The young man who suddenly entered the battlefield seemed to be full of magic, which made the originally chaotic battlefield much quieter.

The remaining seven or eight disciples of the astrological view have long been wounded and depressed. But now, after seeing Ye Feng's figure, they once again raised their belief in victory and became more firm than ever before.

As for the demons, they had suffered xuanjing's towering blow before. The storm like big Luoxing was like a sword, which caused heavy losses to the thirty or forty demons present. Together with Ye Feng falling from the sky, a boxing flying moon demon sect expert Zhao Qiankun made waves in their hearts.

I thought the overall situation was settled.

But now it seems that the number of wins and losses has become somewhat unpredictable

Ye Feng, standing not far from xuanjing, was filled with a frightening rage on his beautiful face.

Especially after seeing Lin Tujue's figure lying on the ground not far away and not knowing his life and death, Ye Feng's eyes were a little crazy like a beast, which made many martial artists in front, even astrological disciples, feel a little cold in his heart.

Where is this a normal human

It's just a beast.

A wild beast about to go crazy

"Why, where did the monster come out and blow Zhao Qiankun away with one punch?" Yu Mie, the eldest martial brother of the mourning palace, whispered in his heart as he retreated.

"Who can tell me, what leaf maple... Who is it?"

After retreating into the demon sect camp, Yu Mie drank angrily.

"Who is Ye Feng?"

"Ye Feng is the disciple of wanjuezong who captured the son of Qi in Tianlong secret territory this time."

In the moon demon sect, someone has explained the details of Ye Feng.

At that time, there were still one or two of the virtual martial arts practitioners of the moon demon sect who accompanied the saint of the moon to enter the Tianlong secret territory, and the amazing performance of Ye Feng in the secret territory was enough to make this person remember the word "Ye Feng" in his heart.

"I Pooh... Fuck him, lucky son."

After feeling the fluctuation of the four vitality of the virtual environment emitted by Ye Feng, Yu Mie drank fiercely, and the color of shock on his face gradually faded away, replaced by a touch of contempt and disdain.

For a master like him, "son of luck" really doesn't pay much attention.

Among the young generation of martial artists of the right way, only the "four great geniuses" can make Yu Mie afraid of three points. As for the "four little geniuses" such as Lin Turk, it's not enough.

The most powerful Feng zhuiyuan among the "four little geniuses" is also in the middle and late stage of the empty realm. What do you take to fight with his nine master?

However, what Yu Mie didn't know was that Ye Feng could fight with the wind chasing the cloud at that time only when the virtual environment was heavy, and even defeated Tang Qingqiu and Shi Guanghua, two other four little genius disciples. Now his cultivation has risen to the four heavy virtual environment, and his strength has increased more than a hundred times.

At the moment, his strength is comparable to that of ordinary martial artists?

Even if it is the right "four talents", I'm afraid I may not be able to get him

Zhao Qiankun, who was blown out, finally limped back from the ruins and suffered a blow from Ye Feng. Although he was interrupted by many bones and his breath was very unstable, his life was not in danger.

It has to be said that his martial soul virtual shadow Mandala magic flower does play an unexpected role in defense.

After knocking down a bottle of healing elixir and stabilizing the injury, Zhao Qiankun came to Yu Mie and looked ugly at Ye Feng among the stars view disciples.

With the powerful defense of "Mandala magic flower", it is difficult for ordinary people with eight or nine heavy martial arts in the virtual environment to shake. However, Ye Feng's cultivation is only four heavy in the virtual environment, but he can smash the petals of the magic flower with one punch and hurt himself?

Doesn't it mean that this man's attack is even more fierce than ordinary eight or nine heavy fighters?


This boy

"Brother Yu, this tough guy surnamed ye might as well let everyone rush up... Ants gnaw at elephants?" Zhao Qiankun said with lingering fear.

"Ha ha... Brother Zhao, I think you were broken by his fist." Yu Mie laughed at this.

Zhao Qiankun ranked 61 among the 72 Disha, and Yu Mie ranked 64. Although he was behind Zhao Qiankun, Yu Mie did not look up to Zhao Qiankun.

It's because Zhao Qiankun is too cautious and conservative. In Yu Mie's opinion, he is as timid as a mouse.

"There are only four levels of accomplishments in the virtual realm, and the inside strength is so little. Just now he can blow you away with one punch, but it's because brother Zhao's hand is not as good as yours, and we were hurt by the blow of the beauty of the star view."

"I don't believe it. This boy can beat you and me with his real skills? There are four levels of emptiness, just pretending to be forced."

As the eldest martial brother of the mourning palace, Yu Mie, with both yuan strength and spiritual strength, can still advance to the nine levels of the virtual realm at this age, which is enough to prove that his talent potential is very good. How can he pay attention to Ye Feng, who has only four levels of the virtual realm?

Seeing Yu Mie's disdain, Zhao Qiankun shook his head secretly.

The moon demon sect and the mourning Palace are not very friendly. Yu Mie always likes to answer and ignore himself. Let him suffer under Ye Feng.

He did not continue to persuade, but slowly raised his head and looked at several strong kings in the sky.

There was also a wave of frequent fluctuations in the distance. It was obvious that a large number of martial artists were coming here. They must be qianniazhai Yigan virtual realm disciples.

"Look at this, the soul yuan blood hall is planted in the hands of qianniazhai..."

"Brother Yu, you are powerful, so you can delay Ye Feng's pace and let us kill the Xingxiang Temple disciples, so as to avoid the confluence of the two factions and long dreams?" Zhao Qiankun suggested.

"What's procrastination? I'm going to kill the boy surnamed ye and suck up all his Yang... Ha ha." Yu Mie laughed recklessly, not knowing that he was secretly framed by Zhao Qiankun.


Ignoring the surprised laughter from the demon sect, Ye Feng went to xuanjing, whose breath was very weak.

At the moment, xuanjing's long black and beautiful hair fluttered in the wind. Under the moonlight, tears with peach blossoms rendered a feeling that I still feel pity at first sight.

He stretched out his palm and touched xuanjing's cold cheek. At the same time, Ye Feng also held xuanjing's slender right hand in his other hand. A pure yuan force quietly poured into her body, warming xuanjing's nearly exhausted meridians.

Feeling the warmth on his face and the soft yuan force pouring into his body, xuanjing's bright red eyes poured down like a dike again.

"Ye Feng..."

"My astrological view... Many martial brothers died... Elder martial brother Lin also wanted to save me..."

He didn't take into account everyone's eyes or that he was still on the battlefield. Seeing that Ye Feng finally appeared, xuanjing's stubborn persistence collapsed in an instant. He threw himself into his arms, and the sound of crying resounded through him.

Before leaving the astrological view to the Forbidden City this time, xuanjing was just a naive and lively little girl who didn't know the world.

But this fierce battle has impacted her spirit again and again. Previously, only because she was the pillar of the whole astrology, Xuan Jing dared not and could not relax, but now, in Ye Feng's arms, she finally unloaded the heavy burden on her thin shoulders

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