuan fire. Ye Feng replied with a little embarrassment.

Just now... He clearly sensed a mysterious force. It seemed that he was calling the purple evil spirit and mysterious fire in his body.

What kind of secret is hidden in this most mysterious place of Sutra Dharma center?

"Guard against arrogance and impatience, and keep your true heart."

After waving his hand and saying this, elder he took the lead in stepping into the stone gate. The three people in the rear quickly followed up and stepped into it.


The oncoming is a hot air wave. Inside the stone gate, there is a huge relic.

There are many simple buildings, collapsed and damaged, and there are broken walls everywhere. What surprised the three people is that there is no dome on this floor at all. There is a vast starry sky overhead. It is dark, straight to the depths of the star field, and countless distant and dim starlights flicker on the edge of the darkness.

This is a lifeless world, like a giant beast sleeping for thousands of years.

"This place... What the hell is it?"

Zheyan and Xiao chennan were stunned, looking at the void like a black hole above their heads, stunned.

The Sutra Dharma center has stood on the mountain of Tiandi Yuanzong for many years. However, the appearance of the highest level, in addition to the two patriarchs, there are a few high-ranking and powerful people such as he Changlao, which ordinary disciples can't know at all.

But even Xiao chennan never thought that another small world was imprisoned here.

"If you want to say here, it is the real Sutra Dharma Center..."

"In those days, this was the training place for a strong man in the divine realm. The divine realm has gone, but there is still his perception of the great road in heaven and earth. It is very rare to have the opportunity to practice here, and even break through the shackles of the holy world."

Elder he said two words seriously. He immediately looked at the dark space ahead and said quietly, "remember, you can't use spiritual power to find out the nothingness here. Once something happens, the elder can't do anything."

Xiao chennan and zhe Yan nodded at the same time.

Ye Feng's eyes wandered and swept from the nearby ruins to the stars in the distance. The buildings here are obviously very old, with a hint of flood and famine.

This is... The cultivation of the most powerful in the realm of God.

Indeed, only the most powerful in the divine realm can subdue the fire of Honglian industry and seal it here for thousands of years. The starry sky makes his instinctive heart afraid. Maybe... That's where the fire of Honglian industry can live.

However, this is only Ye Feng's guess. No one knows whether it is such a thing at the moment.

Shua Shua!

While Ye Feng was still looking up and down at the deep starry sky, suddenly, two figures appeared ten feet in front of him.

They are two very old people. On the left, with long silver hair covering most of his face, he is bent. On the right, he is a bald head with red face and white beard hanging his chest. He looks like the longevity star of the three stars of fortune, wealth and longevity.

Both of them seem to be in their twilight years, but the yuan force fluctuation is as deep as the sea of stars.

"He Lianheng, I've seen two Guardian martial uncles."

Facing the two suddenly appeared, elder he was very respectful and bowed.

Even elder he has to say uncle Shi orally. There is no doubt that these two are detached and their accomplishments are unimaginable.

"I've seen the guardian elder."

Under the leadership of Xiao chennan, the three quickly bowed deeply. The two people who appeared at present were afraid to break through the holy land long ago.

The old man with silver hair on the left nodded his head, then closed his eyes and sat on one side.

Another old man, with a little smile on his red face, nodded and said, "don't be polite. We two don't die. Just protect the law for the three little guys. Nephew he, you can do it yourself."


Elder he replied and led the three people to a small Dharma array tens of feet ahead. Then he stretched out his hand and shot a spiritual light. On the ground, there was a jade platform floating slowly from three directions.

"Sit up."

The three of Ye Feng understood, chose a jade platform and sat down cross legged.

He Chang waited for them to sit down. His eyes suddenly sank. The whole palm of his right hand became crystal. An amazing yuan force at the tip of his finger was excited in the air and shot into the dark void.

Hoo Hoo

In just a blink of an eye, a strange roar sounded. Above the void starry sky, three clusters of bright flames appeared, shaped like lotus, floating slowly.

Red lotus fire!

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