Jin Zhenhai looked at the Twelve Gods and said in a deep voice, "follow my urge to cross the sky array!"

At the command, he pushed his palm down, and the ground of the demon Pavilion lit up lines to form a huge and complex array.


The array was bright, buzzing and shaking. In the twinkling of an eye, the ground of the demon Pavilion seemed to become a vast starry sky, with countless stars shining.

Ye Feng stood on the big array and raised his eyebrows.

He felt that the array led to the four directions of heaven and earth.

It's like the world is a big tree in the sky, and this big array connects all the veins of this big tree. You can go to any corner of the world through the big array.

"Our strength can't directly send you to the heaven and earth, because the Black Dragon Palace has heaven and earth prohibitions in major fierce places, so we can only send you to the Yangchang Strait."

Jin Zhenhai urged the array with all his strength and was shrouded in the golden demon. It was his divine power, majestic and majestic. His voice came from the divine power and looked solemn and solemn.


Jin Zhenhai whispered, and all his divine powers poured into the cross sky array. The twelve gods also shot at the same time.

The Tianjiao of the demon Pavilion also contributed their strength and launched their palms one after another.

The sky is full of demons and colorful, forming a magnificent scene, and pouring into the cross sky array.

For a moment, Ye Feng felt that he was wrapped by a mysterious force to drag him into the vein connecting heaven and earth.

Ye Feng is very familiar with this force, which is the law of space he understands.

"I'm leaving."

As soon as Ye Feng looked right, he quickly took down the soul grabbing knife and threw it at Kong Tuoling.

"Brother Tuoling, Shenfeng doesn't have anything good to give you. This knife has helped me through many difficulties, so I'll give it to you."

The voice fell, and Ye Feng's figure standing in the demon Pavilion suddenly disappeared.

Kong Tuoling looked at the soul snatching knife in his arms for a long time, then raised his head and looked outside the demon Pavilion.

"Brother Shenfeng, I will treasure this knife forever."


After Ye Feng left, the devil flat prison still crouched in the distance of the demon Pavilion. He always paid attention to the prohibition around the demon Pavilion. As long as Ye Feng left the demon Pavilion, he could find it.

But the devil didn't know that the demons in the demon Pavilion joined hands to send Ye Feng away with the cross sky array, just to avoid his prohibition and make him unable to explore.

Ye Feng left the demon Pavilion silently under the eyes of the devil flat prison, crossed endless distances and reached the Yangchang Strait.

Endless darkness enveloped all directions. Ye Feng suddenly arrived here. The terrible sea pressure and dark environment made him unable to adapt.

His body was pounding and hard to move. His wide eyes could not see anything clearly. Ye Feng quickly adjusted his state. Yuan Li's evil spirit turned at a high speed. His body was gradually able to move, and a vague scene appeared in his eyes.

"Deep in the sea of death."

Ye Feng looked at the constantly clear scene in front of him, his heart moved slightly, then took out the crack empty knife and held it tightly in his hand.

Under strange circumstances, we must be vigilant enough, which is the experience of Ye Feng for many years.

Thoroughly see the left and right, Ye Feng found that he was in the deep Strait, the rock walls on both sides were steep and greasy, and the bottom was unfathomable, like an endless abyss.

"Is this the sheep intestines Strait?"

The space of the Strait is very narrow, like sheep intestines. Compared with the vast sea of death, the Strait can only allow five people to go side by side. It is indeed called sheep intestines.

After adapting to the sea pressure and environment, Ye Feng began to swim forward. He was like a dragon and crossed kilometers in an instant.

This is a magic power recorded in the library of demon Pavilion. It is specially used to walk in the sea. It is called Youlong playing in the water.

In the course of Ye Feng's swimming, he also encountered many strange and fierce animals with ugly appearance, huge head and small body.

These fierce beasts opened their ferocious mouths and bit Ye Feng one after another. However, their strength was not strong. Most of them did not reach the holy land. Occasionally, there were one or two, and there was no threat.

As soon as the split air knife cuts, it doesn't need to urge the law of withered glory. Then it sees a transverse wave in the sea. The transverse wave cuts off the sea and crosses the body of the fierce beast.


With a dull noise, the big headed fierce animals split in half, and the dark blood filled the air.

He easily killed the big head fierce beast that was close to him. Ye Feng continued to move forward, but before long, he was surrounded by infinite big head fierce beasts.

Before, after, around, on top of the head and under the feet, there were all big headed ferocious beasts, one by one with ferocious mouths, making the sea tremble endlessly.


Ye Feng narrowed his eyes. Is it difficult to walk in the Yangchang Strait and encounter big headed fierce beasts?

Although the strength of so many big headed fierce beasts is not strong, it takes a lot of effort to kill them. It's a waste of time.

Then he smelled it. There was a faint faint fragrance. It was strange and he had never touched it.

"Is it difficult?"

Ye Feng recalled that before he killed the big head fierce beast, their dark blood seemed to have this dark fragrance.

At this time, Ye Feng saw a young man wearing a black robe and long flowing hair among the endless fierce animals, swimming happily among the big fierce animals. The fierce animals seemed to have never noticed him and paid no attention to him.

The young man also looked at Ye Feng at this time, his eyes were very proud, and quickly swam away from the fierce beast.

Ye Feng's eyes were sharp. He saw a jade pendant hanging around the young man's waist. The jade pendant emitted a hazy halo that enveloped the young man. The halo had an isolated smell that people couldn't find out. The effect of the jade pendant must be that the big headed fierce beast didn't attack the young man.

"Is he the one who goes to the black dragon palace?"

Ye Feng's eyebrows were slightly raised. During this period, he was so well prepared through the Yangchang strait that he was probably the same as him.

Just thinking, the big headed fierce beasts around finally couldn't help killing them. Their ferocious mouth was full of sharp teeth and flashed cold.

"Get out!"

Ye Feng snorted coldly, his body suddenly burst, and a mighty and fierce threat swept out, spreading everywhere in the blink of an eye.

The big head fierce beast was coming. After feeling the pressure of Ye Feng, they all stopped for a moment, as if time was still.

But if you look closely, the bodies of these fierce beasts are trembling slightly.

At the next moment, a fierce beast turned around and fled, followed by infinite fierce beasts

In an instant, the endless fierce beasts surrounding Ye Feng disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

"It works."

Ye Feng's mouth made a radian. Other testers were well prepared and had all kinds of magic weapons to shield fierce animals. Although he was not prepared, he had a dragon's power, which was more useful than magic weapons.

Yes, Ye Feng once absorbed the blood essence of the dragon and even turned into a dragon. He just released the dragon power to frighten these fierce beasts and scare them away.

However, neither the Dragon nor the release of Long Wei should be publicized to avoid being coveted by unscrupulous people. Therefore, Ye Feng scared away the fierce beast and put Long Wei away.

Move on. In the deep sea, you can't see the sunrise and sunset. The concept of time is a little vague. Ye Feng roughly estimates that he has traveled for a day.

After walking for so long, there was still a strait around, as if there was no end. Ye Feng was a little bored.

In this day, Ye Feng also met many other fierce animals. If the number is small, he will clean it with a knife. If there are many, he will release Longwei to scare away.

During this period, Ye Feng also met many experimenters. Most of his accomplishments were at the peak of the holy land, and even there was the divine land. There were few eight aspects of the holy land.

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