He rubbed his temples, and Ye Feng reached out and gently pressed the desk. In addition to the blue dragon skin of Yuanhai, 16 kinds of materials were suspended in the air.

According to the steps of explaining the scroll notes, he quickly selected five kinds and began to extract the yuan force.

Ye Feng has no experience in inscribing level 4 inscriptions. Different from the three-level inscriptions, the four-level inscriptions have a variety of materials, and there are also different orders in extracting yuan force. Only by doing that step perfectly can we give better play to the effect of each material.

Of course, in this step of purification, Ye Feng has been familiar with the road for thousands of times, and the mental force is intertwined. The yuan force energy in the five materials is extracted one by one.

After closing his eyes and trimming his mature rest, Ye Feng kept on working on the remaining 11 materials. It took about half an hour before and after, and all 16 yuan energy, large and small, were extracted and arranged in front of him.

After that, the mental force turned into countless thin lines and shot into the extracted yuan force energy.

The second step is to remove impurities. This step seems simple, but it is actually the most difficult. Whether the removal is in place will directly affect the quality of the inscription and even the success of the inscription.

The materials of level 4 inscriptions are often taken from strong monsters, or some rare natural materials and earth treasures. The impurities contained in them are particularly violent. If you are careless, the materials will be damaged.

But for maple leaf, this is no problem.

After many times of training of phantom stone, although he can't eliminate all impurities perfectly, it's nothing to say if he wants to ensure the integrity of the material.

This step is not a short time-consuming. It lasted nearly an hour before Ye Feng eliminated all impurities in all yuan force energy.

"Pretty clean..."

The mental force swept one by one and turned into liquid yuan force energy. Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction. Naturally, there will be some subtle impurities, but the current results are the best he can achieve.

Taking advantage of the time to catch his breath, he quickly glanced around. Childe yuan had already finished this step.

Four other inscriptions masters from the surrounding forces also completed the second step one after another. Compared with them, they were slightly inferior, with fine beads of sweat on their foreheads, and their faces were particularly dignified.

Even for some Wupin inscription masters who have first seen the path, it is not easy to deal with so many inscription materials.

The eyes of the peripheral audience almost fell on childe yuan. There is no doubt that they are the highlight of this inscription normal university meeting.

After a short adjustment, childe yuan bent his fingers and flicked, a green mist appeared on his fingertips, and an inscription spirit pen appeared in his hand.

The spirit pen was exquisitely carved and green as jade. As soon as it appeared, the surrounding yuan force fluctuated.

Many inscriptionists cast envious eyes directly. They looked down at the inscription pen in their hands and could only show a bitter and dry smile at the corners of their mouths.

Those who can stand on the stage are inscription masters with status in all counties and cities. Naturally, they also have an inscription spirit pen in their hands. However, compared with Childe yuan, they are obviously not at the same level.

"Lvyun, the 33rd in the list of inscriptions, uses precious and rare materials. It is made of the heart of the ten thousand year bodhi tree. That's the witness of the Zhong family when they crossed the thirteen counties."

"It's really interesting this time. Gu Zhanqing, as a genius of tianyuanzong inscriptions and a large number of five products, what kind of treasure will he bring out?"

Everyone's eyes shot hot eyes, and then they all looked at the ancient blooming green not far away.

Although this person has just eaten a little shriveled, as the most powerful inscription genius of Tianyuan sect, how can Gu Zhanqing compete with Childe yuan empty handed?


As if aware of the expectations of the surrounding audience, Gu Zhangqing held a proud smile at the corners of his mouth, stretched out his hand and held it in the air, and slowly solidified like a rafter.

The spirit pen is as red as blood. It is two feet long and blooms a fire red light like a shadow.

As soon as this thing came out, there were more than a dozen people around. Their mental strength shook together. It was like being summoned. They rushed away at the inscription pen, which disordered their breath at once, causing problems in the process of purifying or expelling impurities.


The inscription spirit pen held by several people suddenly burst into pieces.

"My God..."

"It's the red flame ranking 27. It's said that this spirit pen is overbearing. If there are similar inscriptions and instruments around, there will be an exclusion phenomenon."

"At the beginning, Gu Zhanqing deliberately used his spiritual power to frighten the inscriptions of the local yuan sect. Now he took out such a spiritual pen. What's this... What's going on?"

"This is too insidious."

Looking at the failed inscriptions and the broken inscriptions, the inscriptions teachers around him were so angry that they had to shake their heads and leave.

With the interference of red flame spirit pen, they have no possibility to complete the inscription. A bad one will also cause heavy damage to their spiritual power.

Even if you are unwilling, you can only blame yourself... Your skills are not as good as others.

Just as Gu Zhanqing took out the inscription spirit pen, Ye Feng's pupil narrowed not far away. He also felt the hegemony of the inscription spirit pen in the other party's hand.

Moreover, right in his direction, a wisp of red fog deliberately flowed over.

"Hum, my spiritual power has suffered a loss here. Do you want to use the power of the spirit pen to affect my inscription?"

Yu Xin's hair gave a sneer, Ye Feng waved slightly, and with a large amount of purple transpiration, a purple spirit pen with metallic luster appeared impressively in his hand.


At the moment when the purple ember was sacrificed, the yuan force fluctuation around it suddenly stopped with Ye Feng as the center, and it didn't flow slowly again until a moment later.

The touch of red fog, which was shot quietly, was like a mouse meeting a cat. It turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated.

"Purple ember!"

Gu Caiqing, who was struck by lightning, shouted awkwardly a moment later.

He also participated in the bloody auction and recognized what Ye Feng was holding at a glance.

"It's actually... The purple ember spirit pen ranked 14th!"

"This spirit pen appeared in the bloody auction house last time. Later, its whereabouts were unknown. How could it... Appear in the boy's hand?"

"Is it difficult..."

Not to mention Gu Zhangqing, there are many two big people on the elder's table, and their faces are shocked.

Ye Feng had never seen the inscriptions with his own eyes, but the purple metal material was a rare black jade and purple gold. Obviously, it is indeed the legendary purple ember spirit pen.

"This boy, how can he hide so deep and have such a treasure?"

Elder he had a brilliant flash in his eyes and envy in his tone. The inscription instrument ranked 14th was the dream of countless inscription masters.


"Install it, your Yuanzong, just install it."

Suddenly, an extremely angry cry came from one side. The person who made the sound was the elder of Tianyuan sect... Niu sanbian.

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