Wutong, however, is far away from the city of Wutong, and it will take a day to get there. The horns of the expensive iron blood tower are closer to the city of Wutong.

Outside Wutong City, a huge huge pit with a depth of 100 meters was bombarded by terrible forces. Sumi Ki led the two armies of the army to get here.

Jiao min and Jiao Sui immediately arranged troops to surround the pit to prevent all forces and creatures from approaching. Those who dare to violate will be killed!

Jiao GUI stood at the edge of the pit and looked into the pit. He saw a dark meteorite the size of a human head lying quietly in the pit. Endless magic Qi and terrible magic power overflowed and enveloped the whole pit.

This skull size meteorite iron is obviously a demon star meteorite iron. Jiao GUI can feel the surge of the blood of the demons in his body. They seem to be excited and become more and more intense.

The supreme power contained in the demon star meteorite iron is calling for Jiao GUI, eager to integrate with him, let him evolve and become a new demon king.

"Meteorite iron, my meteorite iron, you really came for the king!"

Jiao GUI could no longer keep calm. His face looked fanatical. He couldn't help shouting. He seemed to see the picture of his achievement as the supreme demon king. The war swept through the whole disordered world and established his reputation as the tenth demon king.

The demon star meteorite iron lies quietly in front of you without any obstacles. Everything is surprisingly smooth. Jiao GUI thinks that this is the arrangement of the demons without heaven. God wants to support himself to become a new generation of demon king, so things will go so smoothly.

Jiao GUI jumped into the pit and couldn't restrain his excitement. The corners of his mouth opened subconsciously and grasped the magic star meteorite that made him achieve supreme hegemony and prestige.


At the moment of contact between the palm and the meteorite iron, Jiao GUI's body trembled slightly, there was a buzzing sound in his mind, and the blood vessels of the heavenly demons in his body were bursting like a flood, roaring and roaring in his blood vessels.

Jiao GUI sensed the fit between the demon star meteorite and himself. This is what he was born to prepare for himself. He came here to make him famous as the tenth demon king!

"Good, good!"

Jiao GUI took two deep breaths. His dark face was distorted by excitement. He held back his ambition like a wave in his heart, grasped the magic star meteorite iron and pulled out the treasure that had dived into the surface.


As the magic star meteorite iron was pulled out of the earth, there was a sound from the whole pit. After losing the pit, the pit created by meteorite iron began to show cracks and signs of collapse.

But now, Jiao GUI doesn't care about the changes of the pit. He looks at the magic star meteorite iron with puzzled eyes. This meteorite iron that excites him seems to be deformed.

Below the round magic star meteorite iron, the previously buried part is still attached with a slightly smaller, changing shape like fog, and constantly flowing between emptiness and reality.

When the ball turns into illusion, the magic star meteorite iron is a round ball. When the ball emerges, the magic star meteorite iron is connected with it and looks more like a gourd.

"What is this?"

Earth and rock had fallen from his head, and the whole pit trembled violently like an earthquake. A magic gas barrier appeared around Jiao GUI's body to isolate all the falling objects, while he closely observed the strange ball.

Finally, when Jiao GUI put his palm on the strange ball, he also completely understood what the strange ball was.

This is the soul star meteorite iron that landed here with the magic star meteorite iron. It is the specific uncertainty of the soul star that makes the soul star meteorite iron so strange.

However, it's a good thing. Jiao GUI not only got the magic star meteorite iron, but also had a soul star meteorite iron. It's a double happiness.

"Sure enough, everything is without the will of the demons."

Jiao GUI smiled, "I follow the wishes of the demons and walk in this world. I will also become the only spokesman for the supreme and noble demons and spread the supreme thoughts of the demons in this world."

No matter the Horned Demons or the other eight demons, their worship of heavenly demons was engraved in their bones early.

For them, Tianmo family is like the Supreme God's residence, and they are the most devout and crazy believers of Tianmo.

Every demon family, even the demon king, has a morbid desire or thinks that they are the spokesman of the disordered world selected by the demons, walking on this despicable land for them and spreading the ideas of the supreme demons.

"Well, now it's time to level that damn, garbage like animal city!"

Wutong looked at a short duration of time, and saw a flash of excitement in his eyes. The refining of the star iron meteorite was no more than an overnight effort, even if the stars were meteorite.

However, Jiao GUI can't refine the star meteorite iron like Ye Feng in an instant, so he is not eager to refine the magic star meteorite iron.

In Jiao GUI's opinion, the supreme demon adults have selected him to become the tenth demon king, so he will not encounter too many problems in refining the demon star meteorite iron to become the demon king.

The demons will clear away all obstacles and troubles for him and let him smoothly embark on the glorious road arranged by the demons for him.

At present, there is no hurry to refine the magic star meteorite iron. Jiao GUI thinks he should celebrate this exciting thing.

The best way to celebrate getting the magic star meteorite iron is, of course, a bloody and crazy massacre.

This is what Jiao GUI likes to do most. He likes blood, killing, and even violence by his own forces, and he is the one who is most keen on violence.

With the Kok's command, the two army of the star's meteorite has been excited and growled because their kiruite got their success. Their voice even reached the Wutong city thousands of miles away.

The mortals in the city began to tremble. Although they didn't know what had happened, they had a premonition that endless crisis was sweeping through and they would fall into complete despair.

"For the glory of the tenth demon king!"

The horn gave a roar, and the two legions simultaneously stepped forward to step forward to the Wutong city.

As for Jiao min changing his slogan and calling himself the tenth demon king, Jiao GUI didn't feel anything wrong. Instead, he felt that Jiao min was really too insightful and worthy of being his most intimate and effective general.

Although he has not completely refined the demon star meteorite iron and become the tenth demon king, Jiao GUI believes that this is inevitable, just earlier and later.

Therefore, Jiao GUI looked at Jiao min and laughed proudly. Even after considering that he had become the devil king, should he give Jiao min a demon blood, give this guy the most noble reward, and become the first devil of the tenth devil king.

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