The reason why this white cloak turned dark red was that it was stained with too much blood. As Jiao GUI left the demon king, he followed him step by step to today's cloak, witnessing the rise of Jiao GUI.

The dark red color represents the iron blood and ruthlessness of Jiao GUI and his supreme achievements. It is the mark of killing created by many forces. Just looking at this cloak, the two strong men at the top of seven horns, Jiao min and Jiao broken, feel difficult to breathe and extremely depressed.

"It's the magic star meteorite."

At the moment, Jiao Min said hard under the pressure of dark red cloak, but his eyes were full of surprise brilliance.

The demon star meteorite iron, which is the most desired divine thing of the horned demon family, is the most precious gift given to these lower world people by the supreme heavenly demon family living in the demon star.

Refining the demon star meteorite iron can make your blood evolve complacently, obtain powerful power, and take a further step towards the Tianmo family.

In fact, for the demon family, the Tianmo family is not a legend. They really exist.

Because every king of the nine demon families has the blood of demons flowing in their bodies.

The reason for this is very complex. In fact, every demon clan has a blood of heavenly demons flowing in its body, but the power of this blood is too weak, and it is likely that it will not wake up in its whole life.

Only when you become the demon king can you completely activate the blood of the heavenly demons in your body and obtain part of the power belonging to the supreme heavenly demons. This power is extremely powerful. The demon family that has not activated the blood has no resistance to this power.

The demon kings of the nine demon families have successfully activated the blood of the heavenly demons in their bodies. They have obtained endless life and unparalleled power. Even the descendants of the demon king, such as Jiao GUI, the seventh son of the demon king in front of them, are also flowing with the blood of the heavenly demon family.

This is the benefit that the achievement of the demon king can bring to the children, but the blood of the heavenly demon will continue to decline with generation after generation, and can be inherited for up to ten generations.

The eleventh generation will completely lose the noble demon blood. Except for the title of royal family, other places will become no different from ordinary demon families.

As the blood successor of the second generation of heavenly demons, the blood concentration contained in his body is only half of that of the demon king, and only half is enough for Jiaogui to become the strongest under the demon king.

Now, the birth of the demon star meteorite iron has inspired all the demon families under Jiao GUI, because Jiao GUI can refine the demon star meteorite iron, evolve and enhance his own demon blood.

I'm not sure. Jiao GUI can become another supreme demon king and expand the nine demon families to the ten. Their followers will rise with the tide and achieve glory.

"Yes, that's the magic star meteorite."

Jiao GUI still looked out of the window, but the warmth contained in his voice swept into Jiao min's hearts like a storm. This is the roar of ambition and the roar of longing for a closer step.

"This demon star meteorite must belong to the king!"

At this time, Jiao GUI suddenly turned around. The most noble prince in the demon family was surprisingly handsome. Unlike ordinary Jiao demons, he had sharp corners on his head, and his face and body were distorted and ugly.

Jiao GUI is more like a Terran, and can be called a beautiful man in the Terran, which is the characteristic of the blood of the devil.

It is said that the original face of the heavenly devil is no different from that of the human race, and the demon king with the blood of the heavenly devil and the descendants of the demon prince, these royal families of the major demon families, have indeed confirmed this legend.

Just like Jiaogui in front of him, he looks like a human or a Tianmo clan. Only when he experiences the battle of life and death and completely stimulates the remaining blood of Jiaomo clan in his body will Jiaogui show the original face of Jiaomo clan.

At the moment, the son of the noble demon king, with an endless sense of war hidden under his calm face, a pair of glazed eyes have become red, and the smell of killing spread on him.

"Where the magic star landed."

Jiao GUI stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance. His eyes became cold. "I remember that I ordered Jiao Lu to lead the star killing army to level the garbage like Terran City, but he failed."

This sentence, like a cold blade, pierced into Jiao min's hearts. They knew that Jiao GUI could not tolerate such failure, and the noble devil was suppressing his anger.

At this time, both of them, like Jiaolu, are powerful generals under Jiaogui. If there is a slightest dissatisfaction with the son of the demon king, they will encounter even desperate thunder means.

Therefore, they were silent and dared not say a word. They quietly listened to Jiao GUI's next will.

"This human garbage city has completely angered me. Now the magic star meteorite iron has landed next to it. This is the instruction of the supreme devil to me. They guide me to vent my anger and completely flatten this human city!"

Jiao GUI's words are full of meaning of destruction. He is a crazy murderer and has a morbid pursuit of blood. Killing the human race is his favorite entertainment.

"Now, gather the two armies of Minxing and broken star, collect the magic star meteorite iron with me, thoroughly crush this damn garbage city and kill all human races!"

The corner was ordered by the cold, and the corner disappeared and the corner was relieved. Then, he bowed his head and turned down. He turned away from the castle of iron blood, summoned his regiment and headed for Wutong city.

The magic star meteorite iron is still falling rapidly. In addition to Jiao GUI, many demon clan forces have noticed this magic star meteorite iron.

Among them, Jiao GUI's brothers and sisters and the descendants of the horn demon king also saw the arrival of the demon star meteorite iron, but this meteorite iron eventually fell into Jiao GUI's territory.

Even if they want to compete with Jiaogui, they can never reach the place where the magic star meteorite iron fell faster than Jiaogui.

But nevertheless, all demon forces are also fully armed to the landing place of the demon star meteorite iron.

As the only Terran power of the planet, the Phoenix City, the humble city of Wutong City, has become the center of the storm. Its fate is unknown yet, but it is the greatest possibility of being completely destroyed.

As the ruler of the great wilderness region, the great actions of all forces of the horndemon family also attracted the attention of the families of all adults, especially the ten major gates of the great wilderness region. They all noticed the source of this upheaval, the magic star meteorite falling rapidly in the sky.

For this meteorite, the attitudes of various forces are different, but no matter what, everyone believes that this meteorite will bring an inevitable disaster.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, no one saw that in the shadow of the magic star meteorite iron light, there was a low-key soul star meteorite iron followed to the world.

Only when Ye Feng discovered and attached importance to this soul star meteorite, he led Jupiter to rush to Wutong city.

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