Martial To Pieces

Chapter 99: Avoiding The Beast Tide

"Damn Spirit Qi Tide, I made my young man eat a mouthful of dirt, bah bah..., my butt was broken into eight pieces." Lin Xing spit while rubbing his butt with his other hand, looking at Spiritual Qi whispered in the direction of the tide.

Lin Xing then used Ghost Step and slowly approached the direction of the Spiritual Qi tide.

Lin Xing wanted to see what was behind the tide of Spiritual Qi.

Of course, Lin Xing must have some tricks up his sleeve to see if he can catch someone behind other strong players.

Thinking of this, Lin Xing's pace quickened a bit.

As Lin Xing got closer and closer to the direction of the Spiritual Qi tide, more and more Demonic Beasts appeared. Sometimes, Lin Xing almost rushed into the face of the Demonic Beasts, which scared Lin Xing. One jump.

As a result, Lin Xing had to slow down his pace and reduce his sense of presence, thereby reducing the probability of being discovered by Demonic Beasts.

"Ho ho ho......"


Bang bang bang…………

Lin Xing was still jumping back and forth on the tree, but the next second, he heard countless beast roars and thumping footsteps, just like an ancient war with thousands of troops.

Lin Xing quickly stopped, found the highest point, and looked at the place where the sound came from. He was really surprised by what he saw.

"Damn..., it's not a tide of beasts, is it?" In Lin Xing's eyes, rows of Demonic Beasts appeared, running in this direction.

Lin Xing could guess it with his feet. It is estimated that this group of Demonic Beasts are all here to compete for the treasure behind the Spiritual Qi tide.

After all, humans (animals) die for wealth, and birds die for food.

In this era, it is an era that must be fought. If you don't fight, you will fall behind others. Because if you fall behind in this era, Practitioner must fight. That is the law of the Practitioner era.

Looking at the Demonic Beasts that kept running towards him, Lingxin quickly left this place and ran towards the place with a lot of rocks around to see if he could find a hidden place. After these Demonic Beasts passed, you are now Pass quietly.

After all, with Lin Xing's current strength, if such a group of Demonic Beasts could touch each other, let alone Lin Xing had just seen several Rank Five Demonic Beasts, he would probably be able to do it in just one meeting, let alone touching each other. It’s simply like going to the toilet without lighting up – courting death.

On the Savage Team's side, the battle has ended and the mission has been completed.

Moreover, there are quite a lot of additional benefits. You must know that the mission accepted by the Wilderness Team this time is to pick four ghost fruits. For each additional one, the reward of the mission will increase by 30%. You must know that this time it is Seven ghost fruits were picked.

In addition, the entire small group of violent demon apes were killed by the wild team, which was another huge amount of income.

In this operation, the Wilderness Team made a lot of money.

While the entire team was still collecting valuable Demonic Beasts materials from the violent demon ape, the entire team was also impacted by the tidal wave of Spiritual Qi.

They naturally know what is behind the tide of Spiritual Qi, and they would be lying if they said they were not moved.

"Boss, how about we..." Dao Scar suppressed the excitement in his heart and whispered to Zhou Shicai. Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhou Shicai.

"Scar, I know what you are thinking, but we can't go to this matter. It's really dangerous. Have you forgotten how Xiaoliu and Tashan died?" Zhou Shicai saw the Spiritual Qi tide and remembered They lost their comrades who fought together at the beginning, but unfortunately they have now separated themselves from each other. That action brought a heavy blow to the entire Wilderness team.

The Wilderness Team led by Zhou Shicai at the time was also as high-spirited as Scar, thinking that the Own Team would definitely be able to obtain the treasure or Spirit Medicine behind the Spiritual Qi tide.

But in the end, two teammates who had lost enough were able to barely escape from that hellish place.

It was also with the Spirit Medicine obtained behind that Spiritual Qi tide that the overall strength of the entire Wilderness team was greatly improved.

"Don't do anything stupid. Our mission has been completed. The main task now is to take out the materials for Spirit Medicine and Demonic Beasts." Zhou Shicai said to the entire team.

"Yes, the mission we received is very rich, there is no need to take risks." Dashan also agreed with this opinion.

"That's right, with the outbreak of the Spiritual Qi tide, it won't take long to wait until it will definitely cause a tide of beasts. After all, Demonic Beasts are very sensitive to Spiritual Qi." Hongmei looked at the direction in which the Spiritual Qi tide was coming, feeling dull. said.

After the others heard Hongmei's words, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes. You must know that it was a tide of beasts.

In addition, I am a medium-sized secret realm in Dark Canyon. Who knows how big the beast tide will be.

Then the entire team reached an agreement that regardless of what happened with this Spiritual Qi tide, they just had to do their own mission.

Immediately after the entire team packed up everything, they returned to the original route according to the previously formulated plan.

"Ho ho ho..."

Bang bang bang…………

Sure enough, when the Wilderness team was returning, they encountered an onslaught of beasts.

"Quickly... rush towards the nearest rocky place. Only in this way can we have a chance to escape this tide of beasts." Zhou Shicai saw that there were several Rank Five peak beasts at the front of the noisy beasts, and said with a positive look on his face.



After others heard Zhou Shicai's words, they also looked suspicious.

Because once the entire convoy collides with the beast tide, it will be the result of a narrow escape.

"I found it. There is a rock forest in the southeast direction on the right front, which is very suitable for avoiding the beast tide." Hongmei used her bracelet to check the surrounding terrain centered on the convoy and said excitedly.

"Okay, follow Hongmei's command and set off in the direction of the Stone Forest." Zhou Shicai gave the order directly. After all, preserving life is the most important thing. In addition, their entire team carried a large amount of precious Spirit Medicine and Demonic Beasts materials. , if lost, it would be a huge loss.

But Zhou Shicai never expected that Lin Xing was also in this stone forest.

I don’t know if it’s fate or not.

"It's so shocking. Sure enough, in front of the beast tide, everything is just a cloud." Lin Xing looked at the beast tide that formed a line and charged continuously. Wherever it passed, even some small forests were razed to the ground. .

At the same time, it also makes Lin Xing more eager to obtain more powerful power and climb to higher heights. As long as he has enough strength, he can be unafraid of anything.

Strength is king.


The two off-road vehicles rushed directly into the rocky forest at top speed, made a gorgeous drift, and barely stopped after rubbing against the ground for several meters.

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