"Who is this man? There is no such a beautiful woman in our royal family. Is it from your inscription guild?"

"No, the inscriptions master's mental strength is strong, but his force is slightly weaker than that of ordinary martial artists. Moreover, all those who can enter the martial arts association of the four countries are martial arts geniuses. They are extremely tenacious and have little mental restraint, so they are not suitable for such a challenge. Moreover, I have never seen such a woman in the guild."

"She looks very weak. Don't she know what she's going to do on stage? Is she going to challenge several geniuses on stage?"

"Why didn't the referee stop her from coming on stage? What about her good looks? This is a selection competition. It's related to my good luck in China. How can I be interrupted again and again?"


Ye Feng was also curious. He didn't know how the woman in white came to the stage.

Neither Prince Qi nor master Dong made a sound to stop it, which made Ye Feng a little more confused.

It seems that two big people on the platform know this woman

He couldn't help looking at it carefully.

Seeing this, Ye Feng suddenly let his heart thump and screamed in his heart.

Because the young girl in white, who caused a sensation at the scene, was the woman who took a bath when she first entered the martial arts house.

And from the cold eyes she glimpsed by chance, Ye Feng also saw a trace of sadness in the woman's eyes.

She must have recognized herself.

The woman in white got on the stage, stood in front of her and said to Ren Anping at will, "you change your personal challenge."

This remark immediately stunned everyone under the stage.

Ren Anping was stunned and his face immediately sank.

At least he was an expert who came up step by step after several battles, but the white woman's voice was flat. It seemed that she didn't take him seriously and ordered him at will. She simply thought he was a servant and never called.

You want me to change one and I'll change one? Who are you?

Is he so easy to bully?

Besides, let him challenge Mo Qingfeng and give Ren Anping another courage. He doesn't dare.

On reading this, Ren Anping's eyes were cold and shouted, "why should I change people? Ren Anping is going to challenge Ye Feng!"

"Really don't change people?" the woman in white didn't see anger on her face, but continued to ask.

"Of course." Ren Anping nodded.

"Then go down."

The woman in white waved her hand and didn't see how she did it. Ren Anping flew up in the air in an instant and was directly photographed on the challenge platform by her wave.


Everyone on the four sides was a sensation at the moment, and until this time, Han Chong and other old students in neifu were shocked and changed color, and a person's name came out of their mind.

Prince Qi on the high platform looked at master Dong. They all showed a helpless look. They naturally knew who the woman in white was sacred. They recognized each other as soon as they played.

But even if Prince Qi and master Dong are in high positions, they can't intervene after seeing this woman. They simply act as if they didn't see it. They close their eyes on the stage and turn a blind eye to what happened on the challenge stage

The woman in white shows such a skill, not to mention Ye Feng, that is, Mo Qingfeng is afraid of it in her eyes.

Because he knew that even he could never play down Ren Anping so lightly.

This woman... Is amazing.

After shooting Ren Anping, the woman in white turned to Mo Qingfeng with an expressionless look and said coldly, "you can go down."

Mo Qingfeng frowned and was about to say something, but inadvertently he hesitated. It seemed that he had received someone's voice. There was a look of horror in his eyes. After looking at the cold face of the woman in white, he jumped off the challenge platform.

As a result, Ye Feng and the woman in white were left on the stage.

"Do you know why I came up?" the woman in White asked.

Ye Feng nodded, looking a little embarrassed.

The woman in White said, "take my three moves. If you can catch it, write it off. If you can't catch it, you'll die!"

Ye Feng nodded again, concentrating and standing with a horizontal fist. The whole person was integrated with the surrounding space.

This woman's strength is beyond Ye Feng's imagination, but Ye Feng will not be discouraged. People are strong and he is strong. Ye Feng maintains full fighting spirit all the time and will never fear or shrink back because of each other's strength.

At the moment, he threw himself into the battle.

The defeat of Zhu Shuanghua hit Mo Yixiao, tie Hualong and others the most.

No one expected that after some painstaking arrangement, Zhu Shuanghua was provoked to deal with Ye Feng. In the end, Feng Ye, a nobody, would spoil the good thing.

Originally, they had nothing to do but watch Ye Feng get the quota of the four countries' martial arts, but they didn't expect another turn now.

This powerful woman in white is going to fight Ye Feng.

Even say "can't catch, die".

Suddenly, the three guys' hearts, which had been barely extinguished, became lively again.

"Come on, I'm ready."

"The first move, seven burning silver lights!"

The five fingers of a woman in white are clenched into fists, and her feet are like a high wind, which is faster than the general congenital seven or eight heavy martial arts.

Most martial artists at the bottom of the challenge arena can't even see the figure of the woman in white. They can only see a vague white light, let alone catch her punch.

Ye Feng took a deep breath.

Instead of using the power of artistic conception, he poured yuan force into his arm, then improved his spirit, and judged the way of the other party's attack with his own eyesight and hearing.

Suddenly, Ye Feng's body moved one step to the left and avoided most of the boxing strength of the woman in white. At the same time, Ye Feng's arm fell down and hit back at the woman in White's waist.


Yu Jin and Ye Feng's fists excited each other, rippling out a ripple.

But Rao was less than one-third of the other party's spare strength, which still made Ye Feng's body unable to maintain balance. In an instant, he was blown back.

This woman's strength is really powerful and terrible.

"The second move, flying lightning."

Without waiting for Ye Feng to stabilize his figure, the white woman's body turned over in mid air and came again. Her fist formed an arc, and her four fingers pressed down slightly. In addition to the stronger power of the chest fist, the other four fingers also blew four afterwaves, each blocking Ye Feng's front, back, left and right respectively.

Just now, Ye Feng avoided most of her fist power and let the woman in white know that Ye Feng's perception and body sensitivity have reached a level far beyond his cultivation level. Therefore, this time, she wants Ye Feng to hide and avoid.

You have to take a hard punch.

Her fist appeared in front of Ye Feng in the blink of an eye.

If you are hit by a punch, you will be seriously injured, or even directly exploded.

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