Martial To Pieces

Chapter 106 Golden Armor Sparring

Lin Xing opened his eyes drowsily, feeling a slight pain in his head. After a moment, he recalled everything that happened last night.

It turns out that their group was so crazy last night.

It wasn't until the boss said it was closing time that they helped each other back to their own dormitory.

"Stinky briquettes, I didn't expect you to be a pervert." Lin Xing looked at the briquettes twisting in his arms, picked up the briquettes by the neck, and said with a smile.

"Choo Choo Choo…………"

Mei Qiu was dissatisfied with Lin Xing's behavior and chirped randomly. He looked at Lin Xing resentfully with a pair of small golden eyes, looking very angry.

"Ha ha"

After Lin Xing saw Wuqiu's eyes, he couldn't help laughing.

After that, I roughly settled the breakfast for myself and the briquettes. In fact, it was no longer breakfast, but lunch.

Lin Xing plunged into the training room. After all, for Lin Xing, if he didn't practice for a day, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

At the same time, I practiced the body technique and Saber Technique over and over again.

Briquettes, on the other hand, looked on with boredom.

"Ghost steps"

Lin Xing's figure was like a ghost, dodging the laser lines emitted from the training room.

This is one of the basic functions of a training room.

The current ghost step is only a small success. Lin Xing will naturally not be satisfied.

Performing the Ghost Step over and over again, super intense practice.

As the laser became faster and faster, Lin Xing's voice became faster and faster, and even afterimages appeared.

After a moment, as time stopped, Lin Xing panted and stopped, with a smile on his face.

"Huhu..., I've broken through, I won't break through to the Great Completion Realm."

Then Lin Xing entered the Spirit Gathering Formation, sat in Lotus Position, and quietly operated the Cultivation Technique.

Although the training just now is very tiring, the Spiritual Qi in the body due to the Yin & Yang fruit swallowed previously has not been exhausted, but is stored in the body, so the Spiritual Qi in the body has been replenished during the process of practicing Ghost Step. Hold yourself.

However, this is also beneficial, at least it means that before the Yin & Yang Fruit Spiritual Qi in the body is exhausted, Lin Xing can replenish Spiritual Qi anytime and anywhere, just like taking a wet nurse with him.

"Huh..., not bad, it is indeed sixth rank Spirit Medicine." Lin Xing felt that the Cultivation Base was just one step better, and couldn't help but smacked his lips.

"By the way, since I haven't had much to do in the past few days, why not try other trial venues." Thinking of this, Lin Xing packed up his things and walked towards the Golden Armor Trial venue.

Before leaving, I didn’t forget to arrange for the briquettes to stay at home and not run around.

"Chirp chirp..."

Coal Ball's small golden eyes rolled around and chirped.

Lin Xing looked at the cute look on Meijiu's face and couldn't help but rub it on Meijiu, laughing.


The Golden Armor Trial is also called the Golden Armor Sparring. Last time I heard Qian Duoduo’s introduction, I guess it was not easy.

Especially Ling Xing can guess that Qian Duoduo was probably beaten up badly during the gold medal sparring process. Otherwise, he would not have been urging Ling Xing to go and try his skills in the price sparring, which would have been a bad idea.

If Lin Xing's current Cultivation Base goes to Jinjia to practice, I guess he can pass the test.

In fact, the mechanism of Golden Armor Sparring and Trial Tower are similar. They are both level-breaking types. Each time you enter the next level, the number will increase slightly, and the Cultivation Base will also increase.

However, the Golden Armor Duel seems to be made up of a huge formation. This formation seems to have been obtained by the first-generation principal from the secret realm.

Eventually, it was used as a training ground for students by the first-generation principal.

Martial arts is more popular in the Magic City Martial Arts University. No matter which trial venue it is, there are many people gathered.

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Xing chose Wuhan University in the magical city. After all, if he went to a more comfortable school, he might lose his fighting spirit as a practitioner. If he studies at Wuhan University, he doesn't have to worry about these problems at all, because other people are constantly studying. If you don't work hard, you won't be able to cope with it.

Of course it's not for the generous rewards from Wudu University (≧▽≦).

The Golden Armor Duel Training, like the Trial Tower, has a list with all the levels that have been passed.

But this time there is no time on the top, only levels passed through.

Lin Xing had already learned some of the procedures for Golden Armor Sparring before he came. To add Golden Armor Sparring, you have to pay points first. To try Golden Armor Sparring once, you have to pay 50 points. However, as long as you pass a few levels, you will not only be able to You can get your money back and earn some points.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were still few people, Lin Xing paid his points and stepped into the golden armor sparring formation. A golden light flashed and Lin Xing disappeared into the formation and entered another space.

After entering, what comes into view are several large golden characters.

[Golden Armor Sparring, First Level]

As the golden characters slowly disappeared, five warriors wearing golden armor appeared on the spot. After a disagreement, they stabbed Lin Xing with spears in hand.

"Kang Kang..."

The sword in Lin Xing's hand also came out of its shell at the moment when the golden armored warrior took out his gun. The spears in the fierce golden armored warrior's hands collided together, making a loud sound.

"Rank One early stage Realm." The moment Lin Xing's golden armor warrior collided, he could already feel the golden armor warrior's own Cultivation Base.

“Basic Saber Technique”

It’s been a long time since I’ve used the basic Saber Technique, so I’d just take this opportunity to hone myself, Lin Xing thought, but the Saber Technique in his hand didn’t stop.

"Kang Kang..."

"Bang bang......"

Split, chop, tease, chop, pick, intercept, push, stab, slide, stir, collapse, point, pull...

The Saber Technique looks relatively simple, but when used by Lin Xing, it has a different flavor.

The black teeth covered with swords shuttled among the golden armored warriors. Whenever they hit the vital points of the golden armored warriors, the golden armored warriors would turn into a burst of golden smoke and disappear.

With the last golden-armored warrior being killed by Lin Xing, it meant that the first battle could be completed by Lin Xing.

[Golden Armor Sparring, the second level is about to begin, players please be prepared. ]

This is also the difference between the Golden Armor Sparring and the Trial Tower. The Trial Tower will ask you if you want to proceed to the next level. The Golden Armor Sparring will start directly without asking for your opinion at all. Likewise, you will not be given any time. Perform recovery.

However, for Lin Xing, there is no difficulty at all. After all, there is Yin & Yang fruit's Spiritual Qi stored in his body, which is simply equivalent to a Spiritual Qi "perpetual motion machine". However, the body can't bear it, so That’s another story.


In the second level of the Golden Armor Trial, ten golden armored warriors appeared, and the Cultivation Base reached Rank One middle stage.

“Basic Saber Technique”


The third level of the golden armor sparring... 15 golden armor warriors appeared, Cultivation Base reached Rank One late stage Realm...

“Thunder Saber Technique”

"Ghost steps"

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