Martial To Pieces

Chapter 105: Party—Human Fireworks

, and one more thing, the national college competition held every year is about to begin, and you will be the leader of our team here in the Magic City. "Xue Wuya then told the purpose of calling Lin Xing here.

"National College Competition? Am I leading the team?" It was the first time Lin Xing heard about the National College Competition, and it felt a bit strange.

"You are this year's Rookie King. If you don't lead the team, who will lead the team?" Xue Wuya rolled his eyes at Lin Xing.

"Well..., this is done every year, and it also represents the allocation of resources. The better the ranking, the more resources will be allocated above." Xue Wuya explained.

"I heard that there are several geniuses appearing in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University, and their strength is similar to yours. I didn't expect that you jumped them two blocks away and directly reached the Rank Four Practitioner Realm. Now it's good, and I will be ranked first by default." Xue Wu Looking at Lin Xing's current strength, Ya couldn't suppress the curved corners of his mouth anymore and smiled happily. He was probably thinking about how to show off to his old friends and show off to his apprentice.

After all, apprentices are just for competition. The older generation has nothing to compare with, so it will naturally fall to the younger generation.

"By the way, there's about a month left. You go back and prepare yourself. It won't be long before the on-campus selection is held."

"Yeah, okay." Lin Xing nodded.

Later, under the guidance of Xu Wuya, he made up for the shortcomings in Martial Skill, so that some of Lin Xing's shortcomings in Martial Skill were pointed out by Xu Wuya.

It wasn't until the sun set that Lin Xing slowly came back to his senses from this feeling, with a look of aftertaste on his face.

I have to say that Lin Xing already likes this feeling, this feeling of increasing strength through continuous practice.

"Didi..." Lin Xing just stepped out of the gate of Tiange, and his bracelet made a beeping sound.

"Eh..." Lin Xing was confused, who wanted to contact him so late.

After seeing the message prompt, I smiled knowingly.

"Hey... Lao Qian, what's going on? What's the matter?" Lin Xing said after answering the call on his bracelet.

"Old Lin, are you free now? We are in the snack street of the school and we need you. Come on, come on. Didn't you see the message you sent?"

Lin Xing couldn't help but smile awkwardly when he heard Qian Duoduo's complaining voice, "Is there any? Sorry, I was practicing this afternoon and didn't seem to notice the information on the bracelet. Is it over there at the snack street? I'll go there right away. .”

After hanging up his bracelet, Lin Xing quickly headed to the snack street.

On the way, when I saw the message Qian Duoduo sent me, I couldn't help but smile sheepishly.

Lin Xing thought that he had not participated in any entertainment activities since he entered college. In addition, Qian Duoduo just invited him. Anyway, there is nothing to do today, so why not get together and experience the happiness among classmates.

After all, when I was in high school, I only had a good relationship with Chu Nan, and the rest were just ordinary classmates.

Thinking of this, Lin Xing couldn't help but quicken the pace. It would actually be good to have a few more friends. He already has many friends and many paths. He can't use it now, and his own Little Brother Ye Hai will probably use it in the future. when.


"Hey...Old Lin, this way...quickly..." Lin Xing looked at the snack street with people coming and going. In this lively environment, he couldn't help but relax.

Even the briquettes on the shoulders and a pair of golden eyes rolling their eyes, not knowing what they were thinking, seemed to be infected by the lively environment around them.

While Lin Xing was still in a daze, a loud voice sounded. He turned around and saw that it was Qian Duoduo.

"Hey (*^▽^*), Lao Lin, you came a little late today. You have to punish yourself with three drinks." Qian Duoduo said to Lin Xing with a smile.

"Haha, don't worry, I'll pay for it today." Lin Xing looked at the table. In addition to Qian Duoduo, there were also Yan Xue'er, Feng Tian, ​​Lei Ba, and others.

"Hello everyone..." Lin Xing took the lead in saying hello.

"I didn't expect Qian Duoduo to really invite Classmate Lin here." Feng Tian said jokingly.

"Go..., Lao Lin and I are close buddies..." Qian Duoduo said with a proud face.

It was as if a child had won a battle.

"Wow... Classmate Lin, can I hug the little bird on your shoulder?" Yan Xueer said with joy as she looked at the plump briquettes.

"There's no problem with me, if you want to ask what Briquettes means." Lin Xing said nonchalantly. After all, Briquettes is his own friend, not a pet, so he naturally wants to ask for Briquettes' opinion.

"Little bird..., sister, there is something delicious here. Come and let me give you a hug." Yan Xueer took out something unknown from the Interspatial Ring, shook it, and put it on Lin Xing's shoulder. The coal ball said.

Lin Xing originally thought that Qianqiu would ignore it, but he didn't expect that the smelly bird would fly directly into Yan Xueer's arms. Its head was buried between the two mountains, and it moved from time to time.

He didn't pay attention to the food in Yan Xueer's hands at all. Instead, he was in Yan Xueer's arms with a look of enjoyment.

Looking at Lin Xing's head covered with black lines, I didn't expect that this guy was also a pervert.

"Brother Lin, come on, let's drink..." Wang Yan came over at this time, handed a wine glass to Lin Xing, and said happily.

"Yes, yes...why did you forget the important thing?" Qian Duoduo said and asked everyone to sit down.

"We will all be friends from now on, and I hope that we can accompany each other in the days to come and reach a higher level..." Qian Duoduo spoke first and raised his glass.




Lin Xing took a sip and found out that what they drank was not the kind of white wine, but a kind of fruit wine, brewed from first rank spiritual fruits.

The price is relatively expensive, but the power is not low.

Originally, Lin Xing was worried about whether the briquettes were full, but then he saw that the briquettes were in Yan Xueer's arms and kept being fed by Yan Xueer.

Suddenly, I realized that my worries were unnecessary. The briquettes were more comfortable than me.

At first, everyone was drinking from cups, but eventually they switched to bottles.

Finally, several people supported each other and returned to the dormitory.

Lin Xing fell asleep. Although he was a little tired, Lin Xing felt really comfortable because he had not experienced this feeling for a long time.

The feeling of having friends is really precious.


the next day.


The briquettes were spinning around in Lin Xing's arms, making Lin Xing's nose itchy.

Lin Xing opened his eyes drowsily, feeling a slight pain in his head. After a moment, he recalled everything that happened last night.

It turns out that their group was so crazy last night.

It wasn't until the boss said it was closing time that they helped each other back to their own dormitory.

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