
Ye Feng broke his drink and rushed up into the air. One of the few green and dark fire surged out and did his best to tear down the black flame attached to the murderous moon.

The latter has passed out.

These black flames seem insignificant, but in fact they are quite terrible. Even if they are wrapped by the quiet fire, they also show a palpitating power.

Maybe it won't take long for the black flame to burn out the quiet fire and get out of trouble.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng endured the pain, raised the original strength of the few sacred trees in Dantian, and poured them all into the murderous moon.

With the divine wood origin as the introduction, the strong recovery ability in the blood of the evil angel was stimulated again. I saw that the black blood scabs were peeled off layer by layer, and soon revealed the perfect jade like body again.

The murderous moon also wakes up.

"You... Saved me again?"

"Why did you... Save me?"

She looked at Ye Feng with a daze in her eyes, and some desolation.

Ye Feng nodded heavily and reluctantly said with a smile: "maybe I... Can feel your pain. From my body, I see my own shadow, humiliating, bullying, squeezing and chasing, but... Don't I still live well?"

"Now what I want to tell you is that the meaning of our existence is not only revenge, but also to live."

"The long river of life may be a few short years or hundreds of years. We are all in this river. If we want to swim to the other side, we must experience pain, joy, the best years, the changeable world and all kinds of people. There will be countless difficulties, diseases and enemies along the way. We want to knock down people like you and me. Even today, we will It may all turn into ashes under the demon fire. "

"But death and fire... Should not erase hope, and you should not end it. Believe that even if we die today, there will always be love and hope..."

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and gently took the murderous moon into his arms.

Murderous moon's body vibrated violently, and her eyes straightened for a moment. After a moment, the light in her eyes softened slowly. After reaching out to ring Ye Feng, murderous moon slowly closed her eyes, but there was a childlike smile on the corner of her mouth.

Just like that innocent little girl.

The two bodies closely fit together. Ye Feng can feel the temperature transmitted by each other. Just at this time, his heart is as calm as water and has no other thoughts at all.


Over the years, he has been looking for his missing father and sister and getting stronger. Isn't it because he has an unquenchable fire of hope in his chest.

"I saved you again, so you owe me one more favor now."

Let go of his arm and Ye Feng looked straight at the beautiful eyes.


"Promise me to live well. If I don't die, I will resolve the big grievances for you. If I fail, if possible, take care of the people who sweep the floor for me."

Ye Feng smiled gently. While talking, his left hand suddenly clasped the meridians of the murderous moon's arm. After the surging divine wood source poured out more than half, the soft force of his palm sent it forward, shaking the murderous moon out of the original flame.

After the injury, the murderous moon was unable to respond at all, and could only watch Ye Feng act.

Just as she was about to leave the most central position of the flame, she quickly bent her fingers, and a finger sized flame lotus burst out and flew to Ye Feng's chest.

Ye Feng's pupil shrank slightly and reached out to pick the flame lotus.

After a little perception, he understood the intention of killing God moon.

The flame has been refined, and the spiritual mark has been erased. As long as he can plant his own spiritual mark, he can use it at will.

There is no doubt that it is the strand of red lotus industry fire refined by the month of killing God.

Looking at the graceful figure that disappeared, Ye Feng forced down the moving in his heart and turned his eyes to the black flame that was about to burn through the green black fire.

"Next, it's time to settle with you."

With a bang, two kinds of purple evil XuanHuo manifest at the same time, and the spiritual power enters into the master, completely wrapping Ye Feng's body shape.


The figure of the magic flame dragon and lion also appeared at the moment, making a Soul-catching roar, opening his mouth and spewing out a common fire, attached to the flames.

Under such isolation, the temperature of the black flame plummeted, especially the red lotus fire given by the month of killing God, which gave Ye Feng great help.

Take a deep breath, and the overwhelming spiritual power surges out into countless strands, controlling a variety of flames to rush to the black flame.

It seems that the black flame began to dance wildly when it sensed the danger.


At this moment, it broke away from the dark green fire, broke free from control and rushed back to the inside of the lotus petals.


Two spiritual lights rushed up on the chest, "extremely cold" and "meaningful" were urged to the extreme, blocking the dark breath and releasing a trace of coolness.

At the next moment, Ye Feng wrapped dozens of Zhang's spiritual power and shrouded the lotus in the flame.

Victory and defeat are born in death.

It's all in one fell swoop.

An extreme ferocious color appeared on the ghost face, causing a dark flame to rush to the spiritual force falling in the air.


There seemed to be thunder exploding in my mind. Endless illusions were born in layers. The turbulent dark breath rushed into my body. The painful maple leaf twitched all over and his limbs became numb and stiff.

The whole body was filled with an indescribable pain, like being fried hundreds of times in an oil pan and thrown into the cold sea.

Ye Feng's consciousness suddenly became a little weak.

He was just gritting his teeth to keep himself from fainting.

Subconsciously, the time is infinitely prolonged, because the spiritual power is strong, but every trace of pain is expanded very clearly.

One person, one fire, do not give in to each other, all want to kill each other.

Every corner of Ye Feng's body is squeezing the final potential, and his body is fighting against the burning of red lotus fire independently.

In my mind, one terrible illusion after another came into being, trying to break his psychological defense, and sometimes turned into a beautiful scene in an attempt to break his mind.

"Grandma, I want you to be a slave. It's wishful thinking!"

With a ferocious face, Ye Feng bit the tip of his tongue hard and spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, trying to drive away all kinds of illusions in his mind.

In the stalemate with different fire, the consumption of Yuanli can be described as terror. There is not much left. At present, the consumption is faster. Dantian Yuanli continues to pour in all directions and dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bang Bang

The storage bag was broken, and the remaining spirit stones were broken and absorbed by Ye Feng. Even so, it still seems a drop in the bucket.

But he had run out of oil and the lamp was dry. He had no other way but to bite his teeth and insist.

No one can let him rely on, life and death... All adhere to his own will.

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