Martial To Pieces

Chapter 100 Yin & Yangling Tree

"Fuck..." Lin Xing was stunned when he saw this gorgeous driving skill.

"Ahem... Hawkeye, you are too bad at driving, so I won't let you drive next time. You will kill me immediately." Scar was choked by the dust stirred up and couldn't help coughing, facing Hawkeye Said resentfully.

"Tch..., do it if you like." Hawkeye looked at Scar who was complaining, rolled his eyes, and said angrily.

"I didn't expect that the boss's driving skills are still so strong. It seems that I have to learn more from the boss." Dashan looked at Zhou Shicai enviously, recalling the perfect drift just now, his heart couldn't help but feel itchy.

"Who is it? Come out." Zhou Shicai frowned and shouted coldly at a stone.

"Holy shit, can you feel it from such a long distance?" Lin Xing thought that he wouldn't be discovered at such a long distance.

Several other people immediately became vigilant after hearing Zhou Shicai's words.

"No, no, no... passing by... I'm just passing by..." Lin Xing quickly waved his hand and walked out.

"Is it your kid?" Scar said in surprise after seeing Lin Xing's true face.

"Do you know Scar?" Dashan looked at Scar suspiciously.

"The kid I was joking about before entering the secret realm, but I didn't expect that he hadn't come out of the secret realm yet." Scar explained.

"Boy, are you a student from the nearby magic city?" Zhou Shicai asked.

"Yes, this year's freshmen at the Magic City Wuhan University." Lin Xing said quickly, still looking at the entire Wilderness team warily, but he was not afraid at all, because Master Own had left something to save his life.

It's not certain who will win when the time comes.

As Lin Xing spoke, he opened the student page on his bracelet and showed it to Zhou Shicai and others.

After others saw Lin Xing's message, their vigilance was reduced by most.

"Okay, don't scare people, they all look fierce." Zhou Shicai looked at the alert-looking mountains around him and said.

Afterwards, the Savage Team sat with Lin Xing and chatted with each other.

I don’t know if Lin Xing is a relatively easy-going person, but he actually got along with the Savage Team in a short period of time.

"Haha... Little Brother, you are so cute, come to my sister's arms." Hongmei covered her mouth and laughed at Lin Xing's joke, teasing Lin Xing and said.

"Sister Hong, don't scare the children." Scar also laughed.

Lin Xing also let the entire Savage Team try his own barbecue skills, and directly conquered the entire Savage Team.


"Boy Lin, we are about to separate. Are you sure you don't want to go out with us?" Zhou Shicai asked with concern, Lin Xing, who seemed to have only spent a short time with the entire Savage Team.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, why don't you go out with us? It's too dangerous here." Scar also said beside him.

"It's okay. I'm just wandering around. I won't foolishly go to the place where the Spiritual Qi tide breaks out." Lin Xing said quickly. For Lin Xing, it was not easy to meet him once, and he definitely couldn't just go back. , otherwise, I don’t know how long it will take to encounter the Spiritual Qi tide next time.

Finally, at Lin Xing's insistence, he waved goodbye to the Savage Team.

Seeing that the Savage Team's convoy had disappeared from Lin Xing's sight, Lin Xing turned around and headed towards the place where the Spiritual Qi tide originally broke out.

Along the way, Lin Xing was surprised that he did not encounter any Demonic Beasts.

But as they got closer and closer to the inner area of ​​the dark canyon, the beasts roared continuously, as if they were fighting.

"Ho ho ho..."

"Ouch... bang bang..."

Lin Xing could even smell the strong smell of blood in the breeze, and his pace couldn't help but speed up a bit.

Around this dark egg and this small tree, many Demonic Beasts were fighting again.

There are many Rank Six Demonic Beasts among them, and they are tacitly cleaning up the Demonic Beasts whose Cultivation Base is lower than them.

The ground is littered with corpses, and the blood will gather into small pools one after another.

Even the surrounding grass was dyed blood red, and the killing did not stop. Instead, the Demonic Beasts became even crazier, with red eyes, becoming more bloodthirsty and cruel.

The black egg was constantly swallowing Spiritual Qi, and the protruding dark black Spiritual Qi was completely absorbed by the small tree next to it.

" this Yin & Yang fruit...?" Lin Xing froze in place after seeing two fruits, one black and one white, on the small tree.

Lin Xing rubbed his eyes in disbelief, because the Spirit Medicine in front of him was so rare.

The Yin & Yang Spirit Tree is a true sixth rank Spirit Medicine. Sixth rank Spirit Medicine can be said to be at the level of king medicine.

Moreover, the medicinal effect is relatively mild. No matter what kind of Cultivation Base it is, you can take it, and it can also improve the essence of life to a certain extent.

Take these three Demonic Beasts as an example. Their current Cultivation Base is basically the sixth-level late stage. If you swallow these two Yin & Yang Fruits, you can basically stabilize the Rank Seven Demonic Beasts Realm, which can be reduced. One can imagine how many years of hard training it took.

But what exactly it is, Lin Xing doesn’t know.

As the black egg's swallowing of Spiritual Qi continued to accelerate, Realm of Spiritual Qi compounds appeared in the surrounding environment, and the Yin & Yang fruit trees next to it continued to exude a wonderful light.

A scent of medicinal fragrance floats around, constantly stimulating those Rank Six Demonic Beasts.

There are now three Rank Six Demonic Beasts left here. The other Demonic Beasts were either killed by these three Demonic Beasts or driven out of this place.

These three Demonic Beasts are Rank Six late stage Demonic Beasts Black Water Black Snake, Rank Six late stage Demonic Beasts Black Flame Lion, Rank Six late stage Demonic Beasts Black Armored Shield Turtle. These three Demonic Beasts are basically dark. One of the overlords in the canyon.

As the aroma of the medicine became stronger and stronger, the three Demonic Beasts finally lost their temper and howled uncontrollably.




The three Demonic Beasts rushed towards the Yin & Yang fruit tree at the same time, all wanting to swallow the Yin & Yang fruit one step ahead and complete the breakthrough of Realm.

"Bang bang..."

During the run, the Black Armored Shield Turtle and the Black Flame Lion looked at each other, as if they had made some kind of agreement with their eyes.

The black-armored shield turtle relied on its size advantage to knock the black water black snake away.

Before the Black Water Black Snake could stabilize its figure, the Black Flame Lion grabbed the Black Water Black Snake with a pair of sharp claws that glowed coldly.

Lin Xing could tell that this was probably the plan of the Black Armored Shield Turtle and the two beasts.

But the Blackwater Black Snake is not a vegetarian. It has a pair of cold vertical pupils looking at the two Demonic Beasts in front of it. It opens its bloody mouth and rushes towards the Black Flame Lion, and spits venom to block the attack of the black-armored Profound Turtle.

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