Red lotus fire!

Ye Feng almost screamed.

These three flames are the same as the red lotus fire he saw at the beginning, but they are relatively mild and the temperature is not too high. The fierce smell emitted from the flame made Ye Feng sure that the real fire lotus industry is undoubtedly fire.

Sure enough, as previously guessed, the fire body of Honglian industry is hidden in the starry sky above her head.

"Elder he, what are we... Going to do?"

Xiao chennan looked at the red lotus fire in the air and couldn't help asking.

"The understanding of the martial arts of the strong in the divine realm needs different fire as a guide. You and the three can each bring a flame into the body. This is the first test. If you can't even achieve this step, then... The understanding of the strong in the divine realm obviously has nothing to do with you and can't be forced."

"Different fires burn. The pain is unstoppable. Are you willing to bear it?"

Elder he stared at the three people with bright eyes and shouted in a deep voice.

"I'm willing to bear it!"

Of course, it was impossible to give up at that time. The three responded together.

It is the dream of countless martial artists to be able to understand the martial arts experience of the most powerful in the divine realm and break through the shackles on the road of the holy realm. Now such a good opportunity is in front of the three people. Even if they have to break through the mountains and fire, no one will be stupid enough to give up.

"Well, calm down and concentrate, hold the yuan and keep one, and enter the state of cultivation. If you can't stand it, just ask for help, and the two martial uncles will help you out."

After nodding cautiously, elder he didn't say anything more. He pinched his fingers and led them in the space. Three lotus shaped flames pulled out a long flame tail and quickly disappeared into the three people's heads.


As if the whole body burned at this moment.

All three of them were shocked and almost fell off the jade platform.

In particular, the folded face on the far right suddenly turned red, and his facial features were almost distorted. However... He didn't choose to give up after all, but tried his best to endure, and slowly stabilized his mind and became more relaxed.

"Well... They are all materials that can be made. However... How much insight they can get depends on their own creation."

The old man looked sideways at the scene and stroked his beard and nodded. And elder he also went straight to the man's side.

"Martial uncle Gu, have there been any changes in yehuo recently?"

Thinking of the strange things that had happened when Ye Feng was practicing in the Dharma hall some time ago, elder he glanced up at Ye Feng with his eyes closed and quietly asked the longevity old man.

"No change."

The old man looked at him suspiciously and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing..." elder he didn't know how to answer. Was it just a small accident last time?

On the red face of the old longevity man, he smiled and said with some dignity: "nephew he, after you go out, tell yutingtian and let him get ready. The business fire during this period is too calm."

"I haven't seen it so quiet for 120 years, which gives me a bad feeling. It's very quiet and moving. Maybe something unexpected will happen next."

Hearing this, elder he replied solemnly, "yes."

These two Guardian elders are powerful and have a high seniority. They even have to call themselves and the patriarch martial uncle. It's really not a good thing to make the old longevity feel like this.

"That girl... Can she still stay in diyuanzong?"

Just as he was about to leave, the silver haired old man on the other side who had been closed his eyes and silent suddenly asked.

The sudden strange question stunned elder he for a moment, and immediately said with a trace of regret: "she has been driven out of the sect... For many years."


The silver haired old man's half closed eyes suddenly opened, from which he emitted a little light like a star soul, "the industry fire... May break out soon. If... The girl takes the opportunity to come, even if I Ling Yunzi and the old town guard here, she may not be able to stop it."


"Uncle Ling, she... She will become so strong?" elder he lost his color and exclaimed.

The silver haired old man didn't say anything. He continued to close his shining eyes. The birthday old man shook his head, smiled bitterly and said, "hey... You don't know... That girl..."

"Hmm?!" the silver haired old man Ling Yunzi snorted.

The old man smiled bitterly again and said to He Chang, "it's just that it's useless to say more. Let Tiandi Yuanzong have a preparation."

Then, he sighed like a whisper: "after all... Two cases... I'm sorry for her..."

Elder he flashed a bit of shame on his face and said in a deep voice, "the order of heaven and earth is different. For the prosperity of our people, we can only sacrifice her."

"After all... The fire of Honglian industry is very important. Once there is a difference, I'm afraid Jinhua will be destroyed in the city. It's a huge price, but I can't afford it."

"Old things, let it pass." the old man then closed his eyes and fell into silence. Elder he also retreated to the rear and sat quietly on the ground, paying attention to the three people and waiting for them to complete their baptism.

At this time, all three were suffering miserably.

Above the heads of Xiao chennan and zhe Yan, hot white gas was constantly sprayed out. Their eyebrows and eyes were full of pain. When they looked carefully, their bodies trembled, and the meridians on their hands and faces were twitching.

In contrast, the weakest maple leaf is much better.

He has tried the power of red lotus fire before. In addition, he has the experience of refining different fire, which is relatively easier. Nevertheless, when he really faces this powerful different fire, Ye Feng still has some fear in his heart.

Now he can feel that a small lotus shaped Flame hovers above the divine sea, emitting a fiery breath that is more powerful than the green black fire.

His whole body seems to be enclosed in an alchemy furnace. Every organ and meridians in his body are forbidden to be roasted by fire. If he is careless, he will be burned to ashes by karma fire.

Under the internal vision, Ye Feng saw that the meridians around him had almost become transparent, and the outer layer was wrapped in a thin red flame. Under the high temperature, it was distorted and unreal.

So far from cultivation, Ye Feng's pain doesn't need to say much. However, it seems to be dwarfed by different fire burning.

People with a little mental weakness can never stand it.

Under such scorching, he had no time to think about anything. Once distracted, he might be completely swallowed up by the lotus flame. What he can do now is either give up or... He can only try his best to carry it down.

The passage of time slowed down, like ten thousand years, until all the meridians in the body were roasted, and the terrible high temperature... Slowed down a little.

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