The cyan spiritual light wave was very fast. In the twinkling of an eye, it was only ten steps away from Luo MI. The spiritual strength of the latter was by no means the opponent of Gu Zhanqing. At the touch, the spirit was damaged and could not recover in a short time.

In other words, Luo Mi will be injured and leave before the official inscription begins.

"Elder martial sister Luo MI, be careful!"

"Shit, shameless, isn't it obvious to bully people! Is there anyone else to take care of it!"

Many disciples of the di yuan sect who watched the war were furious and shouted and scolded one after another.

Luo MI is charming, noble and popular in the sect. If he retreats before the inscription begins, won't he lose a big face in public and be ridiculed by other forces?

It was a blow to the reputation of diyuanzong.

Unfortunately, on the stage, it was shrouded in the translucent light curtain of the Lord of Chixiao. Only a few people, such as yutingtian and Mo Wangu, could interfere with the behavior in the light curtain.

As the patriarch of yutingtian, it is naturally impossible to fight.

There is no mercy on the stage.

It has always belonged to the strong, and no one will get sympathy for the weak.

Many elders of Di yuan sect looked tense, and no one said more nonsense.

Gu Zhanqing's attack on other players with mental strength is not a violation of the rules of the competition. This move is also to bring back a game for tianyuanzong. They opened their mouth, which is not only useless, but will drop the handle.

The only hope is that childe yuan can stop one or two.

Unfortunately, childe yuan didn't pay attention at all. He has begun to concentrate on the inscription.

Childe yuan competes as a visiting elder of diyuanzong. His purpose is only to win the championship in this conference. How can he be willing to spend his mental energy to stand out for diyuanzong?

Perhaps in the mind of Childe yuan, he would like to let Gu Zhanqing consume more spiritual power. After all, Gu Zhanqing is his biggest opponent.

As for the life and death and honor of others in Diyuan sect, hehe... Who can blame for their inferior skills?

Feeling the spiritual energy extending like a poisonous snake, Luo Mi's face was full of evil spirits, and a dark green spiritual light column rushed up on her head.

However, no matter in terms of color or strength, the spiritual pillar inspired by Luo MI can not be compared with one of the nine ways of ancient Zhanqing.

Everyone thought Luo Mi would try his best to resist, but unexpectedly, Luo Mi fiercely clenched his teeth. His mental strength was not in the defensive situation, but hit him more fiercely.

It's better to consume some of the opponent's spiritual energy. Maybe some weak advantages can let childe yuan seize "it's a pity that this son exposed too quickly in order to save the United States for the hero. Hum... I want to see what he can do later..."

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