There is no triple holy land like Ye Feng. Most testers see Ye Feng with contempt in their eyes.

However, if you dare to participate in the Black Dragon Palace test, you must have several brushes, and the testers are also on guard. Therefore, no one has asked Ye Feng for trouble. After encountering it, they all take a quick look and leave immediately.

After swimming for half a day, Ye Feng finally saw different scenes. In the distance of the dark Strait, a bright light reflected the cliff at the end of the Strait.

"Here we are!"

Ye Feng could not help clenching his fist. On the cliff in front of him, there were four big characters carved with dragon flying and Phoenix dancing and divine power.

"Heaven is fierce!"

This is the first place on the road to the black dragon palace to test the fierce place. There are ten fierce places, all of which are dangerous. The tester should find the spirit beads from the fierce place.

Collect ten spirit beads arranged in ten fierce places within half a year and arrive at the black dragon palace before passing the test.

A moment later, Ye Feng came to the end of the Strait and looked at the four big characters of dragon flying and Phoenix dancing in the sky. His eyebrows were slightly raised.

In this handwriting, there is a powerful sword meaning. The sea water in front of the handwriting is cut apart and cannot be integrated. If it is close to the handwriting, I'm afraid it will be cut and crushed by the sword meaning.

"It must have been carved by the God King."

Ye Feng tried to understand the meaning of the sword, but there was no harvest. Instead, there was a stabbing pain in his eyes. He quickly looked away and didn't dare to look again.

Use Yuanli to moisten his eyes and relieve pain. Ye Feng felt his eyes recover as usual, so he looked at the water barrier in front.

Behind this barrier is Tianjue ferocious land. It is said that Tianjue ferocious land is full of ferocious animals. Among them, there are many Ancient Aliens who do not enter the realm of God and dare not step into it easily. How dangerous can they be.

"The later, the more dangerous the fierce place is. The last place is lifeless. I don't know how many testers have to be really lifeless."

Ye Feng was silent. He stepped forward and touched the water with his hand. A strong sense of rejection surged in. Ye Feng almost flew out and quickly stabilized his feet, as if rooted in the sea.

"The seven repelling power of the holy land, does this mean that without the seven power of the holy land, you can't even enter the first fierce place?"

Ye Feng smiled, and the black dragon palace was quite considerate.

Although the most important thing of the black dragon palace is talent, if you don't even have the strength of the seven aspects of the holy land, no matter how high the talent is, you'd better practice for a few more years and come to my black dragon palace again.

Tianjue fierce barrier can repel people below the seven strength of the holy land, but it has no obstacle to Ye Feng.

With a push, he broke through the barrier and went inside.

It is very different from the Yangchang Strait.

On both sides of Yangchang Strait are cliffs, like an abyss. The sun can't shine in, there is no light, and it's extremely dark.

The sky is extremely fierce. Although the sun can't shine in, there are all kinds of plants on the seabed. There are fine light spots on the surface of the plants. The light spots complement each other to form a continuous halo to illuminate this fierce place.

There are many fierce animals wandering in the fierce land. They are ferocious in appearance. Some are shaped like cattle, have fins on their backs, and their limbs are as short as dog claws.

Some look like rabbits, but they are as big as elephants. The two rabbits are huge and flutter like wings, making them fly rapidly and wave the sea.

Most of these fierce beasts are new to the holy land, and there is no great threat.

Ye Feng only released weak dragon Qi, so he scared these fierce beasts away and didn't dare to approach.

Along the way, Ye Feng met many testers. They came from all directions and went to different places.

It is not only the Yangchang strait that leads to Tianjue ferocious place, but the demon Pavilion is closest to the Yangchang Strait. Where does Ye Feng enter.

Ye Feng has met many experimenters from all over the world. They have not had any conflict yet. They all pay attention and go in the opposite direction.

But Ye Feng knows that since it is a trial and the quota is limited, there is bound to be competition. No battle at present does not mean no follow-up.

On the map, the high priest left some records.

The first trial is usually peaceful in the early stage, but in the later stage, the closer you are to the brothers near the Black Dragon Palace, the more dangerous it is.

Because there are many experimenters, with an evil mind, who are not interested in searching for spiritual beads, but put their goals on other experimenters and rob their spiritual beads.

The black dragon palace does not object to such behavior. They value talent. If you can't keep your own things, you are incompetent.

He kept moving forward in the fierce land and scared away countless fierce animals. Ye Feng saw a Haifu.

This is a mountain in the sea. There is a portal on the front. At the moment, the portal has been broken, in which there are mysterious fluctuations and full of spirituality.

"It's a pearl."

Ye Feng's eyebrows were slightly raised. Before leaving, the high priest told him that the spirit beads were full of spirituality, which could prolong life and increase cultivation.

In this sea mansion, there are obviously spiritual beads.

Ye Feng did not hesitate. His body flashed and fell directly in front of the door. The power of the spirit swept out and sensed the interior of Haifu without any fluctuation.

"We still need to enter to find out."

Ye Feng clenched the crack empty knife and stepped into Haifu.

The interior of Haifu is resplendent. The passage is inlaid with various gemstones and pearls. The ground is paved with various jade.

The sea of death does contain endless resources and wealth. It is a rich land.

Moving on, Ye Feng came to Haifu hall. There was a ruby at the top of the hall, as big as an elephant's head. The red light scattered, as if the hall was burning with fire, with a sense of dryness and heat.

In the center of the hall, there are countless human remains piled into hills, most of which have turned into white bones.

In these bones, there are basically no fierce animal remains, but the corpses of all ethnic groups, including many Terrans.

It's not only those who participate in the trial of the Black Dragon Palace who will enter. It's dangerous, but it also contains opportunistic treasures. Therefore, all ethnic groups in the world will come to practice and look for treasure.

Obviously, many died under the fierce beast of Haifu and were swallowed up by it.

Moreover, on the corpse mountain, there are several corpses that have not turned into white bones, flesh and blood still exist, wearing clothes.

"This is..."

A chill flashed in Ye Feng's eyes. He found a familiar person from these corpses.

That was the young man with long hair and black robe who swam proudly when Ye Feng was surrounded by big headed fierce beasts in the Yangchang Strait.

At the moment, the young man's face was frightened, his eyes were full of horror, his body was full of signs of being bitten and scratched, and the jade pendant on his waist had disappeared.

"In order to get the Pearl, he died at the hands of the fierce beast in Haifu."

Ye Feng came forward, helped the young man close his eyes and looked at the dark path behind the hall.

There is strong and pungent blood gas with a stench coming from the path. Something must have happened in it. Maybe the fierce beast of Haifu is among them.

Ye Feng did not hesitate. With a fierce look in his eyes, he swept out and rushed into the dark path.

Along the way, there was no danger. Ye Feng's killing intention gradually dissipated. He realized that something was wrong. It was too quiet here.

A moment later, Ye Feng came to the end of the path, but saw a treasure house with a mountain of magic weapons.

The door of the treasure house was open, and the Taoist and divine mans spilled out. He saw the jade pendant on the waist of the black robed youth, emitting a hazy light, which was thrown at the top of the magic weapon.

In front of the storehouse, there was a huge corpse. It was a fierce beast, with a head like a vicious dog, eyes like a copper bell, a body like a snake, and blood red lines all over it.

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