Martial To Pieces

Chapter 121: Magic City Martial Arts University Advance Grade

Then, the tip of Bai Xuan's spear reached the cold throat.

"Leave a man under the gun, we admit defeat." This startled the leading teacher of Xuanbing Academy and shouted quickly.

After all, during the national college competitions in previous years, he really died.

But the referee did not take any action because he was indifferent and did not say three words: "I surrender."

So in this case, the battle continues.

"I...I admit defeat." Leng Leng felt the cold breath in his throat.

You can even feel the indifference. If you go a little further, you may have to go down to see his ancestors.

"At the end of the third game, Modu Wuhan University won."

As the referee finished speaking, Bai Xuan withdrew the spear that was pressed against Leng Leng's throat.

Then, he walked off the stage gracefully, giving Leng Leng a back.

At this time, Indifferent was stunned in place, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

It wasn't until the referee next to him reminded him that Leng Leng came back to his senses and slowly walked off the stage.

"Teacher, I...I lost." Leng Leng said to Teacher Own, lowering his head deeply, his eyes full of regret.

"It's... it's just such a trivial matter. I just lost a game. Our Xuanbing Academy can't afford to lose. It's fine. Your safety is the most important thing." The leader of the team said indifferently, At the same time, he patted Indifferent on the shoulder and told Indifferent not to take it to heart. It was just a game and there was no need to take it so seriously.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa else

"It's okay." Bai Xuan said casually.

In fact, there is still one thing that has not been said in the hearts of the people, that is, they are not as good as Lin Xing.

Bai Xuan's indifference is not as good as Lin Xing's. Bai Xuan herself feels that it is more stressful to compete with Lin Xing, so that she can squeeze out her true potential.

Therefore, Bai Xuan looked at Lin Xing, and the fighting spirit in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

"Eh..." Lin Xing suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at him. When he turned around, he saw a pair of eyes full of fighting intent, staring at him.

This startled Lin Xing, and he wondered if Bai Xuan had been fooled in the fight just now. Why was he looking at him with such warlike eyes? Lin Xing was very puzzled.


"The fourth battle is about to begin. All contestants, please be prepared."

"Come on, Feng Tian, ​​kill the little Kalami on the opposite side." The Wudu University representative team in the Demon City was cheering for Feng Tian.

And Xuanbing Academy is no exception.

As long as Fengtian wins this battle, Xuanbing Academy will have no chance to turn around.

Even if Feng Tian loses this battle, Lin Xing will still be the bottom in the end.

So no matter what, Xuan Bing Academy's defeat has been decided, and there is no possibility of a comeback. Unless he defeats Lin Xing, a Rank Four Practitioner, there is no possibility of winning.

"Liu Li, don't be nervous. Just show your best strength. Winning or losing is not important." The leader of the team said to Liu Li with a smile.

In fact, the teacher leading the team already knew the final outcome of the game. Their Xuanbing Academy had already withdrawn, and now it was just a formality.

After all, even if they win this game, so what? Their captain hasn't taken action yet. Thinking of this, the teacher leading the team couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Magic City Martial Arts University - Fengtian."

"Xuanbing Academy—Liu Li."

"Please enlighten me."

As the game started, Fengtian took the lead in attacking.

After all, Feng Tian is an assassin type player, and his emphasis is on taking the initiative and killing with one blow.

"Wind Shadow Step"

Feng Tian's figure was like a ghost, and eight figures appeared on the ring. With this move, I was enough to surprise some people.

"Wind Shadow Step" is a real B-level movement technique. Unexpectedly, Fengtian actually practiced to the Great Completion Realm, which is enough to show how talented he is.

However, Lin Xing and others just smiled and said nothing. They really knew Feng Tian's strength, and it was more than that.

“Overboard Sword Technique”

"Kang Kang..."

Tear and pull......

Fengtian first carried out a frontal attack, and then pretended to fight Liu Li. Then he lightly One-Transformed his feet and flashed behind Liu Li. Taking advantage of Liu Li's unpreparedness, the dagger slashed across Liu Li's back, leaving a deep slash. Bone scars are visible.

"Liu Li..., be careful." On the Xuanbing Academy side, after seeing Feng Tian's actions, they were also shocked and shouted loudly.

But it was too late. After Fengtian attacked, he immediately retreated and then launched a frontal attack.

"Too insidious." Liu Li felt the pain on her back and couldn't help but cursed.

"Haha... I think you should go down. After all, my dagger doesn't have eyes." Feng Tian sneered and said sarcastically.


However, Liu Li did not speak. Instead, she used the Luoshui Sword Technique in her hand to prove her attitude.

"Wind Shadow Slash"

"Kang Kang..."

"Water step."

Liu Li's movements were like waves, swimming freely in the sea.

However, it was only the Half step Great Completion Realm, which could not match Fengtian's speed.

"Kang Kang..."

At this time, Liu Li's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning.

Then the long sword in his hand turned to the right, avoiding Feng Tian's dagger, and instead stabbed towards Feng Tian's chest.


After Feng Tian saw it, he randomly One-Transformed his figure, turned in a semicircle in the air, and missed Liu Li's long sword, but still cut his cuffs.

After Liu Li saw Feng Tian dodge, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. After all, with this Sword Technique, Liu Li got a spot as a regular member of the Xuan Bing Academy. Unexpectedly, she failed on Feng Tian's side.

But then, Feng Tian's actions forced Liu Li to take it seriously.

Just now, after Feng Tian made a semicircle in the air, he suddenly squatted down. The dagger was quickly passed from his right hand to his left hand. The wind shadow step under his feet passed Liu Li sideways. The sharp dagger in his hand swiped across Liu Li's left leg. .

Before Liu Li could react from the pain just now, a cold dagger was pressed against the back of her neck.

"I...I give up."

The defeat was decided, and Liu Li had to admit defeat. If Liu Li really didn't know him, Feng Tian, ​​a straight man, would probably really kill him with his hands and let Liu Li know what a real "straight man" meant.

"The fourth game is over, Modou Wuhan University has won."

Subsequently, the referee received the order from the referee.

On the Xuanbing Academy side, they saw that the referee was talking to the chief referee, and they had already guessed the final result.

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