"Brother Lin?!"

Listening to xuanjing's bleak cry, Ye Feng was stunned and his head was like a roar. Then his spiritual perception comparable to the half step King's realm poured out like a flood and scanned the whole battlefield. Later, he found that Lin Tujue, who was turned back to the camp by the disciples of the star view, was covered with blood and exposed a huge wound behind, lying on the ground silently, As quiet as a sleeping baby.

Ye Fengqi's black pupils shrunk fiercely. After gathering spiritual perception, he scanned Lin Tujue carefully, and finally felt a trace of extremely slight sound of heart beat.

This made Ye Feng feel at ease.

Lin Turk is not dead yet.

If you don't die, you have a chance.

No matter how seriously injured he is, astrology is bound to bring him back to life.

The girl in her arms was still crying sadly. Ye Feng seemed to decide something. She hugged the girl's warm body, stretched out her palm, and gently wiped away the tears like xuanjing pear flowers and rain.

"Brother Lin is still alive."

"Don't worry, it's all right. Leave everything else to me."

The gentle voice shocked xuanjing's trembling heart, and the tension was relieved at this moment. When he heard that Lin Tujue was still alive, xuanjing's cry gradually slowed down.

She looked up at Ye Feng, whose face was gentle under the moonlight, but there was infinite killing in her eyes, and nodded skillfully: "I'll take care of senior brother Lin, Ye Feng, you... Be careful!"


Rubbed xuanjing's head, Ye Feng immediately turned around, and a burst of bloody breath burst out from him. At the moment, Ye Feng's young face has a chilling ferocious smile and killing intention.

Although he is not a member of the astrological view, he will avenge the astrological view.

"You... All have to die!"

The body shape soared into the sky, the red rosefinch wings released a palpitating vast atmosphere, the blue flame rose again, and the Kunpeng Jiutian body method was trampled by Ye Feng.

At this moment, Ye Feng showed no mercy. His flashing body turned into a green awn and attacked the demon sect fiercely.

"What are you? You still want to be a hero to save beauty? Do you still want to be a savior based on your four cultivation accomplishments in the virtual world?"

"Today, the Forbidden City is your grave!"

Yu Mie spit hard, showing no doubt about Ye Feng's disdain.

With his powerful strength in the early stage of the Ninth level of the virtual realm, those small martial artists with four or five levels of the virtual realm don't need to fight by themselves. A casual look can frighten the other party.

Even if ye Feng is a "son of luck", so what?

It's just enough to kill this man and seize the great fortune he has.

The bloody ghost virtual shadow "blood soul giant scorpion" appeared on Yu Mie's head again. Before, his ghost virtual shadow was seriously damaged by xuanjing's "ten thousand swords return to the sect", but after a period of repair, Yu Mie's injury has almost recovered, and "blood soul giant scorpion" has also recovered many powers.

A bloody momentum spread on the battlefield.

Although he despises Ye Feng's accomplishments, now the disciples from qianniazhai are about to arrive at the battlefield. In order to make a quick decision, Yu Mie still shows the most powerful ghost shadow.

A burst of scarlet light flashed in the air. The poisonous tail stab of the blood soul giant scorpion immediately met the attacking cyan figure and collided with Ye Feng with fierce anger. Everyone on the court was watching nervously and bumped into each other.


A deafening roar rang through the whole area.

In the center, because the violent shock filled the sky with dust, but also covered up the specific situation, so that all the spectators could not help being tight in their hearts.

In particular, it has affected the mind and spirit of the disciples of the star view.

"I don't know how to live or die. I'm just a four important little man. How dare you take the ghost of martial arts from elder martial brother Yu Mie? I'm afraid the boy is out of his mind."

"That's right. When elder martial brother Yu Mie kills this person, none of the Xingxiang Temple disciples will stay..."

"What are you waiting for? Let's do it. Most of the boy has died in it."


An endless stream of comments came from the demon sect. Yu Mie also looked at the dust in front and looked disdainful. He seemed to scoff at Ye Feng's attack.

However, in the next moment, the expression on his face became dull, because he sensed the ghost of the martial spirit that the Central Plains instinct communicated with him, and cut off contact with himself in an instant.

At the same time, a cyan figure with the momentum of a tornado in the sand and dust ahead shot out and went straight to Yu Mie. Look at this speed, it seems to be more rapid than before.


"How could this happen?"

"Where is my ghost of martial arts? My blood soul giant scorpion is a second-class medium soul of martial arts..."

At this moment, Yu Mie finally showed a deep fear in his eyes and completely lost contact with his own martial soul, which made him vomit several mouthfuls of blood essence and nine levels of cultivation in an empty environment. Unexpectedly, he began to rout down at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The body flashed at high speed, leaving an illusory residual image in the air. The demon warrior who was about to rush into mass action saw a green light flash past and rushed to Yu Mie himself as if he were stupid.


"Brother Zhao, Zhao Qiankun, hurry up and save my life."

I felt the destruction of my own martial soul and the decline of my realm. Yu Mie was scared out of his mind and retreated towards Zhao Qiankun.

"Your mother, didn't you say you wanted to kill Ye Feng? Why can't you resist even one move?"

Zhao Qiankun scolded this guy countless times in his heart.

However, for the sake of the overall situation, he decided to help Yu Mie first and solve Ye Feng.

He didn't believe it. He and Yu Mie joined hands. Two xuanmo list 72 local evil masters can't deal with a four fold small martial artist in the virtual world?

The light blooms.

Although the huge petals of Mandala magic flower still had scattered holes, they were still summoned by Zhao Qiankun to protect Zhao Qiankun himself and Yu Mie who came close to him. Immediately, they both had a strong blood evil spirit.

The two powerful demons are finally going to jointly break out a fierce attack

"Jingtao cloud expelling palm! The clouds break the sky!"

Under the dark night, with the ice cold sound of Ye Feng without emotion, the strong dark clouds in the whole sky seem to be under the power of this palm, the clouds break the sky, and a white bright moon appears again.

At the same time, a blue figure under the moonlight has appeared in front of Yu Mie and Zhao Qiankun.

"No! Why is the breath so strong?"

"Difficult or not, it's... Tianjie martial arts!"

The "cloud breaking sky opening" slapped the upper leaf maple, which made them shocked in their eyes.

The virtual shadow of Zhao Qiankun's "Mandala magic flower" slipped around and wrapped the two people at the same time again. Then, a huge smell of blood burst out from them.

Two powerful martial arts skills were also condensed in an instant.

Yu Mie and Zhao Qiankun can only harden their heads at the moment and confront the powerful Tianjie martial arts inspired by Ye Feng.

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