Martial To Pieces

Chapter 123: Imperial Wuhan University Vs. Jinling Wuhan University (2)

However, every time I see it, the audience in the auditorium will feel a little uncomfortable.

On the Jinling Wuhan University representative team, the team members' eyes were full of anger. They felt angry in their hearts when they saw Wang Hao being carried away by the medical staff.

At the highest level of the entire competition hall, a group of people were sitting.

"Haha, Lao Huo, your Imperial Capital Wu Dao is still so popular." Su Lie glanced at the old man next to him and Yin & Yang said angrily.

"Junior, it's normal to be a little angry." Huoshu didn't take it seriously. After all, in his opinion, there is no Practitioner who doesn't see blood.


A snorting voice sounded.

Xuan Guan snorted coldly. After all, Xuan Guan is the vice-president of Xuan Bing Academy. He naturally has no good temper when seeing his students like this.


"The second game is about to begin, all players, please be ready."

"Imperial Capital Wuhan University - Water Conservancy."

"Jinling Wuhan University - Liaocheng."

"Please enlighten me."

Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Tap

Liaocheng is coming quickly. Now there are two tasks in Liaocheng. The first task is to defeat the opponent on the opposite side, and the second task is to help Wang Hao take revenge.

"Kang Kang..."

One sword after another collided with each other, and both sides used their full strength.

"Damn it, have you taken any gun medicine?" Shuili couldn't help but cursed secretly.

But he still didn't dare to relax even a little bit with the long sword in his hand.

The two of them are equally powerful. If they relax even a little bit, the other party will seize the opportunity.

"Kang Kang..."

Liaocheng slashed with two swords again.

"Broken Star Saber Technique"

The sword in Liaocheng's hand was covered with a layer of golden Spiritual Qi.

“Bishui Sword Technique”

Naturally, water conservancy cannot be extended, and the long sword in his hand is also covered with a layer of ice-blue Spiritual Qi.

"Boom boom..."

"Kang Kang..."

After colliding with each other, the two took three steps back at the same time to stabilize their bodies.

"Fire Fist" Liaocheng's left hand becomes a fist, covered with Spiritual Qi.

"Boom Fist"

Water conservancy works in the same way.

"Boom boom......"

"Bang bang..."


With a flash of cold light, the two of them used their weapons at the same time to attack each other.

"Kang Kang..."

"Heavy kick" Liaocheng's steps were like a bow, kicking out instantly.



He only heard Shuili scream in pain, and his right leg was kicked off by Liaocheng.

"Broken Star Saber Technique"

Tear and pull......

Liaocheng did not intend to stop there. The sword in his hand was slashed away. Coupled with the pain caused by the water conservancy in his legs, he did not have much strength to resist again.

"Ding Dong......"

With just one encounter, the long sword in Shuili's hand was knocked away.

Then Shuili Zhenxing quickly retreated, but still, the sword in Liaocheng's hand left a deep mark on his chest.

"I surrender."

Shuili quickly gave up, fearing that Liaocheng would rush towards him again in the next second. At that time, he would not even have a chance to know him.

"Trash, so many resources have been wasted." Xiao Zi cursed inwardly as he looked at Shuili who had given up on the stage.

It was naturally impossible for Xiao Zizai to openly insult Shuili. After all, although the Shui family was not an Apex Level family in the imperial capital, they could still be ranked high, and Xiao Zizai could not afford to offend him.

"Haha, okay, okay, he's a genius from our Xuanbing Academy." Xuan Guan burst out laughing after seeing the result, with a happy look on his face.

This time it was Huoshu's turn to look gloomy.

"The second game is over, Jinling Wuhan University wins."

"Alas..." Liaocheng sighed and shook his head in disappointment, as if he felt sorry for his behavior just now.

Just a little bit, the water conservancy project would be killed on the spot.

Shuili was carried on a stretcher, and her heart relaxed after she was carrying it.

Because Shuili really felt a murderous intention from Liaocheng's eyes. If he hadn't just admitted defeat, he would have been taken directly to the crematorium.

This is the Jinling Wuhan University representative team.

"Haha, Lao Chat, ok, I've avenged Lao Wang."

"That's necessary. Lao Wang is still lying in bed now. If I don't avenge him, I can't swallow this breath." Liaocheng felt very angry when he thought that Wang Hao was still lying in the hospital.

The Imperial Martial Arts University also had a gloomy look on their faces. Although they usually looked down upon each other, they were still teammates after all.

"Since a bunch of little bastards still dare to jump around, wait for a while, and you must teach them a lesson." Jiuyuan said with a very arrogant look.

"That's right, even though Shuili is a bit annoying, he is still our teammate after all." Ximen Liu said softly from the side.

"Well... don't go too far." Wu Tian was not the kind of person who cares about interests, but he also didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately or bully the weak, so he reminded him.

"Don't worry, Boss Wu, we all have a sense of propriety." Ximen Liu said from the side.


"The third game is about to begin, all players, please be ready."

"Hey, it's my turn." Ximen Liu chuckled and strode towards the ring.

"Imperial Capital Martial Arts University—Ximen Liu."

"Jinling Wuhan University - Liuta."

"Please enlighten me."


A black spear came out of Liu Ta's hand and flew straight towards Ximen Liu, but Liu Ta followed closely behind.


Ximen Liu struck with his sword and knocked away the spear flying towards him.

Liu Ta, who was following closely behind, grabbed the spear with his right hand and held it tightly.

"Nine Black Scale Spears"

"Kang Kang..."

"Interesting, haha, in that case, let me see the real deal." After Ximen Liu felt a little pressure, he was not surprised but happy.

"Nine Deadly Knives"

"Kang Kang..."

Three consecutive high-explosive knives burst out, simultaneously striking the same place where the spear in Liuta's hand was.

Its high burst of Spirit Power made Liuta take two steps back before he could stabilize his figure.

"Haha, come again..." Ximen Liu laughed and followed closely.


The spear in the willow tower, like a hovering black dragon, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and collided with the sword in Ximen Liu's hand, creating dazzling sparks.

"Kang Kang..."

"Nine Black Scale Spears"

Liu Ta was seen crouching down, with a spear in his hand, surrounding his body and shooting out from his back, covered with thick Spiritual Qi.

"Kang bang bang..." They collide with each other and produce a lot of smoke.


Ximen Liu rushed out of the smoke and rushed towards Liuta with excitement on his face.

After seeing this, the other members of the Imperial Martial Arts University team showed a wry smile on their lips.

They knew that Ximen Liu was a fighting maniac.

"Explosive knife style"

"Bang bang..."

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