Martial To Pieces

Chapter 122: Imperial Wuhan University Vs. Jinling Wuhan University (1)

"Based on the number of wins from Moduwu University and Xuanbing Academy, I declare that Moduwu Great Completion Skill Advance Grade."

"Congratulations to Modu Wu for his Great Completion and Advance Grade semi-finals."

Bang bang bang…………

All the spectators in the auditorium stood up, and the scene burst into deafening applause, congratulating each other for this wonderful game.

"Haha, we won, we are in the semi-finals of the Advance Grade." The Wudu University representative team was in a state of excitement.

This is the result of their joint efforts, and a sense of pride surges into my heart from the deepest part of my heart.


This is the Imperial Wuhan University representative team.

"It's indeed very strong. It's our turn in the next game. We have to show our own momentum." Wu Tian looked at the side of Wuhan University in the magical capital and said meaningfully.

"Don't worry, boss, if we appear this time, we will definitely defeat Jinling Wuhan University." At this time, Ximen Liu, another descendant of the aristocratic family standing next to Wuhan University, said with a smile.

However, he still couldn't hide the darkness in his eyes.

Sure enough, this look is either perverted or gay. (Author: This sentence was said by the protagonist, not me.

Lin Xing:…………You silly old man…)


"This afternoon, the teams competing are Imperial Wuhan University vs. Jinling Wuhan University."

Bang bang bang......

"Haha, these are all materials. If you post them all online, wouldn't it attract a lot of attention?" A young man wearing a peaked cap and holding a camera couldn't help but watch the battle video in his camera. He laughed, as if he had seen the scene where he had gained huge traffic.

Earn billions of dollars in wealth and reach the pinnacle of life.

Just like today, a video of the battle between Wudu University and Xuanbing Academy was circulated on the Internet.

Among them was a clip of Lei Ba bullying a little girl. Many netizens commented that Lei Ba did not know how to show mercy to women, which successfully made Lei Ba one of the recognized straight men.

However, Lei Ba, who is at the center of the Internet storm, does not know his current "status" in the Internet.

Needless to say, news like "Moduwu Great Completion Advance Grade semi-finals" will appear on the headlines this afternoon or tomorrow.

Yan Xueer has woken up from a coma, her body is not seriously injured, and she can recover with a little rest.

During this period, Lin Xing and others also visited Yan Xueer, and instructor Zhou Shi also left a large amount of recovery potions.


Ouch oh oh oh......

The participating team members have not yet arrived, and the audience is already in a state of excitement.

"The game is about to begin, Imperial Wuhan University vs. Jinling Wuhan University."

"Contestants please be prepared."

The players from both sides slowly walked onto the ring, cupped fist and said shaking hands.

"Imperial Martial Arts University - Han Feng."

"Jinling Wuhan University——Wang Hao."

"Please enlighten me."

"Boy, why don't you just get out of here, or what if I accidentally beat you to death." Han Feng said arrogantly.

"'s not certain who will be killed." Wang Hao looked at Han Feng with disdain in his eyes and said sarcastically.

"Hahaha..., okay, okay, please don't kneel down and beg for mercy later." Han Feng said angrily when he saw Wang Hao contradicting him like this.

"Let's see what we can do."

As Wang Hao finished speaking, Han Feng's figure became as fast as an English black panther.


Wang Hao made a cold sound, and then greeted Han Feng with the sword in his hand.

"The Twelve Swords of Qingfeng"

Wang Hao struck out seven sword auras in succession.

"Boom boom......"

"Kang Kang..."

“Sword Technique”

The long sword in Han Feng's hand also displayed eight Sword Qi in succession.

After the Sword Qi and Sword Qi collided with each other, a roaring sound was produced, echoing around.

The last Sword Qi missed Wang Hao. If Wang Hao hadn't dodged it quickly enough, he would have been hit in the shoulder.

"Kang Kang..."

"Haha, what are you hiding from? Wasn't it very arrogant just now?" Han Feng said sarcastically, with a gloomy smile on his face.


Wang Hao snorted coldly and did not speak.

Swish swish......

Several more sword qi strikes came out in succession.

"The Twelve Swords of Qingfeng"

After unleashing the sword energy, Wang Hao followed closely.

"Sword Technique."

"Nine Shadow Steps."

"Boom boom......"

"Kang Kang..."

"Heart-Destroying Palm"

During the fight with Wang Hao, Han Feng raised a slight evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and then turned his left hand into a palm and hit Wang Yan's chest hard.

"Pfft...cough cough cough..."

Wang Yan's body quickly fell back and he vomited blood.

"Despicable and shameless, you acted like a villain, and you made a sneak attack." Wang Hao angrily scolded Han Feng.

"Haha, what? It's because I'm not strong enough, and I blame others for sneak attacks. I'm just not as good as others." Han Feng glanced lightly, wiped his left hand on his body, and said with an indifferent expression.

"Wang Hao..." Everyone at Jinling Wuhan University was very worried after seeing Wang Hao injured.

"The Twelve Swords of Qingfeng"

Wang Hao did not speak, but instead attacked Han Feng.

"Haha, good time."

"Kang Kang..."

After receiving the lesson just now, Wang Hao obviously took it a step further.

"Wind and Cloud Legs"

Wang Hao's kicks quickly kicked towards Han Feng, carrying the wind.

"Bang bang..."

After being kicked twice in succession, Han Feng quickly retreated.

Wang Hao naturally couldn't give up on this result and hurriedly pursued him.

After Han Feng saw it, a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"No, it's going to be bad." The instructor of Jinling Wuhan University felt nervous after seeing it.

Han Feng was seen walking sideways to avoid Wang Hao's windy legs.

Then, he turned his palm into a claw and grabbed Wang Hao's right leg with his left hand.

"Golden Eagle Claw"


There was only a sound of bone cracking, followed by Wang Hao's painful wail.

Then, the long sword in Han Feng's hand stabbed Wang Hao's chest fiercely.

"We surrender." The team leader of Jinling Wuhan University shouted loudly after seeing it.

Then, the referee who was standing nearby quickly took action and created a barrier to separate Han Feng and Wang Hao.

"Haha, you're lucky." Han Feng sneered and walked off the stage.

Afterwards, everyone from Jinling Wu District hurriedly carried Wang Hao onto a stretcher together with the medical staff.

Seeing the injury on Wang Hao's leg, everyone at Jinling Martial Arts University had angry looks on their faces.

"The first game is over, Imperial Martial Arts University has won."

Bang bang bang......

The applause from the audience was not as lively as before. Perhaps they were shocked by the bloody battle just now.

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