I don't know how long it has passed, the energy of Lingshi's explosion has also been exhausted, and Dantian Yuanli is almost exhausted. Ye Feng is just supporting at a loss. I don't know when he will fall.

What he didn't see was that the flame ghost face in front was also weakened to the extreme under such consumption.

The ghost face becomes more and more nihilistic, and the trace of black flame is slowly fading.

They both expect each other to fall first.


At a certain moment, the gray eyes on the ghost face suddenly opened, turned into two real gray lines, and shot into Ye Feng's mind.

After all this, the breath of the original flame began to fall rapidly. It seems that it has tried its last strength in an attempt to defeat Ye Feng.

As the gray line awn came into his mind, Ye Feng's body stiffened violently, and the barely maintained Qingming finally disappeared, completely falling into an illusion.

This is a gray dead world. The heavy sky is hanging overhead. It is oppressive and breathless. There is a fog all over the fields, and gray ashes are falling.

Looking down, there are crisscross bones everywhere, and corpses are everywhere, as if there was no end.

"Is this... Hell?"

Ye Feng was shocked, but he quickly reacted and was dragged into a dreamland.

But knowing is one thing, and wanting to break the illusion and return to normal is another.

Dragging as like as two peas, he walked forward mechanically, and everywhere he went, the same scenes, no breath of life, some of them were silent and bones.

I don't know how long later, Ye Feng stopped panting, cold sweat covered his forehead, and a trace of fear filled his heart.

It's like a world without a way out. It's monotonous, cold and endless. Only when you are in it can you feel that kind of loneliness and despair.


Zisha Xuan fire spewed out and roared around. The powerful flame did not cause any movement.

Heaven and earth are long, let the purple fire burn.

"Break it for me!"

Frowning, Ye Feng once again played with purple evil Xuan fire and spiritual power, turned into a sharp long sword and cut into the gray sky.

The blue long sword fell, and the sky just fluctuated slightly. There was no sign of rupture.

"What should I do?"

Ye Feng pulled up his heart.

This gray world is like an eternal cage. There is no entrance or exit. Neither XuanHuo nor spiritual force can open it.

Maybe Qingwu Youhuo can, but at the moment, the source of Youhuo is almost exhausted and can't be driven again.

Is it... That I'm going to be imprisoned here forever?

No, never.

Everything in front of me is not real, but I am blinded. As long as it is an illusion, it can be broken.

"All promising dharmas are obtained by reason of fate. The origin goes out at the same time, and the fate is still gone. However, this is the case..."

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, he suddenly thought of the sayings engraved on the remnant of the "riot", and couldn't help whispering.

The cultivation method of "riot" in the third realm of Biluo Seven Realms, in addition to the operation of meridians, is more about cultivating mental skills. The purpose... Is to stabilize the Tao mind.

Illusions are also high and low. Ordinary illusions are just illusions. Generally speaking, they are a cover up. People with unstable mind are easy to lose their mind and fall into them.

High level illusions are very rare. It is said that some wizards can use their spiritual power to build a similar real illusory world and kill people invisibly.

What Ye Feng can be sure of is that the fire of Honglian industry, which has suffered several heavy losses, should no longer be able to display the second illusion.

Otherwise, he can't be safe.

After reciting it over and over again, Ye Feng's mind gradually became silent. Later, he even forgot where he was. He just felt that the God sea was ethereal and his body was light, as if he wanted to rise.


In such a big seal, a huge red lotus can be seen burning and rotating in the space. In the central stamen, the ghost face and a human figure are in a confrontation state, and both are motionless.

The grimace kept changing. He stared at the leaf maple sitting in it ferociously. From time to time, he ejected a dark flame and wanted to burn it into ash.


But on Ye Feng's chest, there is an inscription that emits cold and dispels the power of opening the hot fire yuan. In addition, there is an inscription that emits a faint yellow halo and continuously releases the energy that seems to exist or not, nourishing his body.

At this time, the inscription "turtle breath" finally played a great role.

Without this inscription, where would Ye Feng have a chance to live if the two sides had stood up to now.

Looking carefully, wisps of disordered breath were gradually rising from Ye Feng's body, and absorbed the black flame emitted by the ghost face a little bit.

Ye Feng, who fell into the illusion, didn't know that when he read the "riot" mental method, he automatically triggered a strange realm. After adapting to the burning of the black flame, he turned away from the guest and began to plunder the energy in the ghost face.

It is absolutely unbearable for ordinary people to face such dark energy, but it is not too difficult for Ye Feng who has cultivated "riot".

Strands of black flame entered the meridians and began to be absorbed by the body. The originally roasted and curled meridians wriggled to rejuvenate the birth machine.


With the passage of time, in the twinkling of an eye, two days have passed, the meridians in Ye Feng's body have been gradually repaired, and because of the black flame energy, it is a little stronger than before.

Unfortunately, under such fierce competition, the two inscriptions of "extremely cold" and "meaningful" finally ran out of energy and completely burst into pieces.

The only remaining inscription of "turtle breath" releases yuan force intermittently and will collapse at any time.

On the third day, "turtle breath" jumped suddenly and exploded immediately.

If it can continue, Ye Feng can stick to it. At that time... I'm afraid it can be a blessing in disguise and improve his cultivation to a new level.

He didn't even think of it.

Originally, he was pulled into the stamen position in the center by the ghost face. He can bear it only with the help of the most Yin body of the murderous moon. But under the unconscious stimulation of "riots", it is not only harmless, but... Nourished.

The green, dark and quiet fire exhausted by its original strength slowly recovered under this short nourishment.

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