On the stage, Gu Zhanqing, who had stabilized his body, glared at Ye Feng, clenched his fist, and the recovered cyan spiritual power disc was spinning on his head, like a big dragon.

If the brief confrontation in Taixu dreamland only made him face Ye Feng, now it really angered Gu Zhangqing.

In that case, let this Xiaowu who came from the city see the style of an inscription expert. After he won the championship, it's just a matter of raising his hand to crush something like this ant.

Thinking of this section, Gu Zhanqing took a deep breath and recovered the spiritual energy hovering overhead. Then he closed his eyes, adjusted the rhythm and began to prepare for the inscription.

At the moment, fighting with Ye Feng is harmful to him. It will only cost childe yuan and others in vain.

And in the eyes of Gu Zhanqing, he even thought that the purpose of diyuanzong's introduction of Ye Feng was to target himself.

We must not be fooled by the Diyuan sect.

"Younger martial brother ye, thank you."

Luo Mi didn't have any panic on her face. Just now she aroused her blood in her heart and wanted to strive for the interests of Di yuan Zong.

It has to be said that for this inscription competition, diyuanzong all looked at it very seriously, which is no longer comparable to personal gratitude and resentment.

"What did elder martial sister say? I'm also a member of the sect. How can I sit and watch this guy... Act recklessly?"

With a bright smile, Ye Feng waved to Luo MI. After seeing the eyes in each other's eyes become more and more tender, he turned red. After coughing twice, he paid attention to the inscription materials again.

A short episode did not affect the overall process of the conference. At the moment, crackling sounds came from all positions of the stadium from time to time.

The inscriptions masters present have basically begun to unseal the materials and extract yuan force energy from them.

Most of the engravers chose Level 3 inscriptions for the first time. Maybe they also wanted to challenge level 4 inscriptions, but it was doomed to be futile.

The two three-level inscriptions in front of us have been a great challenge for most people present.

The ancient sisters of the Tianyuan sect tied for a corner of the field, looked at each other carefully, and finally selected the four level inscription "liuyunzhuan". In addition, apart from the two of them, many inscriptions of the Tianyuan sect also chose "liuyunzhuan".

Among the three four level inscriptions prepared for the examination, this inscription is of a basic nature and has the lowest difficulty.

For the Diyuan sect, Luo MI is the representative. People with a certain level of inscriptions selected the same "liuyunzhuan", but the number of people at this level is half less than that of Tianyuan sect.

From this scene, we can indirectly see that the inscription strength of Tianyuan sect is much stronger than that of Diyuan sect.

Ye Feng's eyes swept over childe yuan and Gu Zhanqing, but they didn't choose "liuyunzhuan". The material they picked up was clearly one of the spiritual inscriptions "jiuxuan jade dew", which attracted a whistle from the onlookers.

Being able to challenge the extremely difficult level 4 spiritual power inscriptions is enough to show that they have stepped into the ranks of five grade inscriptions masters.

In fact, their choice was not unexpected.

After all, they are the seed players sent by Tiandi Yuanzong. Each of them has the strength to win the first place. It is unreasonable not to choose the most difficult "jiuxuan Yulu".

After the two, the mysterious man in black also chose "jiuxuan jade dew", but most people didn't know his origin and saw his means, so they didn't pay too much attention.

In addition to them, there are several inscriptions experts from other counties who choose "jiuxuan jade dew", but there are nearly 1000 inscriptions masters on the whole competition platform. There are no more than ten who have the courage.

Carefully read the information described on the scroll in his mind. After a little hesitation, Ye Feng also pushed away other materials, took out five inscriptions of "jiuxuan jade dew" and placed them on the desk in front of him one by one.

"Hmm? The third grade inscriptionist of Di yuan Zong also chose the most difficult level 4 spiritual inscriptions?"

"He can't measure his strength... Although his mental strength is good, it doesn't mean that he can engrave the inscription. This guy... Doesn't have a little force in his heart?"

"Tut Tut, wait to see him make a big joke. Level 4 inscriptions are extremely demanding for mental power control. Even the inscriptions of the sect have a poor success rate."


Countless disciples of Tianyuan sect around the court laughed at this scene.

Since there was a rumor that Ye Feng was going to crush the inscription master of tianyuanzong at the conference, many good Samaritans went to the inscription master's guild to conduct a detailed investigation on him.

The result shows that this boy is not only a third grade inscriptionist, but also... It seems that he came into contact with inscriptions only in this year.

In less than a year, from a novice in inscriptions to a master of five grades who can engrave inscriptions of level 4 spiritual power?

Go to hell.

Therefore, seeing Ye Feng also chose "jiuxuan jade dew", immediately let these people with evil thoughts satirize and ridicule again and again.

Of course, on the stage at the moment, the taunting voices did not interfere with Ye Feng.

He has entered the state of inscription with all his heart.

"This thing... There are some things that are not simple!"

The yuan force fluctuation revealed in the material also surprised Ye Feng slightly. These high-level inscriptions are all sealed by the master Yuan Li, but... There is still subtle energy, which breaks through the seal of Yuan Li and escapes.

Glancing at all the raw materials one by one, he finally fixed his eyes on the blue animal skin.

According to the description scroll, this animal skin comes from the blue dragon in the deep sea. It is not only the main material of this inscription, but also one of the most difficult difficulties in engraving "jiuxuan jade dew".

In addition to these 17 kinds of raw materials, there is a small bag of crystal powder the size of thumb belly in the material bag, which gives people a very warm feeling.

"Is this... Catalytic material?"

Ye Feng was stunned.

Yuan Ling said that the higher the level of inscriptions, the stronger the yuan force energy among various materials, and the more difficult it is to integrate. Therefore, the use of catalytic materials is often needed to engrave high-level inscriptions.

Catalytic materials can simplify the integration of various elements, but each additional one has a stronger requirement for control force.

There are as many as 17 kinds of light materials of "jiuxuan jade dew". Accordingly, I'm afraid it can only be achieved if the engraver has a strong spiritual control ability.

But Ye Feng didn't expect that even the catalytic materials were taken out this time.

Each small bag of this material is of amazing value. Being able to take out this material in large quantities is enough to show that Jinhua Shangcheng attaches importance to this inscription teachers' university meeting

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