On the challenge stage.

Feng Ye's red figure has risen to a height of about ten feet, and his whole body emits a burning brilliance.

Zhu Shuanghua looked at the changes in front of him, and his breath gathered.

Above his head, dark clouds gathered all over the sky, and the black spirit rolled and condensed into a color like thick ink.

It's almost condensed into reality.

Both sides are poised to inspire their most powerful blow at this moment.


Zhu Shuanghua stabbed out the sharp sword in his hand, and the sword became more and more fierce. A dark evil spirit roared out under the control of his sword intention.


The evil spirit is like a sharp arrow, shuttling through the void. The surrounding space is brought out of the hazy black fog. The whole area is as cold as ice and stabs Feng Ye.

"Boy, you don't have to be mysterious. It's your glory to die under my black evil spirit Tianjue arrow."

When an arrow was shot, Zhu Shuanghua's long sword was extremely fast and gave directions to Feng Ye. More black evil spirits separated and became black arrow shadows. Driven by his arm, the black evil arrows gathered into an arrow rain and surged towards each other.

At this moment, Feng Ye's figure suddenly moved.

"The sea of fire is boundless!"

He suddenly opened his eyes angrily, closed his hands for 11 beats, suddenly opened them, waved a brilliant brilliance from his palm, and hit back at the rapidly rushing evil Qi coagulating arrow.

Feng Ye's innate martial body is the flame spirit body.

"Boundless sea of fire" is the only talent that "flame spirit" can inspire.

Whether the martial arts are strong or not depends on the strength of the martial arts. Secondly, it depends on the number of gifted magic powers. The more magic powers, the more sharp the martial arts are.

"Flame spirit body" has only one kind of gifted magic power. It can be said that it is one of the lowest martial arts in the congenital martial arts.

Rao is so. This power has been earth shaking and powerful.

At this moment, everyone in the audience held their breath, dared not blink, and focused on the competition between the two on the stage.

Perhaps with this long-standing attack on both sides, the two will soon be able to decide the outcome.

Fang Tian's Thunder God was tense and his strength was surging. He was ready to take the shot.

As for Prince Qi and master Dong, there was also a slight shortness of breath.

Ye Feng shot a fine light in his eyes. He weighed in his heart. If he was on the stage and encountered such a powerful attack from these two people, how should he deal with it?


The thrilling moment finally came. The attacks of Zhu Shuanghua and Feng Ye collided, and a bright light broke out in the sky, with sharp and harsh voices.

Before long, everything disappeared. The dark and dignified arrow rain disappeared, and the golden light disappeared.

The next moment, Feng Ye's body suddenly sank, the light dissipated, and the figure fell back to the ground.


His body fell heavily on the challenge arena, making the whole challenge arena roar and tremble.

Looking at Zhu Shuanghua again, he just stood with a gloomy face and a pair of lines and silk did not move.


Feng Ye seemed to have a trace of invisible black air around him. His clothes and hair were all covered with a layer of frost at this time. It seemed that he couldn't help it anymore, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Obviously, he was hurt, and he was very badly hurt.

"Feng Ye lost and Zhu Shuanghua won."

"After all, Zhu Shuanghua's strength is unfathomable because he is an old martial arts strongman and an elite."

"But if Feng Ye can reach this step, it should be regarded as glory after defeat."

"Powerful... Strong... It's worth visiting today to see such a battle."


There was a voice of discussion under the stage. Hearing such a voice, Feng Ye struggled to spit out a few words, and was a little distracted for a moment.

"Am I really defeated?"

Even though he has innate martial arts, on the one hand, his martial arts level is not high. On the other hand, although Feng Ye has inspired the natural powers of martial arts, it is obvious that he only knows a trace of fur and fails to give full play to the full power of "boundless sea of fire".

When Feng Ye forcibly supported his body and wanted to admit defeat, but at this moment, an incredible scene happened.

Zhu Shuanghua, who had been standing in front, shook his feet, closed his eyes and rolled down the challenge platform


No one thought of this scene.

Everyone thought Zhu Shuanghua won, but Feng Ye remained on the stage. In this way, the victory was reversed. The winner of the challenge obviously became Feng Ye.

A human shadow swept past and took Zhu Shuanghua and Feng Ye away from the challenge platform.

This figure is the deputy head of Fang Tianlei's mansion who presides over the assessment.

Just now, even he was surprised. He didn't expect that both sides would be hurt. It seems that Feng Ye's innate martial body is stronger than expected.

Now, although Feng Ye won the battle, it is obvious that he was invaded by Zhu Shuanghua's black evil spirit, and the whole person is trembling. If the black evil spirit is not eliminated in time, there will be a lot of hidden dangers in the future.

As for Zhu Shuanghua's life and death, Fang Tianlei must also take him back for the first time.

In this way, the only people left are mo Qingfeng, Ye Feng and Ren Anping.

Everyone looked at Prince Qi and master Dong on the high platform.

After a little meditation, Prince Qi said slowly, "Zhu Shuanghua and Feng Ye must take a place. Now you three still have to eliminate one."

His eyes slowly swept over Mo Qingfeng and Ye Feng, and finally fell on Ren Anping. He said, "Ren Anping, of the three, your strength is the weakest. Now my prince gives you a chance to choose an opponent at will. If you win, you can get a name, otherwise, you will be eliminated. Do you have any opinion on this arrangement?"

Ren Anping was very helpless, but when Prince Qi spoke, he only nodded and replied, "I choose to challenge Ye Feng!"

Everyone knew it would be such a choice. Give him a hundred courage, and he didn't dare to challenge Mo Qingfeng.

Everyone below was whispering.

Began to guess the outcome of the challenge.


But just as Ye Feng was going to be invited to fight, suddenly, another voice came, and then a graceful figure appeared in the distance under the stage.

Dressed in white and with long sleeves like the wind, she is actually a beautiful young woman of about eighteen or nine years old.

The woman was very slim and beautiful. She stepped onto the challenge platform step by step.

For a moment, all around the challenge platform was completely quiet. Everyone stared at the beauty in white standing on the platform. It was really amazing, just like a fairy coming out of the picture.

Many people under the stage made amazing sounds.

Because many people have never seen such a woman before, and looking at her posture and blocking her exit seems to disrupt the rhythm of the challenge.

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